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Please Help!! Need Advice - Baby not Sleeping at night!

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Pookie Love

Member since 5/05

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Please Help!! Need Advice - Baby not Sleeping at night!

Ugh - so last night was night 4 of Jordan sleeping in the crib vs. the swing. It's been horrible - I am so tired at work today, I am nauseous. As some of you know, he has been having a lot of eating issues with his reflux and stuff, so some of the waking up at night is due to being hungry - sometimes he'll eat, sometimes he won't. Doctor said that if he did wake up to eat that we need to feed him because he barely eats during the day.

So, I'm feeding him 1-2x average overnight and the other times he will wake up and fuss and I'll go back in and put in paci and stroke his head until he falls back asleep. That lasts for about an hour.

I think he felt more secure in the swing/more cradled. He flails and moves all around the crib. I put him in the sleep positioner last night to try and secure him more, but he slides out of it in two seconds. The past three mornings, since I did not have work, I took him into bed with me early and we both went back to sleep. I can understand now how/why people co-sleep - I'm getting desperate.

What can I do? When will this stop? Any help? Suggestions? Hints on how to keep him in sleep positioner - I put a blanket at the bottom but it didn't do anything.

Thanks. I'm dying here.Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/10 10:51 AM
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LIF Toddler

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Re: Please Help!! Need Advice - Baby not Sleeping at night!

I don't know if you have already tried this but what about swaddling?
My DD started not to sleep well after about 3 months and we tried a swaddleme one night and it worked really weel. She slept with a swaddleme until almost 7 months old.

Posted 6/1/10 11:01 AM

Blessed beyond belief

Member since 10/07

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Re: Please Help!! Need Advice - Baby not Sleeping at night!

i'm no help.... that's exactly why/how we started co-sleeping! it was the only way any of us would get sleep.

Posted 6/1/10 11:03 AM

Pookie Love

Member since 5/05

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Re: Please Help!! Need Advice - Baby not Sleeping at night!

Posted by noni882

I don't know if you have already tried this but what about swaddling?
My DD started not to sleep well after about 3 months and we tried a swaddleme one night and it worked really weel. She slept with a swaddleme until almost 7 months old.

We tried swaddling when he was a lot younger (he is almost 4.5 months now) and he hated it. Also, he just discovered his legs and feet - and I think he would freak if they were swaddled. I wouldn't swaddle his arms because he sucks on his hands now and it's a comfort. I thought about the swaddling - I just think it wouldn't work nowChat Icon I can try - I'm just not hopeful - can you use a swaddle me to swaddle just legs?

Posted 6/1/10 11:06 AM

Pookie Love

Member since 5/05

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Re: Please Help!! Need Advice - Baby not Sleeping at night!

Posted by maybeamommy

i'm no help.... that's exactly why/how we started co-sleeping! it was the only way any of us would get sleep.

I swear - I'm about to. I know that's creating another monster, but I'm losing it.

Posted 6/1/10 11:07 AM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

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Re: Please Help!! Need Advice - Baby not Sleeping at night!

Mich-just put him back in the swing. My kids slept in their bouncies until they were 4-5 months old. Then I transitioned them.

Posted 6/1/10 11:10 AM

My Loves :)

Member since 1/09

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Re: Please Help!! Need Advice - Baby not Sleeping at night!

I know some people are against this so young but what about belly sleeping??

DD has terrible reflux and besides her swing, this is the ONLY way she can sleep. She sleeps in her crib for an average of 5-6hrs at a clip. I feed her a bottle, keep her upright for 20mins and on her tummy she goes and she feels sooo much better.
On her back she would wake up every few mins and she was much more gassy and burpy (which would make her scream) than she is now. Obviously her meds and formula help but I find this to be best

Posted 6/1/10 11:10 AM

Ultimate Expression of LOVE

Member since 6/08

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Re: Please Help!! Need Advice - Baby not Sleeping at night!

I was so sleep deprived I was becoming delusional. I also had a baby with severe reflux. Co-sleeping SAVED us. First night i put her in our bed she gave me 6 hours STRAIGHT..... She was out of our bed by 20 weeks

Posted 6/1/10 11:12 AM

sometimes 1+1= 4 <3

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the lucky one

Re: Please Help!! Need Advice - Baby not Sleeping at night!

what if you swaddle with one arm out so he can suck on his hands? my friend was having similiar issues with her son (no stomach issues but just not sleeping, didn't like to be swaddled, liked to suck on his hands) and she put him on his belly and he slept for 6hours straight! maybe you can try that! the first night you probably wont sleep you will be nervous but i am sure the second night you will be fine!

