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Low Opinion of Teachers?

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Time for Baby #2!

Member since 8/10

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Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?

I'm just going to try to respond to the original post instead of all the back and forth that has since occurred.

I didn't know that a low opinion of teachers was a common thing here. Where I'm from, teaching is a respected profession and there really isn't much controversy surrounding teachers' salaries etc. like we see here. That said, if I had to wager a guess I would say that since many teachers (those who teach in public schools) get paid through taxpayer dollars, they are subject to higher scrutiny from the public than private sector workers and therefore there is much more attention to the few bad apples that spoil the bunch and that sort of thing. Teaching is a job, and a choice, like any other. There are people who are exceptional at it and people who suck at it, there are perks and downfalls. But, public school teachers are responsible for providing a service (education) to a HUGE population, and are publicly funded, and so it makes sense that more attention is paid to the flaws of teachers/teaching.

Posted 8/4/12 8:12 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

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Low Opinion of Teachers?

Ugh, this post is just frustrating. Instead of saying why we chose our jobs and stay with our jobs, many are trying to show why their job is worse! Here's my opinion:

We all chose our jobs. Hopefully, we like doing the job that we have at this point not because of the money or benefits, but just because of the job itself, regardless of what it is. There are ups and downs to every job. If someone is unhappy in their job and think there are better ones out there, then go for it and get that job! Most people work hard in whatever job they have, so be proud of your work ethic and what you do and then there will be no need to put other jobs down.

Posted 8/4/12 8:13 PM

-Crossfit & pitbull addict

Member since 7/06

2830 total posts


Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?

Posted by Katareen

Posted by lilqtny

I shouldn't have looked because it just makes me sick, but I did so now I want to respond.

Some LI teachers make great money, no denying it, however there are plenty of districts where teachers aren't.

You can look at teachers salary schedules and quality of education before purchasing a home.

Next, for all of us that work in NYC......look at our salary schedule. It's not even close to LI salaries (not even the bad ones) AND we don't get raises for +15 or +60 credits. We get one salary increase for credits at +30 credits. Then we can go on to get as many degrees as we want with NO compensation. Oh but we do have to have 150 hours of PD time logged in every 3 years in order to stay certified to teach. That is mostly on our own dime. So the classes we take, at nights or on weekends, to get those hours do nothing for our salaries and yet they cost US money.

We do pay into our benefits and will likely be paying in more shortly. We are also basically penalized for having babies because the way they work maternity leave is a joke.

A CPA also has to earn CPE credits on their own dime in order to stay certified. This again, is something that is known as part of the job.

And with all due respect, I think teachers have great maternity benefits (by USA standards). Can't your job be held for 4 years? Granted you lose seniority, but no other job even gives you that option. If I took one day over FMLA I'd be terminated.

I don't believe it is 4 years in NYC. I agree that is amazing but for those of us that could never dream of taking a moment more than we must, maternity sucks. You must use all of your sick and personal days before they will allow you to use your FMLA. If I stayed on the job until my water broke, they'd still make me use my sick and personal days first. This isn't fair because when you come back you have no sick days to use. Newborns/babies get sick all of the time.

In the past 5 years I have only been absent about 10 times. For the past 3 years I have been absent 1 day each year . My first two years were filled with sicknessess from being around sick kids (many NYC kids in poor communities come to school ill because their parents cant afford to take off).

Now, if I had a baby (which I do NOT plan on doing) I wouldn't be able to take a sick day if my child got ill. I go to school sick, I go to school with dental pain, I go to school the day after running a marathon, I don't abuse the sick days and to me it is so unfair that if I wanted to have kids that is how my maternity would work.

Posted 8/4/12 8:13 PM

I am an amazing bakist

Member since 5/05

13673 total posts


Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?

I think people have a low opinion of teachers because there are a lot teachers who complain about their jobs...and because there are misconceptions about what it means to be a teacher. Teachers are thought to have a sweet deal - great vacations and summers off and shorter hours - and many seem not to appreciate it all of the time.

I am a teacher...and I know I have a great job, and I fully appreciate it! I was lucky to get a job in a great district on Long Island and I make good money, have amazing students, and am, for the most part, respected at work. I love most aspects of my job, but there are minor things I don't love. Just like any other job. But I do make a HUGE effort to not complain about my job...because I know how teachers are perceived...and I don't want to add to that.

(I also didn't read all of the comments on this thread because it usually makes me angry to hear people say bad things about's actually the reason I won't subscribe to Newsday Chat Icon )

Posted 8/4/12 8:14 PM

-Crossfit & pitbull addict

Member since 7/06

2830 total posts


Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?

