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*** Official August 2014 Thread ***

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LIF Adult

Member since 1/12

2637 total posts


Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***

How's everyone doing?!

28 weeks for me tomorrow! Crazy. We've completed 2/3 of the painting in the nursery so far, ordered the glider, crib is in a box at home as well and now just need to finish one more paint color and then we can start arranging things. Getting so close! Woo!

Shower is in about 3 weeks also. Can't wait!

Posted 5/15/14 9:23 AM
Long Island Weddings
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He is my world!

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Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***

Doing good, 26 weeks now. Glucose test is on Saturday. Fingers crossed I pass!

I ordered a small area rug for the nursery and hopefully on Sunday picking out a paint color.

We got two gifts off our registry delivered to us yesterday Chat Icon Chat Icon
My shower is sometime in June and everyone I know is keeping it a surprise, even DH who I can usually get some details out of Chat Icon

Haven't had an ultrasound in over a month and we are anxious to see what this little guy looks like now. We might invest in a 3D sono.

This past weekend both DH and I got to feel his little kicks from the is the coolest feeling ever Chat Icon Chat Icon

I can't believe we are half way done with May, before we know it the summer will be here and then it will be August Chat Icon

Posted 5/15/14 10:07 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/12

2637 total posts


Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***

Posted by mrsm-2011

Doing good, 26 weeks now. Glucose test is on Saturday. Fingers crossed I pass!

I ordered a small area rug for the nursery and hopefully on Sunday picking out a paint color.

We got two gifts off our registry delivered to us yesterday Chat Icon Chat Icon
My shower is sometime in June and everyone I know is keeping it a surprise, even DH who I can usually get some details out of Chat Icon

Haven't had an ultrasound in over a month and we are anxious to see what this little guy looks like now. We might invest in a 3D sono.

This past weekend both DH and I got to feel his little kicks from the is the coolest feeling ever Chat Icon Chat Icon

I can't believe we are half way done with May, before we know it the summer will be here and then it will be August Chat Icon

Goodluck w/ glucose test! Where did you guys find the rug from? I need to order one fairly soon but wasn't sure where to start besides Target, etc.

So exciting to feel the kick - that was one of my favorite moments when that happened and DH was able to feel him too.

August really will be here before we know it. Crazy!!!!!

Posted 5/15/14 10:17 AM

He is my world!

Member since 6/12

3009 total posts


Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***

Posted by AKD

Posted by mrsm-2011

Doing good, 26 weeks now. Glucose test is on Saturday. Fingers crossed I pass!

I ordered a small area rug for the nursery and hopefully on Sunday picking out a paint color.

We got two gifts off our registry delivered to us yesterday Chat Icon Chat Icon
My shower is sometime in June and everyone I know is keeping it a surprise, even DH who I can usually get some details out of Chat Icon

Haven't had an ultrasound in over a month and we are anxious to see what this little guy looks like now. We might invest in a 3D sono.

This past weekend both DH and I got to feel his little kicks from the is the coolest feeling ever Chat Icon Chat Icon

I can't believe we are half way done with May, before we know it the summer will be here and then it will be August Chat Icon

Goodluck w/ glucose test! Where did you guys find the rug from? I need to order one fairly soon but wasn't sure where to start besides Target, etc.

So exciting to feel the kick - that was one of my favorite moments when that happened and DH was able to feel him too.

August really will be here before we know it. Crazy!!!!!

I found the rug on Amazon. You might want to check out and Home Goods as well.

Message edited 5/15/2014 10:31:04 AM.

Posted 5/15/14 10:22 AM

She is my heart!

Member since 1/11

1110 total posts


Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***

Starting to get anxious with our to do list. 3 months from today (Aug 15th) is the due date. Crazy!!

Stripes are done on the walls in the nursery, just need to do some paint touch ups and put the last white coat on the radiator. My dad is coming over to change out the doors and install the outlet covers. Need to order the ceiling fan/light.

My major headache right now is ordering furniture since ours was discontinued.

Still have to finish registering too - we have a little time though. Shower isn't until July.

And we're still stuck on finding a name. Nothing has popped out at us yet. Anyone else figure the name out?

Posted 5/15/14 11:27 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 12/13

111 total posts


Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***

We don't have a name picked out yet either and I am totally stressing! This is our third so no shower for us but we do need to decide where the baby is going and if he will be rooming with his big brother or if his big brother and big sister will be sharing a room. I passed the glucose test and feel like I'm rushing the summer away already! I think I will be booking my csection date at my next dr. appointment and I'm really looking forward to that!

