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Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***
Posted by AKD
Sooo exciting!!! I look forward to these doctor checks up so much, just wish they would happen faster!! Hahah.
Are you showing at all yet?
OMG yes - totally showing. They say with the second you show much faster - totally true!!!! (even though my son was born in '09 - I guess your body doesn't forget what to do)
Message edited 1/13/2014 12:22:04 PM.
Posted 1/13/14 12:21 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 1/12 2637 total posts
Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***
Posted by WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot
Posted by AKD
Sooo exciting!!! I look forward to these doctor checks up so much, just wish they would happen faster!! Hahah.
Are you showing at all yet?
OMG yes - totally showing. They say with the second you show much faster - totally true!!!! (even though my son was born in '09 - I guess your body doesn't forget what to do)
This is my first, but I'm literally working very hard to hide it from people that don't know. Already in maternity clothes for tops, and it feels so good LOL
Posted 1/13/14 12:23 PM |
Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***
Posted by AKD
Posted by WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot
Posted by AKD
Sooo exciting!!! I look forward to these doctor checks up so much, just wish they would happen faster!! Hahah.
Are you showing at all yet?
OMG yes - totally showing. They say with the second you show much faster - totally true!!!! (even though my son was born in '09 - I guess your body doesn't forget what to do)
This is my first, but I'm literally working very hard to hide it from people that don't know. Already in maternity clothes for tops, and it feels so good LOL
I'm a teacher - most of my coworkers know, I'm starting to get looks from the students now too.
Posted 1/13/14 12:26 PM |
Family of 5!
Member since 5/05 15364 total posts
Name: <3 Mommy <3
Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***
Posted by AKD
Sooo exciting!!! I look forward to these doctor checks up so much, just wish they would happen faster!! Hahah.
Are you showing at all yet?
Eek! 9 weeks this week and my pants are sooo tight!
I didn't show with either of my other 2 until 16-20 weeks.....
Its so hard because the only thing that helps the nausea is eating, but thanks to that everything is expanding....
Its getting very challenging to wear my reg work pants... (I live in yoga pants on the weekends)...
I need the next 3 weeks to fly- so I can come out and wear maternity
Posted 1/13/14 12:37 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 12/13 57 total posts
Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***
Anyone else's extended fam so excited that they are telling the world? I only told my closest friends but now I'm worried its going to get around the town I grew up in. My family means well but I already told my fam next time I am not telling any of them until I'm 12 weeks, ha. You live and you learn. My moms response is that their is not much good news in this world, so now we have good news and she wants to spread the love.
Posted 1/13/14 12:42 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/11 719 total posts
Name: Samantha
Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***
Posted by DomesticDiva
Hi ladies! We had our sono on 1/2 and so far everything looks great. We were able to hear our little peanut's heartbeat and even see the flickering of the heart. It was really special for us since that is going to be the only appt DH will be able to attend. His deployment started the next day. Unfortunately he is most likely going to miss the birth. But at least we got to experience this together!
Aww yes we are all here for you! I can not imagine how hard that is. Luckily nowadays maybe it might be a little easier with videos and pictures to share?
Posted 1/13/14 12:54 PM |
She is my heart!

Member since 1/11 1110 total posts
Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***
Posted by 1xmom
Anyone else's extended fam so excited that they are telling the world? I only told my closest friends but now I'm worried its going to get around the town I grew up in. My family means well but I already told my fam next time I am not telling any of them until I'm 12 weeks, ha. You live and you learn. My moms response is that their is not much good news in this world, so now we have good news and she wants to spread the love.
So far the people that we have told have been very very good. End of next week we are telling some more of our family/friends. But I am putting the fear of God into some of them that A - if something should go wrong I don't want to have to explain to the people that they decided to blab to and B - it's our news and we would like to share with those people first. We have some mutual friends with DH's sisters.
Posted 1/13/14 12:56 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/11 719 total posts
Name: Samantha
*** Official August 2014 Thread ***
Hope all who are having morning (night) sickness are starting to feel better!!! Mine is more of a bad taste in my mouth after eating which leads to nausea and more eating lol.
I went to the ER last week. I felt like I was going to faint and my hands and legs were shaky and weak. They ruled out everything but have to go see a cardiologist. Never had big issues with my son so praying for a similar pregnancy with this one. I got to sneak a quick peak at the ultra sound, but not really. They weren't that into me looking lol.
They did say there was a small amount of blood around the baby, but shouldn't be anything too serious. I have to follow up with my OB today when I have my first appt. anyway. Hopefully its nothing. Does anyone know anything about this?
Soooo excited to finally see my baby tonight! I am 10 weeks tomorrow and finally going to see the dr!!!! YAY :)
Posted 1/13/14 1:00 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/12 2637 total posts
Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***
Posted by BabyDayz
Hope all who are having morning (night) sickness are starting to feel better!!! Mine is more of a bad taste in my mouth after eating which leads to nausea and more eating lol.
I went to the ER last week. I felt like I was going to faint and my hands and legs were shaky and weak. They ruled out everything but have to go see a cardiologist. Never had big issues with my son so praying for a similar pregnancy with this one. I got to sneak a quick peak at the ultra sound, but not really. They weren't that into me looking lol.