Also, I know many careers have to get continuing educaiton credits, I was just saying that not ALL teachers get a bigger salary for taking them.

Posted 8/4/12 8:14 PM

Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07

9764 total posts


Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?

Posted by Kidsaplenty

Posted by JennP

Posted by MommaG

Also, for those who complain about having to obtain additional college credits and degrees - teaching is also the only profession that I know of that actually gives you a raise and/or bonus when you complete credits (my friend's wife was a teacher who told me this - not sure if it's the same in all districts). Many in the private sector need to obtain college credits or a designation in their field and they get paid bupkus as a reward. They do it to stay competitive in their field and it should be no different with teaching.

But what you are missing here is that other than the small step increase that we get for years in the system is that that is THE way we get increases. It's in place of the concept of a merit increase.

In corporate you can get raises for whatever reason - you get promoted, you are valuable to your boss, etc. I once got a 10k raise at my old job, for a few reasons. To get that raise I didn't HAVE to take classes.

I would NEVER see that in teaching, but I am fine with that.

My point is don't point out a random benefit and exclude the flip side to it.

My husband's employers hadn't given cost of living raises in a few years. Many people in the private sector do not get overtime, pay a great deal toward their benefits and health care, and regularly have to go above and beyonnd within thewir position. They are also subject to being fired at anytime, and most likely make less that the average LI teacher. I think the issue with people having a problem with teachers is their inability to admit the cuushiness of their position and claims that they are underpaid. Nearly every teacher my children have had make more than 100k per year (per seethroughny). If that is underpaid, then the majority of LI households must be getting robbed, since that one teacher's salry is tens of thousands more than the average LI HHI.

1. many districts are not getting raises. I think in the past three years I have made about 1,500 dollar raise. As of this contract coming up.. no raise is on the table. Cost of living AND the levels you achieve by length of service coupled with extra credits (which by the way they are getting more strict with what they approve). Meaning that someone like me who is coming up on 9 years and has take THOUSANDS of dollars in CUE's (most of the hours are also REQUIRED for SLP) will not get that raise for several years. Sounds just like corp america to me.

2. I have always paid into my health benifits. It amounts to a lot, it was raised in our last contract and will be raised again.

3. I go above and beyond all the time.

4. almost 9 years in and I don't make anything close to 100K and I don't even have the ability to. And I work for one of the top 2 highest paid districts on LI. And the largest. With the nature of my district, there are no clubs or sports.. so no extra money. My husband is 5 years at his company and makes more than me.

5. And even though I am tenured and I have a lot years in.. I am on the chopping block this year.

I don't think we say that we hate our jobs but, would you like it everyone said you had a "cushy" job and were "overpaid". It's downright insulting. No one is trying to say.. I have the worst and harderst job in the entire world. We are saying.. back off! Our job is difficult and we work hard. Stop commenting on what you think you know about our jobs and stop trying to play the "my life is so much harder game". The type of people who put others down like that are usually unhappy in their own life. Not saying you are but, I am really sick of people putting teachers down. I am not even a teacher (and SLP) but, in a school I am considered a teacher as far as contracts, salary and seniority/tenure goes.

Posted 8/4/12 8:23 PM

Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07

9764 total posts


Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?

Posted by lilqtny

Posted by Katareen

Posted by lilqtny

I shouldn't have looked because it just makes me sick, but I did so now I want to respond.

Some LI teachers make great money, no denying it, however there are plenty of districts where teachers aren't.

You can look at teachers salary schedules and quality of education before purchasing a home.

Next, for all of us that work in NYC......look at our salary schedule. It's not even close to LI salaries (not even the bad ones) AND we don't get raises for +15 or +60 credits. We get one salary increase for credits at +30 credits. Then we can go on to get as many degrees as we want with NO compensation. Oh but we do have to have 150 hours of PD time logged in every 3 years in order to stay certified to teach. That is mostly on our own dime. So the classes we take, at nights or on weekends, to get those hours do nothing for our salaries and yet they cost US money.

We do pay into our benefits and will likely be paying in more shortly. We are also basically penalized for having babies because the way they work maternity leave is a joke.

A CPA also has to earn CPE credits on their own dime in order to stay certified. This again, is something that is known as part of the job.

And with all due respect, I think teachers have great maternity benefits (by USA standards). Can't your job be held for 4 years? Granted you lose seniority, but no other job even gives you that option. If I took one day over FMLA I'd be terminated.