Posted 6/1/10 11:17 AM

Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05

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Re: Please Help!! Need Advice - Baby not Sleeping at night!

Would you consider belly sleeping?

Posted 6/1/10 11:28 AM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

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Re: Please Help!! Need Advice - Baby not Sleeping at night!

At this point, I'd try everything and anything.

My first thought was swaddling - I'd give it a try again even though it was a bust the first time. Maybe for 2 nights.

I was soooo against co-sleeping until my DD was born. This time I didn't even fight it... I don't have a crib for baby #2 yet but the co-sleeper is ready to go. Co-sleeping is better than not sleeping!!

Belly sleeping also really works sometimes but it may be out of your comfort zone - it's way outside of mine - but for some kids, especially ones who've had issues like your DS, it helps.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 6/1/2010 11:33:33 AM.

Posted 6/1/10 11:32 AM

Pookie Love

Member since 5/05

20229 total posts


Re: Please Help!! Need Advice - Baby not Sleeping at night!

Thanks, ladies.

Melissa - I can't put him in the swing really anymore because of his flat headChat Icon - per specialist that we saw last Friday.

Maria - how did you transition out of the bed then??? That is my huge fear!!

One of the times he woke up the other night - I did put him back to sleep on his tummy - I did not sleep - lol - I stared at the monitor the whole time. He only slept about two hours though. I'm so scared to do tummy again but I might.

I just don't know what to do. I have seven more days of work and then I'm on summer break - so I do have the time to devote to this - I just don't want my whole summer to be this though, and be a zombieChat Icon

Posted 6/1/10 11:37 AM

Blessed beyond belief

Member since 10/07

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Re: Please Help!! Need Advice - Baby not Sleeping at night!

Posted by Blissful

I was so sleep deprived I was becoming delusional. I also had a baby with severe reflux. Co-sleeping SAVED us. First night i put her in our bed she gave me 6 hours STRAIGHT..... She was out of our bed by 20 weeks

How did you transition her out of the bed??

Posted 6/1/10 11:38 AM

Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05

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Re: Please Help!! Need Advice - Baby not Sleeping at night!

Posted by mrswask

I'm so scared to do tummy again but I might.

Don't do it then and don't feel pushed to do it. This is one of those things you have to be 100% comfortable with to do. Chat Icon Speaking as a mom that sleeps her babies on their have to be comfortable and confident to do it.

Posted 6/1/10 11:41 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Please Help!! Need Advice - Baby not Sleeping at night!

I would try swaddling again. When Logan was first born he didn't sleep well - and he ended up in the swing for a few weeks (till someone told us it was bad for his back..who knows.) So we put him back in the bassinet and tried swaddling again (he didn't like it before but we had to do something.)

He fought it at first, but I would swaddle him up in the Swaddle me and then I'd hold him and jiggle him gently. He'd finally relax and then we'd transfer him. Then we started to just put him down still awake and he'd go to sleep (we did/do use a paci though he'd drop it after he was asleep a few minutes and usually it was not a problem.)

Once we started to swaddle him he started sleeping a good 6-7 hours at a time - we'd put him down around 11-12:00 and he wouldn't really get up till 7-8:00 - though he would fuss occasionally and we'd just give him the paci back and it usually worked. This was around 8-9 weeks.

When he discovered his hands and sucking on them, I was afraid we'd have to stop, but he was fine with it. We finally stopped around 7 months b/c he was constantly breaking out. But it really did make all the difference for us.

Good luck!Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/10 11:55 AM

Live and RUN like a Ninja!

Member since 5/06

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Re: Please Help!! Need Advice - Baby not Sleeping at night!

My twins had acid reflux and honestly I think that you have to stop feeding him at night. I found that the more I fed them during the night, the more aggitated they would get and the less sleep they would get.

Posted 6/1/10 11:57 AM

So in love!

Member since 6/06

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Re: Please Help!! Need Advice - Baby not Sleeping at night!

Maybe try the swaddling with jsut the legs or just try again. For me, DS would only be swaddled once he falls asleep (he's starting not to though) - then I swaddle him, he would wake up a tiny bit but then Id finish the bottle with him and he'd go back into a deep sleep again. You may have said this already I have to reread - but maybe its just not time? Can you keep him in the swing still?

