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Member since 1/08 3239 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by PreshusSmurf
The constant complaining about the students, their superiors, their building, the take-home work, and on and on and on. With hardly ever a good positive thing to say about their jobs ... ever.
And the counting down of the days, hours and minutes until the next vacation. Starting from the first day back in September.
It's hard to think highly of those who are entrusted with molding future generations when many seem to loathe every moment of every day.
Of course this isn't the case for all teachers but sadly it is for many that I know.
Sorry that you know these type of people, but it's not fair to generalize an entire group of professionals based upon a handful of people. I'm quoting your post, but I don't think you are alone in thinking this. I think a lot of people feel the way you posted and it's really not fair to stereotype based upon a small sample of people.
Posted 8/5/12 10:19 AM |
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Hudson's Momma

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Name: Rachel
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by Palebride
I think people have a low opinion of teachers because there are a lot teachers who complain about their jobs...and because there are misconceptions about what it means to be a teacher. Teachers are thought to have a sweet deal - great vacations and summers off and shorter hours - and many seem not to appreciate it all of the time.
This is one reason I believe people have a low opinion of teachers. The amount of old friends on fb that start counting down how many days they have left for the schoolyear in September make me question why they chose teaching as profession.
I have a lot of respect for teachers as a whole but agree, there are a few bad apples everywhere that ruin it for others.
Posted 8/5/12 10:21 AM |
We made a snowman!

Member since 1/08 3239 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by JennP
Posted by nrthshgrl
Ok so to answer the question, what contributes to the low opinion of teachers, this thread is a perfect example.
The fact is there are many people with low opinons of teachers. We (non-teachers) tried to give you reasons why that may be. It's that the public has to address contract issues & budget increases, while teachers continue to have: (1) good benefits (2) working 180 days a year (3) job security
whereas most of the non-teaching public don't have those. So we think they have it pretty good. l
To me, this doesn't answer the question, because I don't see a connection between "having it pretty good" and low opinion.
Even if you think we have it "pretty good," how does that lead to or justify a low opinion?
Others have said it before me, but I only hear teachers state the negatives of their jobs after others point out the positives in a one sided manner.
This is not directed at you in particular, Barb, but if people don't want to hear us complain, don't put us on the defensive.
Leave us alone and we'll leave everyone else alone.
This is exactly how I feel! How does having it "pretty good" mean you can also have a low opinion of me? Especially when my principal, my students and my students' parents have high opinions of me? Teachers come out on these threads to defend themselves, we don't start threads saying "Hey I'm so lucky I get a summer vacation." When your back is up against the wall, you are going to defend yourself.
Posted 8/5/12 10:23 AM |
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by kristen92450
It makes me so furious when people complain about salaries of teacher, nurses, police and firemen/women..All of these professions are helping people in society and are making low salaries compared to business people..but nobody ever complains about vice-presidents of companies making a fortune..As other people said there are good and bad people in ever profession..but unless you stepped into a classroom, NOBODY should be judging teachers!!! I was a teacher so I know how difficult and draining job it can be...but also very rewarding..
Ha, just want to say, neither DH and I are teachers, yet, we do complain all the time about the salaries some of the people in financial professions make.
Hell, I work in a large home care agency (for profit) and the CEO NEVER takes the time to come down to even meet with us lower-level "peons" you better believe the opinion that we have about that and we know he makes the big $$$$.
In teaching and everywhere, it's THESE people who are making the decisions as well for the industry.
Posted 8/5/12 10:24 AM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
dbl post
Message edited 8/5/2012 10:42:51 AM.
Posted 8/5/12 10:40 AM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by PreshusSmurf
Posted by Hofstra26
Posted by PreshusSmurf
The constant complaining about the students, their superiors, their building, the take-home work, and on and on and on. With hardly ever a good positive thing to say about their jobs ... ever.
And the counting down of the days, hours and minutes until the next vacation. Starting from the first day back in September.
It's hard to think highly of those who are entrusted with molding future generations when many seem to loathe every moment of every day.
Of course this isn't the case for all teachers but sadly it is for many that I know.
Who doesn't complain about their job? Who doesn't look forward to their vacation time? How is a teacher any different than anyone else who has a job and works? Are you really trying to tell me YOU never once complain about your line of work or anxiously await your next day off???