I don't believe it is 4 years in NYC. I agree that is amazing but for those of us that could never dream of taking a moment more than we must, maternity sucks. You must use all of your sick and personal days before they will allow you to use your FMLA. If I stayed on the job until my water broke, they'd still make me use my sick and personal days first. This isn't fair because when you come back you have no sick days to use. Newborns/babies get sick all of the time.

In the past 5 years I have only been absent about 10 times. For the past 3 years I have been absent 1 day each year . My first two years were filled with sicknessess from being around sick kids (many NYC kids in poor communities come to school ill because their parents cant afford to take off).

Now, if I had a baby (which I do NOT plan on doing) I wouldn't be able to take a sick day if my child got ill. I go to school sick, I go to school with dental pain, I go to school the day after running a marathon, I don't abuse the sick days and to me it is so unfair that if I wanted to have kids that is how my maternity would work.

Yes! It's two years. Not four. It's great, don't get me wrong. But, other than depleting alllllll of your sick days it's totally unpaid. Many people that I know in the corp world get some sort of pay on maternity leave. I was on bedrest and used up my sick days. I had to come back early because I couldn't afford to be without my pay. So I came back with zero sick days.

ETA: I LOVE my job. I don't want anyone to misunderstand that. I just don't like being told that my teacher friends and I have a cushy, overpaid job. It is just rude, mean, insulting and UNTRUE.

Message edited 8/4/2012 8:40:20 PM.

Posted 8/4/12 8:26 PM

5,000 Posts!

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Low Opinion of Teachers?

I think most jobs make you use all sick/vaca time before FMLA kicks in. At least mine I don't think it's that rare. And I do think despite that, having your job held for 2-4 yrs (whatever it may be) is a great perk.

But I get that's not the point of the post--just my own jealousy!

Posted 8/4/12 8:51 PM

Live Laugh Love Run

Member since 6/07

4922 total posts


Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?

Posted by Palebride

I think people have a low opinion of teachers because there are a lot teachers who complain about their jobs...and because there are misconceptions about what it means to be a teacher. Teachers are thought to have a sweet deal - great vacations and summers off and shorter hours - and many seem not to appreciate it all of the time.

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Posted 8/4/12 8:54 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

3986 total posts


Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?

Posted by sfp0701

Posted by Kidsaplenty

Posted by JennP

Posted by MommaG

Also, for those who complain about having to obtain additional college credits and degrees - teaching is also the only profession that I know of that actually gives you a raise and/or bonus when you complete credits (my friend's wife was a teacher who told me this - not sure if it's the same in all districts). Many in the private sector need to obtain college credits or a designation in their field and they get paid bupkus as a reward. They do it to stay competitive in their field and it should be no different with teaching.

But what you are missing here is that other than the small step increase that we get for years in the system is that that is THE way we get increases. It's in place of the concept of a merit increase.

In corporate you can get raises for whatever reason - you get promoted, you are valuable to your boss, etc. I once got a 10k raise at my old job, for a few reasons. To get that raise I didn't HAVE to take classes.

I would NEVER see that in teaching, but I am fine with that.

My point is don't point out a random benefit and exclude the flip side to it.

My husband's employers hadn't given cost of living raises in a few years. Many people in the private sector do not get overtime, pay a great deal toward their benefits and health care, and regularly have to go above and beyonnd within thewir position. They are also subject to being fired at anytime, and most likely make less that the average LI teacher. I think the issue with people having a problem with teachers is their inability to admit the cuushiness of their position and claims that they are underpaid. Nearly every teacher my children have had make more than 100k per year (per seethroughny). If that is underpaid, then the majority of LI households must be getting robbed, since that one teacher's salry is tens of thousands more than the average LI HHI.

1. many districts are not getting raises. I think in the past three years I have made about 1,500 dollar raise. As of this contract coming up.. no raise is on the table. Cost of living AND the levels you achieve by length of service coupled with extra credits (which by the way they are getting more strict with what they approve). Meaning that someone like me who is coming up on 9 years and has take THOUSANDS of dollars in CUE's (most of the hours are also REQUIRED for SLP) will not get that raise for several years. Sounds just like corp america to me.

2. I have always paid into my health benifits. It amounts to a lot, it was raised in our last contract and will be raised again.

3. I go above and beyond all the time.

4. almost 9 years in and I don't make anything close to 100K and I don't even have the ability to. And I work for one of the top 2 highest paid districts on LI. And the largest. With the nature of my district, there are no clubs or sports.. so no extra money. My husband is 5 years at his company and makes more than me.