Posted 6/1/10 12:00 PM

Pookie Love

Member since 5/05

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Re: Please Help!! Need Advice - Baby not Sleeping at night!

Posted by MrsDrMatt

My twins had acid reflux and honestly I think that you have to stop feeding him at night. I found that the more I fed them during the night, the more aggitated they would get and the less sleep they would get.

The doctors told me to feed him because he's barely eating and he is hungry. The night bottles are usually the only ones he will drink an entire bottleChat Icon

Posted 6/1/10 12:32 PM

Ultimate Expression of LOVE

Member since 6/08

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Re: Please Help!! Need Advice - Baby not Sleeping at night!

Posted by maybeamommy

Posted by Blissful

I was so sleep deprived I was becoming delusional. I also had a baby with severe reflux. Co-sleeping SAVED us. First night i put her in our bed she gave me 6 hours STRAIGHT..... She was out of our bed by 20 weeks

How did you transition her out of the bed??

She started to get squirmy at that age, I put her int eh crib one night and that was it... I din't sleep for DAYS I missed her so much but she did fine....

I was scared of co-sleeping but I was in such bad shape my DH calle dmy midwife as I was walking around the house rocking the baby and moaning we were gonna die...Chat Icon

SHe talked to me over the phone, sent me some wonderful article from Dr. McKenna and the rest was history...

It SAVED US..... There are days I still wish I could bring her into our bed to sleep like when she is sick but she won't sleep with me anymore...

Do it for now, so you get some sleep and then when you are rested work on getting him back into his crib when you are both ready!

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/10 12:36 PM


Member since 5/09

5751 total posts


Re: Please Help!! Need Advice - Baby not Sleeping at night!

Is he too big to sleep in a bassinette or cradle? Maybe he feels "lost" in all the space in the crib. Or, maybe put him in his crib so that he's across the crib vs parallel to the side rails. He might feel there is less space in there. Not sure if that made sense. All the other suggetsions by PP are good too.

ETA:Chat Icon My DS has reflux too.

Message edited 6/1/2010 12:36:59 PM.

Posted 6/1/10 12:36 PM

Blessed beyond belief

Member since 10/07

17048 total posts


Re: Please Help!! Need Advice - Baby not Sleeping at night!

Posted by Blissful

Posted by maybeamommy

Posted by Blissful

I was so sleep deprived I was becoming delusional. I also had a baby with severe reflux. Co-sleeping SAVED us. First night i put her in our bed she gave me 6 hours STRAIGHT..... She was out of our bed by 20 weeks

How did you transition her out of the bed??

She started to get squirmy at that age, I put her int eh crib one night and that was it... I din't sleep for DAYS I missed her so much but she did fine....

I was scared of co-sleeping but I was in such bad shape my DH calle dmy midwife as I was walking around the house rocking the baby and moaning we were gonna die...Chat Icon

SHe talked to me over the phone, sent me some wonderful article from Dr. McKenna and the rest was history...

It SAVED US..... There are days I still wish I could bring her into our bed to sleep like when she is sick but she won't sleep with me anymore...

Do it for now, so you get some sleep and then when you are rested work on getting him back into his crib when you are both ready!

Chat Icon Chat Icon

that easy! WOW!

i feel so torn about stopping co-sleeping... but he is getting a little squirmy but I think it's GAS and teething (ps - got the priobiotics over the weekend, will start today!) but i love having him there! and he still eats SO MUCH at night! but maybe cosleeping is why?

IYO.... do you think i should just wait to stop co-sleeping? right now the crib is in our room because my BIL & nephew are in our second bedroom. and we're moving back to NY end of july... in NY he'll have his own room... I'm so confused about what to do!

(sorry to hijack)

Posted 6/1/10 12:44 PM

Pookie Love

Member since 5/05

20229 total posts


Re: Please Help!! Need Advice - Baby not Sleeping at night!

Posted by pnbplus1

Is he too big to sleep in a bassinette or cradle? Maybe he feels "lost" in all the space in the crib. Or, maybe put him in his crib so that he's across the crib vs parallel to the side rails. He might feel there is less space in there. Not sure if that made sense. All the other suggetsions by PP are good too.

ETA:Chat Icon My DS has reflux too.