Everyone has their complaints about their profession, everyone looks forward to a day off BUUUUT that doesn't mean you "loathe every minute of every day" or that you hate your job.
The reality is, unless someone is a teacher and they KNOW firsthand what it is like to be in that profession than honestly, it's a little obnoxious to be passing ANY comments about a job you have NO firsthand experience in. Teaching is hard work, like many other jobs are hard work and it is frustrating when people insinuate that teachers are lazy, or don't care, or that we hardly work. It's nonsense and in 99% of the cases........could not be further from the truth.
Like in any job, there are those who are great at what they do and those who aren't. But here's the thing, I wouldn't go around "pretending" to know what it's like to be a lawyer or a doctor or ANY job out there and then pass judgment on a profession I know nothing about. It is ridiculous but yet for some reason, everyone has an opinion on teachers and they act like they know everything that goes into the job because "they were in school once". Instead of bashing teachers be thankful there are teachers because nobody would be anywhere in this world if it weren't for someone teaching them and helping them to achieve their own career dreams.........whatever they are.
I am not bashing teachers here. I am answering the OP's question about WHY there is a low opinion of teachers. Not sure what in my post is bashing. I'm specifically talking about what I see from my friends and family that are teachers.
I didn't say that I never once complain about my line of work to my DH, etc. Of course everyone has a bad day every so often. But I have never PUBLICLY complained about it because I LOVE what I do.
Teachers are VERY VOCAL about everything they hate about their jobs.
There is a difference between an occasional complaint about a bad day, week, etc. and what I see from my friends & family that are teachers. MANY start posts in SEPTEMBER counting down the days until JUNE, and update that count down on a daily basis. 179 days left ... 178 days left. There is no other profession where people start counting down from the first day they go back. There is a big difference between that and saying "10 more days until vacation."
Never a comment from THESE friends/family about "so proud of my students today" or "rocked that observation". Are you saying if you saw that from someone, you'd interpret that as someone who LIKES their job?
Sorry, , I didn't mean YOU specifically were bashing, more a general "you".
Anyway, I understand what you're saying but like I said, while there are great teachers there are also cr@ppy ones but *most* teachers do take pride in their job and love what they do.
I loved teaching, I enjoyed seeing my students successes, I was proud of my classroom, my kids, and all of my hard work. But I won't lie, in my plan book, was I counting down to vacations and June? Sure!!! Look, I know people say it all the time but it's the truth.......teaching is hard work. As a teacher you're constantly be scrutinized by administration, you always have people breathing down your neck, and it is a HUGE responsibility to be in charge on 30+ kids on a daily basis and making sure that each and every kid is getting the instruction and attention they need all while keeping the classroom running smoothly and efficiently. It's not a small task. Add to that the hours of grading, lesson planning, meetings, professional development, etc. and yea............most teachers, even ones who LOVE what they do, are looking forward to the breaks. I think it's human nature, I don't think it's the mark of a bad teacher.
There will always be the bad apples in every profession but most teachers chose teaching NOT for the money (or lack thereof) and the vacations, we chose it because we have a love of children and learning and we want to share that passion. Most teachers are good, if not great, teachers and are in this profession for all the right reasons. And EVERY job has its perks and benefits but I think people get too hung up on the "perks" of teaching and they lose sight of what really goes into the job and makes a good teacher.
Message edited 8/5/2012 10:43:38 AM.
Posted 8/5/12 10:42 AM |
Low Opinion of Teachers?
Teachers, good ones, deserve tons of respect IMO.
My career doesn't rely on benefitting or shaping others growth and knowledge. Teachers do. Everyone has had a few great teachers who helped shape who they are. I know I have.
Teachers have a huge responsibility. I do feel they deserve time off to rest and recoup.
To me it's like being a SAHM. Everyone needs a break in order to come back fresh and rejuvenated.
I do not for one second think teaching is easy. I admit I'm not cut out for it unless it was on college level. I kiss the ground good teachers walk on.
I hope teachers realize that many think as I do.
Posted 8/5/12 11:02 AM |
Low Opinion of Teachers?
Teachers IMO is one career also where you get what you pay for sometimes. They should be paid highly across the country.
Also teachers who go above and beyond and can put a poor performing kid on the right track should be awarded.
Posted 8/5/12 11:08 AM |
Low Opinion of Teachers?
Oh and teacher who count down days doesn't bother me. I equate it to people in private sector who count down days until their next vacation.