They did say there was a small amount of blood around the baby, but shouldn't be anything too serious. I have to follow up with my OB today when I have my first appt. anyway. Hopefully its nothing. Does anyone know anything about this?
Soooo excited to finally see my baby tonight! I am 10 weeks tomorrow and finally going to see the dr!!!! YAY :)
Glad everything is okay now and hope it continues to be ok! Have fun tonight!! I wish I could go back again now for 10 week test, but I guess I can just wait until next Tuesday lol.
we've told immidiate family members and like 3 close friends. Nobody has said anything to anyone else, so we should be good to go until we start telling people after next week.
I'm terrified of the 12 week - just hope all is ok!!!
Posted 1/13/14 2:53 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 12/13 57 total posts
Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***
Posted by AKD
Posted by BabyDayz
Hope all who are having morning (night) sickness are starting to feel better!!! Mine is more of a bad taste in my mouth after eating which leads to nausea and more eating lol.
I went to the ER last week. I felt like I was going to faint and my hands and legs were shaky and weak. They ruled out everything but have to go see a cardiologist. Never had big issues with my son so praying for a similar pregnancy with this one. I got to sneak a quick peak at the ultra sound, but not really. They weren't that into me looking lol.
They did say there was a small amount of blood around the baby, but shouldn't be anything too serious. I have to follow up with my OB today when I have my first appt. anyway. Hopefully its nothing. Does anyone know anything about this?
Soooo excited to finally see my baby tonight! I am 10 weeks tomorrow and finally going to see the dr!!!! YAY :)
Glad everything is okay now and hope it continues to be ok! Have fun tonight!! I wish I could go back again now for 10 week test, but I guess I can just wait until next Tuesday lol.
we've told immidiate family members and like 3 close friends. Nobody has said anything to anyone else, so we should be good to go until we start telling people after next week.
I'm terrified of the 12 week - just hope all is ok!!!
Major tests are done at ten weeks or between 11-12 weeks? Ie: Down syndrome testing etc.
I'm going back to the dr for the third time on wed. And I will be exactly ten weeks. I'm hoping to get the tests done then (which is really the only thing holding me back from telling the rest of my friends I'm pregnant). Cannot wait to see the baby again. :)
Posted 1/13/14 2:59 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 11/13 96 total posts
*** Official August 2014 Thread ***
Went to my regular ob today! I'll be ten weeks on Wednesday. Both babies are doing well! Baby A's hb was 181! And baby B was 160!
What was everyone's hb and how old?!
So exciting, you could really see more of a baby form than just a blob this time! Hope everyone is well and not suffering too much with the dreaded morning sickness! I was prescribed zofran today so hopefully that will help! :)
Message edited 1/13/2014 6:48:03 PM.
Posted 1/13/14 6:47 PM |
Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***
Posted by Mrsdubs
Went to my regular ob today! I'll be ten weeks on Wednesday. Both babies are doing well! Baby A's hb was 181! And baby B was 160!
What was everyone's hb and how old?!
So exciting, you could really see more of a baby form than just a blob this time! Hope everyone is well and not suffering too much with the dreaded morning sickness! I was prescribed zofran today so hopefully that will help! :)
My babies HB was 179 at 9w5d
My sons HB never got above 140 - wondering over this could be a girl???
Posted 1/13/14 9:25 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/12 2637 total posts
Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***
Have you ladies started thinking about nurseries yet? DH said he wanted to start painting as soon as possible, but way too early I think lol
Posted 1/14/14 10:33 AM |
Family of 5!
Member since 5/05 15364 total posts
Name: <3 Mommy <3
Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***
Posted by AKD
Have you ladies started thinking about nurseries yet? DH said he wanted to start painting as soon as possible, but way too early I think lol
I have an idea of what I want... have a ton of things pinned on my secret board on pintrest BUT need to know the sex before we do anything ;)
Posted 1/14/14 10:47 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 12/13 57 total posts
Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***
Posted by 05mommy09
Posted by AKD
Have you ladies started thinking about nurseries yet? DH said he wanted to start painting as soon as possible, but way too early I think lol
I have an idea of what I want... have a ton of things pinned on my secret board on pintrest BUT need to know the sex before we do anything ;)
This... Lots of ideas but holding off until we know the sex. Although I did see cribs in a store the other day and they look huge! We were originally thinking the baby would go in our now office (smaller bedroom) but with the size of those cribs I'm now thinking it needs to go in our larger guest room. Problem is we have a3 bedroom house and each room has a purpose with furniture and we are going to have to give up one of them when the baby comes just can't decide what. Also all the baby stuff makes me think the house we are in is way too small. But I keep trying to remind myself ppl have plenty of less space than we do md they manage. Ahhh!!