5. And even though I am tenured and I have a lot years in.. I am on the chopping block this year.

I don't think we say that we hate our jobs but, would you like it everyone said you had a "cushy" job and were "overpaid". It's downright insulting. No one is trying to say.. I have the worst and harderst job in the entire world. We are saying.. back off! Our job is difficult and we work hard. Stop commenting on what you think you know about our jobs and stop trying to play the "my life is so much harder game". The type of people who put others down like that are usually unhappy in their own life. Not saying you are but, I am really sick of people putting teachers down. I am not even a teacher (and SLP) but, in a school I am considered a teacher as far as contracts, salary and seniority/tenure goes.

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Posted 8/4/12 9:09 PM

2 girls 4 me!

Member since 8/08

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Mama mama mama....

Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?

I thought we were keeping this thread respectful?

Most jobs are hard. Most of us work hard, no matter what we do. There are definite perks and drawbacks to whatever path we choose. There are crappy people and some that are truly gifted in all of our fields. Can we all agree with that?

Yes, educators have perks. The amount of time your job is held for you varies by district. I'm taking an extended maternity leave right now (NYC Dept of Ed). Yes, there's a post-it on my file that's holding my job... but I haven't been paid since Jan '11, because that's when my sick days ran out. I guess that counts as a "good" maternity leave policy... if you can afford to take unpaid time off. Most LI families (at least, the ones I know) can't.

My MIL is an RN. She works 3 days a week. She can get a job anywhere she goes countrywide. Right now she works on a cardiac floor, but if she wants to move to a different specialty, all she has to do is fill out an application. I'd consider all these things to be perks of her field. Should all of us working 5-day weeks bash nurses for working 3? For having job security and flexibility? Of course not. We can pick our field, and we accept that with perks come incredible responsibilities.

Message edited 8/4/2012 9:19:57 PM.

Posted 8/4/12 9:12 PM

Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07

9764 total posts


Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?

Posted by Katareen

I think most jobs make you use all sick/vaca time before FMLA kicks in. At least mine I don't think it's that rare. And I do think despite that, having your job held for 2-4 yrs (whatever it may be) is a great perk.

But I get that's not the point of the post--just my own jealousy!

You are right. It is a perk. A nice one.

However, jobs all have perks. Or many of them do. My DH gets to go to places to eat that I wouldn't dream of ever being able to afford. On the company dime. People travel all over the world and many turn it into a vacay with thier family and bring them along. My Dh's job has a free happy hour in the company every friday. He has worked in places that have free hot drink and breakfast. His current company has pool and foozeball (sp?) tables and a media room with all of the latest gadgets they can play with. They have company sponsered Christmas parties for the kids. Do some research on Google's employees. DH has been there and it's nuts! Some jobs get paid maternity leave and some get food paid for. heck most companies have AC.

I don't see anyone bashing him them. Lots of jobs have perks. We don't have the ability to have these perks because we are on the taxpayer dime. Not complaining at all. But, It's not like the rest of the country is out digging trenches in 110 degree heat, with no food, working 75 hours a week for 5$ an hour.

I don't even know why I am responding to this thread any longer. It's getting me all upset and it's too freaking hot in my house!!Chat Icon

Message edited 8/4/2012 9:21:26 PM.

Posted 8/4/12 9:21 PM

-Crossfit & pitbull addict

Member since 7/06

2830 total posts


Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?

Posted by Katareen

I think most jobs make you use all sick/vaca time before FMLA kicks in. At least mine I don't think it's that rare. And I do think despite that, having your job held for 2-4 yrs (whatever it may be) is a great perk.

But I get that's not the point of the post--just my own jealousy!

I am sorry that somebody else said you were jealous, but it wasn't me. I did agree that having your job held for so long is great if you are in fact able to do that. I do not know many people who can take that long in any profession. IMO if you can take four years off you probably wouldn't be working to begin with or at least I guess I wouldn't have been.

On a side note, I love every single stressful moment of teaching. I wouldn't do any other job regardless of the hours, pay, benefits, etc.

Everybody's kids become my kids during the school year. I cry at that hardships and their successes. It kills me when they leave (I teach 8th grade) to go to high school even though I am amazingly proud of them.

It's a great job. I just wish people who are mean to us would stop.

Posted 8/4/12 9:35 PM

I love my baby girls!

Member since 12/06

2441 total posts


Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?