Most people do that, I find.
Posted 8/5/12 11:14 AM |
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by cncforever
Oh and teacher who count down days doesn't bother me. I equate it to people in private sector who count down days until their next vacation.
Most people do that, I find.
I work 4 days a week and I'm always counting down.
Then when I'm home with my wild child I'm counting down the minutes until I can go back to work.
Posted 8/5/12 11:18 AM |
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by mzsocialworker1
Posted by cncforever
Oh and teacher who count down days doesn't bother me. I equate it to people in private sector who count down days until their next vacation.
Most people do that, I find.
I work 4 days a week and I'm always counting down.
Then when I'm home with my wild child I'm counting down the minutes until I can go back to work.
exactly! Same here. My whole life is a countdown. Either to when work is over, the weekend coming, dh coming home, baby going to bed... Doesn't mean I don't enjoy those things or hate my job. I just look forward to a break
Posted 8/5/12 11:28 AM |
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by cncforever
Posted by mzsocialworker1
Posted by cncforever
Oh and teacher who count down days doesn't bother me. I equate it to people in private sector who count down days until their next vacation.
Most people do that, I find.
I work 4 days a week and I'm always counting down.
Then when I'm home with my wild child I'm counting down the minutes until I can go back to work.
exactly! Same here. My whole life is a countdown. Either to when work is over, the weekend coming, dh coming home, baby going to bed... Doesn't mean I don't enjoy those things or hate my job. I just look forward to a break
Also try being married to someone who is self-employed, who also does construction.
He hates EVERYONE who works a "regular" job with normal hours, who doesn't have to lift, work in dirt, etc.
Posted 8/5/12 11:31 AM |
Thank you, Saint Gerard!

Member since 10/07 4937 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by Hofstra26
Posted by PreshusSmurf
The constant complaining about the students, their superiors, their building, the take-home work, and on and on and on. With hardly ever a good positive thing to say about their jobs ... ever.
And the counting down of the days, hours and minutes until the next vacation. Starting from the first day back in September.
It's hard to think highly of those who are entrusted with molding future generations when many seem to loathe every moment of every day.
Of course this isn't the case for all teachers but sadly it is for many that I know.
Who doesn't complain about their job? Who doesn't look forward to their vacation time? How is a teacher any different than anyone else who has a job and works? Are you really trying to tell me YOU never once complain about your line of work or anxiously await your next day off???
Everyone has their complaints about their profession, everyone looks forward to a day off BUUUUT that doesn't mean you "loathe every minute of every day" or that you hate your job.
The reality is, unless someone is a teacher and they KNOW firsthand what it is like to be in that profession than honestly, it's a little obnoxious to be passing ANY comments about a job you have NO firsthand experience in. Teaching is hard work, like many other jobs are hard work and it is frustrating when people insinuate that teachers are lazy, or don't care, or that we hardly work. It's nonsense and in 99% of the cases........could not be further from the truth.
Like in any job, there are those who are great at what they do and those who aren't. But here's the thing, I wouldn't go around "pretending" to know what it's like to be a lawyer or a doctor or ANY job out there and then pass judgment on a profession I know nothing about. It is ridiculous but yet for some reason, everyone has an opinion on teachers and they act like they know everything that goes into the job because "they were in school once". Instead of bashing teachers be thankful there are teachers because nobody would be anywhere in this world if it weren't for someone teaching them and helping them to achieve their own career dreams.........whatever they are.
Posted 8/5/12 3:32 PM |
Two Little Rosebuds

Member since 8/09 2106 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
I think it has a lot to do with money. It's really gotten intense since the 2008 crash. The media feeding frenzy hasn't helped. The panic about US decline is connected, though IMO that's more a product of cultural rot and dwindling parental supervision (a result of social and economic conditions that have largely necessitated the dual-income household, not "bad parents" so please don't take it that way). And this idea that teachers are expected to be so noble and selfless in order to work with kids. It's hard to stand up to an ideal like that.
It doesn't help that over the last 10 years the ratio of executive pay compared to "peons" as someone put it has grown so astronomically disproportionate compared to historical trends. Middle-class workers have watched benefits dwindle and salaries remain stagnant as company profits were allocated for CEO salaries, bonuses, and stockholder dividends, and teachers were protected from these market forces for years, really, until recently. And people think the benefits are better than they are (misinformation about teachers not paying toward health, retirement, etc.)