Posted 5/15/14 1:16 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/12

2637 total posts


Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***

Has anyone gotten another sono after the 20 week one? Per my doctor - our next one won't be until 36 weeks. Crazy!

Posted 5/15/14 2:29 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/10

1537 total posts


*** Official August 2014 Thread ***

28 weeks here!! went to doctor yesterday gainned 17 lbs so far. passed one hour glucose!! trying to keep it easy feet and legs a little swollen at times. We narrowed done the furniture to 3 sets and will go with DH next weekend for him to see in person and hopefully decide. Still need to paint the babies room and add molding.... Pretty much fixed up my registry with what I want from both bbb and bru. Shower isnt till july

Posted 5/15/14 4:58 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/13

96 total posts


*** Official August 2014 Thread ***

Hey ladies! I'm 27 weeks + 1 day. I passed my TWO hour glucose test. Thank god!! I've been getting ultrasounds every two weeks since I hit the 20 week mark. And I go to the dr every three weeks which will change to every two after the 30 week mark. Multiple pregnancies are no joke! Lol

We are also closing on our house by the end of this month! No definite date yet but we should know more tomorrow. Can't wait to setup their nursery! So exciting!

At my last drs visit I was hooked up to a monitor to see if I was contracting.... Which I was! I was monitored for 20 minutes and had two contractions back to back. My dr just told me to watch the frequency. Scary! I don't have time for contractions yet!!

Hope you all are well. We are almost there! :)

Posted 5/15/14 11:09 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/12

2637 total posts


Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***

Happy Friday girls!

How's everyone feeling?

Pretty good on my end - first week of third trimester has been good to me :) Only new symptom that started up yesterday is Charlie's horse, other than that all as usual.

This weekend we're hoping to finish up most of the nursery - set up the crib, the glider is in, and finish the painting. YAY!

2 weeks away from shower also. Crazy!

Posted 5/23/14 9:41 AM

He is my world!

Member since 6/12

3009 total posts


Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***

Feeling good. Looking forward to the 3 day weekend!!

Almost in the 3rd trimester Chat Icon Chat Icon

After this weekend we are going to buy paint (we already picked out the colors). Hopefully painting in the next week or two.

Posted 5/23/14 10:09 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/12

2637 total posts


Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***

Officially 2 months away from our month ladies!

How's everyone feeling?

Feeling good on my end, just in crazy nesting mode and I can't stop cleaning!

Posted 6/2/14 10:55 AM

He is my world!

Member since 6/12

3009 total posts


Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***

Feeling good. My hormones were going crazy this weekend, happy, sad, mad, crying...poor DH.

I felt the baby have hiccups for the first time, so cool. Chat Icon

Starting to paint the nursery this weekend.

Posted 6/2/14 11:05 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/12

2637 total posts


Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***

Posted by mrsm-2011

Feeling good. My hormones were going crazy this weekend, happy, sad, mad, crying...poor DH.

I felt the baby have hiccups for the first time, so cool. Chat Icon

Starting to paint the nursery this weekend.

So exciting! Not the hormones part the hiccups LOL. How did you know they were hiccups? I think I've felt hiccups too but not sure.

Posted 6/2/14 11:07 AM

He is my world!

Member since 6/12

3009 total posts


Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***

Posted by AKD

Posted by mrsm-2011

Feeling good. My hormones were going crazy this weekend, happy, sad, mad, crying...poor DH.

I felt the baby have hiccups for the first time, so cool. Chat Icon

Starting to paint the nursery this weekend.

So exciting! Not the hormones part the hiccups LOL. How did you know they were hiccups? I think I've felt hiccups too but not sure.

It was in the same spot and were happening every few seconds. They also weren't as strong as a regular kick. After about 5 minutes they stopped.

Posted 6/2/14 11:19 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/12

2637 total posts


Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***

Posted by mrsm-2011

Posted by AKD

Posted by mrsm-2011

Feeling good. My hormones were going crazy this weekend, happy, sad, mad, crying...poor DH.

I felt the baby have hiccups for the first time, so cool. Chat Icon

Starting to paint the nursery this weekend.

So exciting! Not the hormones part the hiccups LOL. How did you know they were hiccups? I think I've felt hiccups too but not sure.

It was in the same spot and were happening every few seconds. They also weren't as strong as a regular kick. After about 5 minutes they stopped.

Ah okay. Then that sounds familiar and agreed it's so stinkin' cute.

Posted 6/2/14 11:26 AM

She is my heart!