Posted by JennP

Posted by sfp0701

Posted by Kidsaplenty

Posted by JennP

Posted by MommaG

Also, for those who complain about having to obtain additional college credits and degrees - teaching is also the only profession that I know of that actually gives you a raise and/or bonus when you complete credits (my friend's wife was a teacher who told me this - not sure if it's the same in all districts). Many in the private sector need to obtain college credits or a designation in their field and they get paid bupkus as a reward. They do it to stay competitive in their field and it should be no different with teaching.

But what you are missing here is that other than the small step increase that we get for years in the system is that that is THE way we get increases. It's in place of the concept of a merit increase.

In corporate you can get raises for whatever reason - you get promoted, you are valuable to your boss, etc. I once got a 10k raise at my old job, for a few reasons. To get that raise I didn't HAVE to take classes.

I would NEVER see that in teaching, but I am fine with that.

My point is don't point out a random benefit and exclude the flip side to it.

My husband's employers hadn't given cost of living raises in a few years. Many people in the private sector do not get overtime, pay a great deal toward their benefits and health care, and regularly have to go above and beyonnd within thewir position. They are also subject to being fired at anytime, and most likely make less that the average LI teacher. I think the issue with people having a problem with teachers is their inability to admit the cuushiness of their position and claims that they are underpaid. Nearly every teacher my children have had make more than 100k per year (per seethroughny). If that is underpaid, then the majority of LI households must be getting robbed, since that one teacher's salry is tens of thousands more than the average LI HHI.

1. many districts are not getting raises. I think in the past three years I have made about 1,500 dollar raise. As of this contract coming up.. no raise is on the table. Cost of living AND the levels you achieve by length of service coupled with extra credits (which by the way they are getting more strict with what they approve). Meaning that someone like me who is coming up on 9 years and has take THOUSANDS of dollars in CUE's (most of the hours are also REQUIRED for SLP) will not get that raise for several years. Sounds just like corp america to me.

2. I have always paid into my health benifits. It amounts to a lot, it was raised in our last contract and will be raised again.

3. I go above and beyond all the time.

4. almost 9 years in and I don't make anything close to 100K and I don't even have the ability to. And I work for one of the top 2 highest paid districts on LI. And the largest. With the nature of my district, there are no clubs or sports.. so no extra money. My husband is 5 years at his company and makes more than me.

5. And even though I am tenured and I have a lot years in.. I am on the chopping block this year.

I don't think we say that we hate our jobs but, would you like it everyone said you had a "cushy" job and were "overpaid". It's downright insulting. No one is trying to say.. I have the worst and harderst job in the entire world. We are saying.. back off! Our job is difficult and we work hard. Stop commenting on what you think you know about our jobs and stop trying to play the "my life is so much harder game". The type of people who put others down like that are usually unhappy in their own life. Not saying you are but, I am really sick of people putting teachers down. I am not even a teacher (and SLP) but, in a school I am considered a teacher as far as contracts, salary and seniority/tenure goes.

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Thank you! I am in total agreement! I am so sick of this same argument. Let's just say there are pros and cons of every job. If everyone is so knowledgeable about the perks of teachers' jobs and are so jealous about them, why didn't they become teachers themselves? Oh, because maybe getting up and performing all day, every day is hard? And maybe, perparing numerous lessons a day for students of varying abilities in an effort to teach, entertain, and nurture is hard? And maybe grading sometimes 100 or more tests/ essays every two weeks, in addition to homework, classwork is hard? Oh, and to now throw in getting observed and now evaluated based on how well your students do is hard? I didn't even mention spending a good portion of every day disciplining kids that aren't yours, dealing with some terribly sad home lives of students, doing a ton of continuing education every year, and then supporting students in their extra curricular activities and events. It is a lot! Also, like someone said earlier-- we don't get paid a lot, and we may not work in the summer, but we don't get paid in the summer. So come off it already, and realize that you are in your job because you are good at it and it is what you wanted to do, and we are in our jobs for the same reason. Teaching isn't for everyone and that goes the same for all jobs!

Posted 8/4/12 9:53 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

3986 total posts


Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?

Posted by nrthshgrl

Ok so to answer the question, what contributes to the low opinion of teachers, this thread is a perfect example.

The fact is there are many people with low opinons of teachers. We (non-teachers) tried to give you reasons why that may be.
It's that the public has to address contract issues & budget increases, while teachers continue to have:
(1) good benefits
(2) working 180 days a year
(3) job security

whereas most of the non-teaching public don't have those. So we think they have it pretty good. l

To me, this doesn't answer the question, because I don't see a connection between "having it pretty good" and low opinion.