Political polarization with volatile, libertarian groups like the tea-party screaming for small government (also influenced by the crash and TARP) has also not cast government workers in the best light.
As far as the complaining, all I can say is that I'm going into my 9th year and I can't believe how much more intense this job gets every year. Diane Ravitch (former assistant secretary of education and prolific writer and speaker on education) wrote this op-ed on why teachers are so frustrated. Teachers are more and more on the hook for all the spinning cogs that influence performance but only have control over a sliver of that (i.e. time spent in the classroom...if they're allowed to dictate what happens in that time, which many aren't because of broad initiatives that force teachers to follow specific protocol and methods in the classroom whether or not they have been proved to work). I worked outside the classroom, and I can say that no other job I've had has been draining in this particular way, ESPECIALLY if you're emotionally invested in the kids. I do count down to vacations. During the year it's because I need that week to catch up work because the pace while school is in session is unsustainable. During the summer it's because I desperately need to recharge and reflect and get myself ready for the following year. Much of my summer is spent on things that develop me professionally, like reading new texts to bring into the classroom, or like the date I have with a colleague tomorrow afternoon to plan curriculum for a course we share. There are so many misconceptions about teachers. I think because everyone had one, they think they know what the job entails. I'm not discounting anybody else's workload or stress. I'm just saying the frustration and frenzy are real, and if you're conscientious, you burn out fast.
Message edited 8/5/2012 4:09:13 PM.
Posted 8/5/12 3:39 PM |

Member since 1/09 5476 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
its not just teachers its all civil servants. I don't think anyone's job is easy. It comes with its rewards and it comes with the complete bs.
Message edited 8/5/2012 4:13:29 PM.
Posted 8/5/12 4:09 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 9/06 1752 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
People may have low opinions of teachers because when kids fail, the child, community, government, and media blame the teacher. Meanwhile, in all of the failing schools that I have worked in, the teachers try so hard to get the kids to learn, but it's an epic failure because the kids don't want to learn. Instead, the kids refuse to stop talking, refuse to do homework, refuse to pay attention, and refuse to go home and study. The teachers can do no right. They call home, they try to structure the kids. Nothing works. Then, the city or district blames the teacher.
Posted 8/5/12 6:45 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 12/11 1340 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by Saphire01
People may have low opinions of teachers because when kids fail, the child, community, government, and media blame the teacher. Meanwhile, in all of the failing schools that I have worked in, the teachers try so hard to get the kids to learn, but it's an epic failure because the kids don't want to learn. Instead, the kids refuse to stop talking, refuse to do homework, refuse to pay attention, and refuse to go home and study. The teachers can do no right. They call home, they try to structure the kids. Nothing works. Then, the city or district blames the teacher.
ITA. BIL teaches in a low-income school district, and calling home isn't even a threat. The parents will literally say to him "what do you want me to do about it?". It's a different mentality. I was taught to respect my teachers, and if I ever had gotten a call home, I would have been DEAD.
Posted 8/5/12 7:18 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/10 4694 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by Saphire01
People may have low opinions of teachers because when kids fail, the child, community, government, and media blame the teacher. Meanwhile, in all of the failing schools that I have worked in, the teachers try so hard to get the kids to learn, but it's an epic failure because the kids don't want to learn. Instead, the kids refuse to stop talking, refuse to do homework, refuse to pay attention, and refuse to go home and study. The teachers can do no right. They call home, they try to structure the kids. Nothing works. Then, the city or district blames the teacher.
I feel for teachers in this regard. A child's academic success is so very dependent on the support system at home. Having said this, I also don't think it's fair for a teacher to take full credit for a highly successful student who has extremely supportive and hands-on parents. My SIL loves to take credit for good students, but wants no responsibility for students who don't do as well. I always found that kinda strange.
I guess I look at teachers as one factor of many in every child's development & success.
Posted 8/5/12 7:37 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/11 743 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by JennP
I have heard this sentiment before.
I dare and invite anyone who feels this way to follow me or one of my colleagues around for an entire day - literally, from wake up to bed time - and witness the quantity and intensity of the work that we do.
I would like to see how they feel after that.
I am going to leave it at that.
As a teacher I totally agree BUT I would tell them to take over my job for a week. Then they will really get the full extent of the behaviors, the paperwork, dealing with parents and administrators, and not being able to go to the bathroom! Go ahead do it for a week and then talk to me.