Posted 1/14/14 11:02 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/12 2637 total posts
Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***
Posted by 1xmom
Posted by 05mommy09
Posted by AKD
Have you ladies started thinking about nurseries yet? DH said he wanted to start painting as soon as possible, but way too early I think lol
I have an idea of what I want... have a ton of things pinned on my secret board on pintrest BUT need to know the sex before we do anything ;)
This... Lots of ideas but holding off until we know the sex. Although I did see cribs in a store the other day and they look huge! We were originally thinking the baby would go in our now office (smaller bedroom) but with the size of those cribs I'm now thinking it needs to go in our larger guest room. Problem is we have a3 bedroom house and each room has a purpose with furniture and we are going to have to give up one of them when the baby comes just can't decide what. Also all the baby stuff makes me think the house we are in is way too small. But I keep trying to remind myself ppl have plenty of less space than we do md they manage. Ahhh!!
There's a bunch of companies I've seen that make cribs that are more compact now. One of our relatives got one from Ikea because they have the crib in their room and its very compact and super adorable. I forget the other brands, but I'm sure you can make it work!
Posted 1/14/14 11:03 AM |
Family of 5!
Member since 5/05 15364 total posts
Name: <3 Mommy <3
*** Official August 2014 Thread ***
Its funny... my house is 4 bdrms.... my boys are in the largest (aside from the master obviously) rooms and the 4th is the "office" and will be the new baby's room, its killing me because if its a girl- I feel rotten that she has the smallest room- lol. Although my oldest and this baby will be almost 9 years apart- so hopefully by the time it matters, my oldest will be off to college- lol
Posted 1/14/14 11:19 AM |
Family of 5!
Member since 5/05 15364 total posts
Name: <3 Mommy <3
*** Official August 2014 Thread ***
whoops- double post!
Message edited 1/14/2014 11:19:35 AM.
Posted 1/14/14 11:19 AM |
Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***
Can you girls go check out my post on Relationships please?
Posted 1/14/14 12:17 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 1/06 211 total posts
Name: lauren
Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***
i just turned 7 weeks today so can't believe this time around how nausea i am feeling and how blotteed i feel. anyone else feel like this not sure if it because this is my third time but can't ale the feeling.
Posted 1/14/14 4:59 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/12 2637 total posts
Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***
Posted by mrsmastroianni
i just turned 7 weeks today so can't believe this time around how nausea i am feeling and how blotteed i feel. anyone else feel like this not sure if it because this is my third time but can't ale the feeling.
This is my first, but I have been extremely bloated since around 6-7 weeks, and nausea just doesn't go away.
Posted 1/14/14 5:11 PM |
LIF Zygote
Member since 1/14 7 total posts
Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***
Last week I went to babies r us and they had 70% off all maternity clothes. The pants are a God send since I'm 11 weeks and so bloated
Posted 1/14/14 6:23 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 7/13 51 total posts
*** Official August 2014 Thread ***
Thanks ladies for all the support! I have so many ideas for the nursery but we're also holding off until we find out the sex. So far I'm thinking grey and then we can use whatever color furniture/decor to personalize it.
Posted 1/15/14 2:49 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/11 719 total posts
Name: Samantha
Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***
Posted by WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot
Posted by Mrsdubs
Went to my regular ob today! I'll be ten weeks on Wednesday. Both babies are doing well! Baby A's hb was 181! And baby B was 160!
What was everyone's hb and how old?!
So exciting, you could really see more of a baby form than just a blob this time! Hope everyone is well and not suffering too much with the dreaded morning sickness! I was prescribed zofran today so hopefully that will help! :)
My babies HB was 179 at 9w5d
My sons HB never got above 140 - wondering over this could be a girl???
I'm wondering too! My sister told me that boys tend to be higher. My son was 160 or so.
This one was 179 also at 9w2d :)
Posted 1/15/14 1:59 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/11 719 total posts
Name: Samantha
Re: *** Official August 2014 Thread ***
Posted by AKD
Posted by BabyDayz
Hope all who are having morning (night) sickness are starting to feel better!!! Mine is more of a bad taste in my mouth after eating which leads to nausea and more eating lol.
I went to the ER last week. I felt like I was going to faint and my hands and legs were shaky and weak. They ruled out everything but have to go see a cardiologist. Never had big issues with my son so praying for a similar pregnancy with this one. I got to sneak a quick peak at the ultra sound, but not really. They weren't that into me looking lol.
They did say there was a small amount of blood around the baby, but shouldn't be anything too serious. I have to follow up with my OB today when I have my first appt. anyway. Hopefully its nothing. Does anyone know anything about this?
Soooo excited to finally see my baby tonight! I am 10 weeks tomorrow and finally going to see the dr!!!! YAY :)
Glad everything is okay now and hope it continues to be ok! Have fun tonight!! I wish I could go back again now for 10 week test, but I guess I can just wait until next Tuesday lol.
we've told immidiate family members and like 3 close friends. Nobody has said anything to anyone else, so we should be good to go until we start telling people after next week.
I'm terrified of the 12 week - just hope all is ok!!!
Thanks! It was awesome. We are probably going to call him baby wiggle lol. He was waving both hands and feet and moving all wiggly-like :).
Im so scared of the 12w one too. ITs probably the coolest one for pics and everything, just always so nervous that everything is ok.
Posted 1/15/14 2:02 PM |
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