Even if you think we have it "pretty good," how does that lead to or justify a low opinion?

Others have said it before me, but I only hear teachers state the negatives of their jobs after others point out the positives in a one sided manner.

This is not directed at you in particular, Barb, but if people don't want to hear us complain, don't put us on the defensive.

Also - and this is just in general, not in response to anything here - I don't buy the "we pay teacher's salaries so we can scrutinize your benefits" argument. I spend my money on many, many things. With all the money I pay in interest to my mortgage holder, I am sure I contribute to many peoples' salaries. I don't complain about the perks people have over at Chase. I pay a lot of money for day care, even part time. I don't worry about what they get paid, or what perks they have.

Leave us alone and we'll leave everyone else alone.

Posted 8/4/12 10:41 PM

You are my I love you

Member since 7/09

18802 total posts


Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?

Posted by Palebride

I am a teacher...and I know I have a great job, and I fully appreciate it! I was lucky to get a job in a great district on Long Island and I make good money, have amazing students, and am, for the most part, respected at work. I love most aspects of my job, but there are minor things I don't love. Just like any other job. But I do make a HUGE effort to not complain about my job...because I know how teachers are perceived...and I don't want to add to that.

I agree with this 100%, except I am a NYC educator Chat Icon

I LOVE what I do.

I DO feel I have it good.

I hate people bashing teachers for things that are, for the most part, completely out of our control. It is a bureaucracy, MOST educators have the best interest of the children, YOUR children, as their motivation to get to work everyday. It is a shame that more parents don't see that.

Posted 8/5/12 12:28 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1041 total posts


Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?

It makes me so furious when people complain about salaries of teacher, nurses, police and firemen/women..All of these professions are helping people in society and are making low salaries compared to business people..but nobody ever complains about vice-presidents of companies making a fortune..As other people said there are good and bad people in ever profession..but unless you stepped into a classroom, NOBODY should be judging teachers!!! I was a teacher so I know how difficult and draining job it can be...but also very rewarding..

Posted 8/5/12 6:28 AM


Member since 4/09

3287 total posts


Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?

Posted by kristen92450

It makes me so furious when people complain about salaries of teacher, nurses, police and firemen/women..All of these professions are helping people in society and are making low salaries compared to business people..but nobody ever complains about vice-presidents of companies making a fortune..As other people said there are good and bad people in ever profession..but unless you stepped into a classroom, NOBODY should be judging teachers!!! I was a teacher so I know how difficult and draining job it can be...but also very rewarding..

I just want to make this one comment -

It makes me crazy when people compare VP and wall street salaries to these professions. VP and wall street big wigs have nothing to do with what most normal business people earn. To make the comparison as you did above, you need to compare Principals, Police Chiefs, Directors in Hospitals who oversee many nurses, etc. And to be fair, there are lots of people who complain about VP salaries (occupy wall street protests, although a bad example, is one).

The rank and file in the business world is much more equivalent to the other professional jobs (nurses, teachers, etc.) and are not paid anywhere near VP's, etc..

PS - I think highly of GOOD teachers and wish there was a way to reward the hardworking and dedicated people in that profession more! I wish the current policies and practices didn't require for all teachers to be treated equally. It doesn't recognize or reward the majority of people who are doing a great job. Most of my friends who are teachers I know do a great job and I wish there were more opportunities for them to be rewarded.

Posted 8/5/12 7:03 AM

Very much in love!

Member since 6/10

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Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?

Posted by MommaG

Posted by MommaBear

I'm a teacher and I think it's because people are envious of our hours so take their jealousy out by bashing us. Oh well. I always tell them that they can go back to school to become a teacher at anytime. You CHOOSE your profession!

I for one am not jealous or envious - I have already stated that I had the opportunity to take that path and chose not to. As a taxpayer, I do not feel that I am getting my money's worth. The budget is high and maybe they are not putting the money in the right place, not to mention sending too much of our money to other areas of the state. I chose my district for a reason, and understood I would be paying more but I feel like I was duped. Being a teacher on LI has many, many perks and I get tired of hearing teachers complain how awful they have it. Again - they chose their profession and it comes with good and bad.

I work in the city and never complain. I LOVE my job! I think I'm in the best building in Queens with the absolute highest quality teachers around. When the numbers came out in the papers about our ratings, my overall rating was a 98%. I know I do a great job teaching my students on a daily basis, and I also am good where it "counts" Chat Icon - high stakes state tests.

Message edited 8/5/2012 7:13:03 AM.