I also feel it' major jealousy. No one made you pick your career but you. Don't take your frustration out on us Bc you are unhappy sigh your career choices.
I do also believe that everyone who has made it to where they are in their career owes it to a previous teacher that they had.
Posted 8/6/12 12:18 AM |
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
I think most fields should have a day where other people get to walk in our shoes.
I see the jealously thing constantly. Not to change the subject too much, but my position involves field work. I've had co-workers make comments to me CONSTANTLY about "how did I enjoy my days off" if I am not in the office, but out in the field with clients.
Plus, what people often fail to realize, is I worked hard and spent a lot of money to get my Master's degree. I didn't start out last week either, but back in 1998. It took me awhile to get into what many see as a "cushy" position. (The majority of my role now involves writing, and I can really do it from anywhere).
Often these comments come from people who only have a high school diploma, who are miserable in their entry-level position. Or ppl who are just starting out in the trenches of the human services field.
While I do have some "perks", I still have to produce. I work for a large for-profit, where the bottom line is to make $$$$. There is a certain expectation for me regarding numbers of clients I bring onto our programs each month.
As a few people pointed out, if you want to do something with your life, you always have the ablity to do so.
I know a few guidance counselors even pointed out recently when I made a thread about informing younger grads about the reality of finding a job in certain fields, that while it may be rough now, it is not necessarily always going to be like this.
In healthcare/teaching especially, I think at some point things may open up again.
Being jealous, and comparing (what you think) others lives are, never does anything productive IMHO.
Posted 8/6/12 7:45 AM |
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by Jbon630
Posted by Saphire01
People may have low opinions of teachers because when kids fail, the child, community, government, and media blame the teacher. Meanwhile, in all of the failing schools that I have worked in, the teachers try so hard to get the kids to learn, but it's an epic failure because the kids don't want to learn. Instead, the kids refuse to stop talking, refuse to do homework, refuse to pay attention, and refuse to go home and study. The teachers can do no right. They call home, they try to structure the kids. Nothing works. Then, the city or district blames the teacher.
ITA. BIL teaches in a low-income school district, and calling home isn't even a threat. The parents will literally say to him "what do you want me to do about it?". It's a different mentality. I was taught to respect my teachers, and if I ever had gotten a call home, I would have been DEAD.
I feel for teachers in this regard, as well.
Working as a social worker for many years, we wind up with many, many cases where the adult client has been screwed up since childhood, and then they expect us to somehow wave a magic wand and fix everything.........when A.) they don't even have the desire to change B.) the system doesn't support them to change C.) there's no resources/money to help them and D.) their family/friends keep bringing them down.
Unfortunately, it's very difficult to produce positive results when there are so many negative factors working against ppl.
Posted 8/6/12 7:50 AM |
Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05 30339 total posts
Name: Properly perfect™
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Teacher bashing Olympic sport
Posted 8/6/12 8:28 AM |
Member since 8/09 3846 total posts
Name: Sarah
Low Opinion of Teachers?
I have held off on responding to this threat because it just makes me so sad that people feel this way about my chosen career. I am not going to go into the laundry list about why I deserve the pay I get, the time off etc. I am just going to say that the general public should be happy that they can send their children away from home 5 days a week, 7 hours a day, and know that they are taken care of and are being educated by people who have their very best interests at heart. I do not deserve a million dollars. I do not deserve a Nobel Peace Prize. However, I do not deserve to be berated. I do not deserve to be treated like a thief. I do deserve some respect. If you can’t give it, then go back to what you learned in kindergarten. “If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.”
Posted 8/6/12 8:44 AM |
Sour Girl

Member since 3/08 5271 total posts
Re: Low Opinion of Teachers?
Posted by SweetApril I do not deserve a million dollars. I do not deserve a Nobel Peace Prize. However, I do not deserve to be berated. I do not deserve to be treated like a thief. I do deserve some respect. If you can’t give it, then go back to what you learned in kindergarten. “If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.”
Posted 8/6/12 9:02 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 7/11 820 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Low Opinion of Teachers?
Why is everyone bashing a profession any one of you could have joined ... It is not a secert club only a select few can join ... Please come join me for a day before you bash me and what I do .... I could bash each profession but I don't I spend my time enjoying life and counting my blessings not looking down on people
Posted 8/6/12 10:18 AM |
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