I personally do feel like he is "lost" in the crib - I am going to try to put him across crib - but then he doesn't get the benefit of the wedge...ugh. Think I'm going to try and swaddle - at least his legs - tonight also.

Posted 6/1/10 1:04 PM

Mom of 3

Member since 11/05

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Re: Please Help!! Need Advice - Baby not Sleeping at night!

We co-slept b/c DS hated the crib. It was a total nightmare when we tried to get him into the crib at about 3 months. He didn't sleep, we didn't sleep and we ended up giving up after about 6 days. Co-sleeping was working for us so we decided it wasn't worth it to try to get him into the crib. At 10 months, we successfully transitioned DS into the crib. We'd either wait until DS fel asleep in our bed or DH would rock DS to sleep. Then, he'd transfer DS into the crib. He'd turn on the FP aquarium and would also put it on if DS ever woke up in the middle of the night. I couldn't believe how smoothly the transition went. Of course, a few months later, DS had several ear infections, fevers and cut his first teeth. That totally screwed up the sleeping in the crib, but that will happen when they're sick.

Posted 6/1/10 1:07 PM

Ultimate Expression of LOVE

Member since 6/08

4985 total posts


Re: Please Help!! Need Advice - Baby not Sleeping at night!

Posted by maybeamommy

Posted by Blissful

Posted by maybeamommy

Posted by Blissful

I was so sleep deprived I was becoming delusional. I also had a baby with severe reflux. Co-sleeping SAVED us. First night i put her in our bed she gave me 6 hours STRAIGHT..... She was out of our bed by 20 weeks

How did you transition her out of the bed??

She started to get squirmy at that age, I put her int eh crib one night and that was it... I din't sleep for DAYS I missed her so much but she did fine....

I was scared of co-sleeping but I was in such bad shape my DH calle dmy midwife as I was walking around the house rocking the baby and moaning we were gonna die...Chat Icon

SHe talked to me over the phone, sent me some wonderful article from Dr. McKenna and the rest was history...

It SAVED US..... There are days I still wish I could bring her into our bed to sleep like when she is sick but she won't sleep with me anymore...

Do it for now, so you get some sleep and then when you are rested work on getting him back into his crib when you are both ready!

Chat Icon Chat Icon

that easy! WOW!

i feel so torn about stopping co-sleeping... but he is getting a little squirmy but I think it's GAS and teething (ps - got the priobiotics over the weekend, will start today!) but i love having him there! and he still eats SO MUCH at night! but maybe cosleeping is why?

IYO.... do you think i should just wait to stop co-sleeping? right now the crib is in our room because my BIL & nephew are in our second bedroom. and we're moving back to NY end of july... in NY he'll have his own room... I'm so confused about what to do!

(sorry to hijack)

I'd wait until you get to NY.... too much going on at one and co-sleeping will give him a lot of comfort.

Babies that co-sleep do tend to nurse more often at night because they are there with you but moms who co-sleep have better success rates at maintaining a milk supply and BFing until 1+ so its not a bad thing.

Posted 6/1/10 1:25 PM

You give the best smiles!

Member since 1/09

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Re: Please Help!! Need Advice - Baby not Sleeping at night!

Posted by mrswask

Posted by noni882

I don't know if you have already tried this but what about swaddling?
My DD started not to sleep well after about 3 months and we tried a swaddleme one night and it worked really weel. She slept with a swaddleme until almost 7 months old.

We tried swaddling when he was a lot younger (he is almost 4.5 months now) and he hated it. Also, he just discovered his legs and feet - and I think he would freak if they were swaddled. I wouldn't swaddle his arms because he sucks on his hands now and it's a comfort. I thought about the swaddling - I just think it wouldn't work nowChat Icon I can try - I'm just not hopeful - can you use a swaddle me to swaddle just legs?

The swaddle's worth a shot. Lucy was done with the swaddle within a few days of turning 3 months old, but it did help her a lot at night up until then. Even though she really hated it and would fight it tooth and nail, she really needed to be swaddled. Since he's been sleeping in the swing, he may like it after he gives up fighting it. You might also consider the nap nanny or something like that - a family friend used it for her son who had terrible reflux and had nothing but praise to sing for it. It's on an incline and does help with the cuddled feeling, like a swing - not sure if this is also banned given the flat head but figured I'd throw it out there since I have heard good things about it from people IRL. HTH.

Posted 6/1/10 10:18 PM
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