Posted 8/5/12 7:09 AM

Very much in love!

Member since 6/10

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Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?

Posted by Katareen

Posted by MommaBear

I'm a teacher and I think it's because people are envious of our hours so take their jealousy out by bashing us. Oh well. I always tell them that they can go back to school to become a teacher at anytime. You CHOOSE your profession!

This is where I get confused--bc every other teacher is saying the hours are long and not to be envied Chat Icon

Which is it? It seems the argument changes based on the topic.

I guess I should have said people are jealous of what our hours look like and that we have summers off.

Posted 8/5/12 7:10 AM

Now a mom of 2!

Member since 6/07

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Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?

Posted by MommaBear

Posted by Katareen

Posted by MommaBear

I'm a teacher and I think it's because people are envious of our hours so take their jealousy out by bashing us. Oh well. I always tell them that they can go back to school to become a teacher at anytime. You CHOOSE your profession!

This is where I get confused--bc every other teacher is saying the hours are long and not to be envied Chat Icon

Which is it? It seems the argument changes based on the topic.

I guess I should have said people are jealous of what our hours look like and that we have summers off.

I don't know anyone who is jealous that I have to be at work at 7 AM. And yes, I have summers off, but I have to work through the weekends the other 10 months of the year. Again, my family and friends who know me are not particularly jealous of that.

But I'll leave it there because part of the reason people have a "low opinion of teachers" is that teachers tend to be more vocal with their complaints. My friends who are lawyers don't talk for 20 minutes at a time over dinner about the nonsense that took place in their office that day. Neither do my family members who work in an office or in retail. But my family/friends who are teachers? They can spend an entire evening complaining about the kids, the principal, the school building, etc. I don't know why we tend to vent more than other professionals, but we do. And I think negativity breeds negativity, and it contributes to people's "low opinion of teachers" rather than garner us the sympathy we're looking for.

Posted 8/5/12 8:19 AM

So in love with my little guys

Member since 1/07

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Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?


The constant complaining about the students, their superiors, their building, the take-home work, and on and on and on. With hardly ever a good positive thing to say about their jobs ... ever.

And the counting down of the days, hours and minutes until the next vacation. Starting from the first day back in September.

It's hard to think highly of those who are entrusted with molding future generations when many seem to loathe every moment of every day.

Of course this isn't the case for all teachers but sadly it is for many that I know.

Posted 8/5/12 9:07 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?

Posted by lilqtny

Posted by Katareen

Posted by lilqtny

I shouldn't have looked because it just makes me sick, but I did so now I want to respond.

Some LI teachers make great money, no denying it, however there are plenty of districts where teachers aren't.

You can look at teachers salary schedules and quality of education before purchasing a home.

Next, for all of us that work in NYC......look at our salary schedule. It's not even close to LI salaries (not even the bad ones) AND we don't get raises for +15 or +60 credits. We get one salary increase for credits at +30 credits. Then we can go on to get as many degrees as we want with NO compensation. Oh but we do have to have 150 hours of PD time logged in every 3 years in order to stay certified to teach. That is mostly on our own dime. So the classes we take, at nights or on weekends, to get those hours do nothing for our salaries and yet they cost US money.

We do pay into our benefits and will likely be paying in more shortly. We are also basically penalized for having babies because the way they work maternity leave is a joke.

A CPA also has to earn CPE credits on their own dime in order to stay certified. This again, is something that is known as part of the job.

And with all due respect, I think teachers have great maternity benefits (by USA standards). Can't your job be held for 4 years? Granted you lose seniority, but no other job even gives you that option. If I took one day over FMLA I'd be terminated.

I don't believe it is 4 years in NYC. I agree that is amazing but for those of us that could never dream of taking a moment more than we must, maternity sucks. You must use all of your sick and personal days before they will allow you to use your FMLA. If I stayed on the job until my water broke, they'd still make me use my sick and personal days first. This isn't fair because when you come back you have no sick days to use. Newborns/babies get sick all of the time.

In the past 5 years I have only been absent about 10 times. For the past 3 years I have been absent 1 day each year . My first two years were filled with sicknessess from being around sick kids (many NYC kids in poor communities come to school ill because their parents cant afford to take off).

Now, if I had a baby (which I do NOT plan on doing) I wouldn't be able to take a sick day if my child got ill. I go to school sick, I go to school with dental pain, I go to school the day after running a marathon, I don't abuse the sick days and to me it is so unfair that if I wanted to have kids that is how my maternity would work.