Member since 1/11

1110 total posts


Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***

Doing good...29 weeks 4 days today. Went for my 28 week appointment this morning and everything's on track. Go back to the dr for my 32 week visit and growth sono on the 26th.

Nursery is coming along! Once the rug is delivered I feel like we'll be in full on nursery completion mode...we'll be able to put the furniture where it needs and all.

Shower is not till next for the time being I get to registry stalk. Checked out the detergent at BJ's to make sure they had a free & clear option. Going to use that to start washing clothes next month Figured we would try that first and if baby is allergic/too sensitive then we'll give the Dreft a shot...and just keep the free & clear for our clothes.

Did anyone make the appointment for the hospital tour yet? Taking any classes?

Posted 6/3/14 11:26 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/10

1537 total posts


*** Official August 2014 Thread ***

I just made my hospital tour for next week... I'm so.excited that means she coming soon.

Almost 31 weeks! Furniture ordered and paint is purchased.... Name is picked but keeping it a secret...

Is anyone else keeping it a secret until the baby comes??

My hands are killing me tho. Going to try wrist bands. Feet get swollen At times. Trying my best to keep that down.

Posted 6/3/14 12:35 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/12

2637 total posts


Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***

We decided not to do any classes or tours, taking the approach of trying to stay calm and not get overwhelmed. I know if I did classes or tours, it would make me really nervous and overwhelmed and completely stressed out, so going against it.

I am going to talk to my doctor at 32 week appt and make sure we have what we need to get pre-registered with hospital, want to make sure and get that out of the way before 36 weeks hits.

We have name chosen also - but keeping it a secret between me, DH and our dog Chat Icon

How is everyone doing w/ sleeping? My pelvic bones are not treating me right when I go to bed - there's just so much pressure (I forget the name for it), so trying better ways to sleep, but figure it is what it is and I'm just prepping for being up most of the night Chat Icon

Shower is on Sunday!! WOOO!!!!

Posted 6/3/14 1:03 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 12/13

57 total posts


Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***

Hubby and I were just talking about taking a class. He has a neice and loves children but has not been around many newborns. That being said he seriously wants to take a class that teaches you how to change diapers, sponge bath, etc.

Anyone heard of a class like this? My dr reccommended a class but more about the birthing process.

Thanks ladies!

Posted 6/6/14 9:04 AM

Blessed beyond belief

Member since 10/07

17048 total posts


Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***

28 weeks!

I passed my 1 hour test which I'm SHOCKED over and I was just released from my high risk!

Baby is weighing in at a whopping 2 lbs, 9 ounces already!!!!

Posted 6/6/14 10:23 AM

Mr. Handsome

Member since 5/06

13481 total posts


Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***

31 weeks today

Scheduled my repeat C-section for August 1 - 8 weeks from today! Chat Icon

Passed the 1-hour

Scaling down n my high-risk visits, was going every 2 weeks, now I can go in 4 Chat Icon

As of yesterday at the high-risk doc, baby was weighing in at 3 pounds, 10 oz!!

Posted 6/6/14 10:26 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/13

51 total posts


Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***

Posted by 1xmom

Hubby and I were just talking about taking a class. He has a neice and loves children but has not been around many newborns. That being said he seriously wants to take a class that teaches you how to change diapers, sponge bath, etc.

Anyone heard of a class like this? My dr reccommended a class but more about the birthing process.

Thanks ladies!

Check with your hospital first. I know many hospitals offer these classes (for instance, Stony Book does). I don't know if there is a charge though. HTH!

Posted 6/8/14 1:17 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/12

2637 total posts


Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***

How's everyone doing?

Past 32 weeks here, went for my check-up this morning and officially graduated to every 2 weeks. Have growth soon at 36 weeks as well as cervix check. Making it all feel very near by!

Also had our shower last weekend which was amazing and overwhelming (in a good way) - so we're in the process now of finalizing the nursery and putting things away.

So clooooose!!!

Posted 6/16/14 12:18 PM

He is my world!

Member since 6/12

3009 total posts


Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***

Doing good. 31 weeks on Wednesday. So far my blood glucose levels have been below what they want it to be, the only pain in the butt part is remembering to stop what I am doing and taking my blood 2 hrs after meals.

Almost done painting the nursery, it looks great. DH is doing a great job Chat Icon The bedding set should be delivered by the end of this week.

I think my shower is this weekend, but no one is saying anything!!

I have an ob appointment today and an appt with the dietician next week. They will probably do a growth sono next week.

I can't believe in less then 2 months all these little ones will start being born, it is crazy how fast it is going.

Posted 6/16/14 12:28 PM
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