I just finished my 4th year of child care leave in NYC schools. I did not plan on returning though so I resigned at the end of this past school year.

Posted 8/5/12 9:13 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?

Posted by PreshusSmurf


The constant complaining about the students, their superiors, their building, the take-home work, and on and on and on. With hardly ever a good positive thing to say about their jobs ... ever.

And the counting down of the days, hours and minutes until the next vacation. Starting from the first day back in September.

It's hard to think highly of those who are entrusted with molding future generations when many seem to loathe every moment of every day.

Of course this isn't the case for all teachers but sadly it is for many that I know.

Who doesn't complain about their job? Who doesn't look forward to their vacation time? How is a teacher any different than anyone else who has a job and works? Are you really trying to tell me YOU never once complain about your line of work or anxiously await your next day off???

Everyone has their complaints about their profession, everyone looks forward to a day off BUUUUT that doesn't mean you "loathe every minute of every day" or that you hate your job.

The reality is, unless someone is a teacher and they KNOW firsthand what it is like to be in that profession than honestly, it's a little obnoxious to be passing ANY comments about a job you have NO firsthand experience in. Teaching is hard work, like many other jobs are hard work and it is frustrating when people insinuate that teachers are lazy, or don't care, or that we hardly work. It's nonsense and in 99% of the cases........could not be further from the truth.

Like in any job, there are those who are great at what they do and those who aren't. But here's the thing, I wouldn't go around "pretending" to know what it's like to be a lawyer or a doctor or ANY job out there and then pass judgment on a profession I know nothing about. It is ridiculous but yet for some reason, everyone has an opinion on teachers and they act like they know everything that goes into the job because "they were in school once". Instead of bashing teachers be thankful there are teachers because nobody would be anywhere in this world if it weren't for someone teaching them and helping them to achieve their own career dreams.........whatever they are.

Posted 8/5/12 9:28 AM

So in love with my little guys

Member since 1/07

2963 total posts


Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by PreshusSmurf


The constant complaining about the students, their superiors, their building, the take-home work, and on and on and on. With hardly ever a good positive thing to say about their jobs ... ever.

And the counting down of the days, hours and minutes until the next vacation. Starting from the first day back in September.

It's hard to think highly of those who are entrusted with molding future generations when many seem to loathe every moment of every day.

Of course this isn't the case for all teachers but sadly it is for many that I know.

Who doesn't complain about their job? Who doesn't look forward to their vacation time? How is a teacher any different than anyone else who has a job and works? Are you really trying to tell me YOU never once complain about your line of work or anxiously await your next day off???

Everyone has their complaints about their profession, everyone looks forward to a day off BUUUUT that doesn't mean you "loathe every minute of every day" or that you hate your job.

The reality is, unless someone is a teacher and they KNOW firsthand what it is like to be in that profession than honestly, it's a little obnoxious to be passing ANY comments about a job you have NO firsthand experience in. Teaching is hard work, like many other jobs are hard work and it is frustrating when people insinuate that teachers are lazy, or don't care, or that we hardly work. It's nonsense and in 99% of the cases........could not be further from the truth.

Like in any job, there are those who are great at what they do and those who aren't. But here's the thing, I wouldn't go around "pretending" to know what it's like to be a lawyer or a doctor or ANY job out there and then pass judgment on a profession I know nothing about. It is ridiculous but yet for some reason, everyone has an opinion on teachers and they act like they know everything that goes into the job because "they were in school once". Instead of bashing teachers be thankful there are teachers because nobody would be anywhere in this world if it weren't for someone teaching them and helping them to achieve their own career dreams.........whatever they are.

I am not bashing teachers here. I am answering the OP's question about WHY there is a low opinion of teachers. Not sure what in my post is bashing. I'm specifically talking about what I see from my friends and family that are teachers.

I didn't say that I never once complain about my line of work to my DH, etc. Of course everyone has a bad day every so often. But I have never PUBLICLY complained about it because I LOVE what I do.

Teachers are VERY VOCAL about everything they hate about their jobs.

There is a difference between an occasional complaint about a bad day, week, etc. and what I see from my friends & family that are teachers. MANY start posts in SEPTEMBER counting down the days until JUNE, and update that count down on a daily basis. 179 days left ... 178 days left. There is no other profession where people start counting down from the first day they go back. There is a big difference between that and saying "10 more days until vacation."

Never a comment from THESE friends/family about "so proud of my students today" or "rocked that observation". Are you saying if you saw that from someone, you'd interpret that as someone who LIKES their job?

Posted 8/5/12 9:59 AM
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