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Sleep Issues

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Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

7238 total posts


Sleep Issues

I'm having a very difficult time falling asleep and staying asleep (I get up to pee at least twice a night - big whoop). The problem is that I'm finding it really is hitting me during the day. I really had gotten my energy back, but the last few days to a week I've had a really hard time sleeping and it's starting to take it's toll. Any recommendations? I have the body pillow and that was helping, but I just can't seem to find a comfortable position, lol.

Posted 7/23/14 12:15 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 12/12

3656 total posts


Sleep Issues

Uhh annoying. I toss and turn all night bc I am a stomach sleeper and I have been making myself sleep on my sides. I get up about 2 times a night to pee but pre preg I got up like once a night. Honestly I'm sure its just gonna get

Posted 7/23/14 12:51 PM

My loves

Member since 2/11

2131 total posts


Sleep Issues

I stuffed 2 body pillows in 1 body pillow pillowcase. I then did this again so I have 2 pillow cases each with 2 body pillows in them. I sleep with them on each side. The one on my back helps cradle me and I cuddle with the one on my front. My body pillows take up about 2/3rds of the bed, but I just tell DH that I am currently 2/3 of the people in the bed and we need the space!

I get up every 2 hours to pee. That's the worst - with DS1 I got up MAYBE once a night when I was really far along... I also slept on my belly with DS1 until I was 36 weeks pregnant.

Try to find something that is comfortable for you! Also, don't nap during the day if you feel like you're not able to get to sleep at night. You might want to try regular sleeping help like shutting off all electronics and hour before bed, not eating too soon before bed, not getting in bed too early, etc. I always find that reading makes me SO tired, but then I have a problem where I'll stay up all night reading a book because it's so interesting and I don't want to put it down. When I'm trying to fall asleep, I'll read something I've already read so I already know what comes next!

Posted 7/23/14 1:29 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/14

3196 total posts


Sleep Issues

I have such trouble falling asleep too. I don't know if it is just from the excitement or what. But also, I have been waking up VERY early for me (5am) and unable to fall back to sleep. I have so much energy when I awake (so unlike me - I am usually a snooze until the last possible minute kind of gal).

Posted 7/23/14 2:06 PM

Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

7238 total posts


Sleep Issues

Anyone know the rules on sleeping sitting up? I know lying down flat on your back is bad, but if I bring up the "husband" pillow and sleep like that, that would be OK, right?

Posted 7/23/14 3:02 PM

Our miracle is here

Member since 12/12

2507 total posts


Re: Sleep Issues

Posted by jessnbrian

Anyone know the rules on sleeping sitting up? I know lying down flat on your back is bad, but if I bring up the "husband" pillow and sleep like that, that would be OK, right?

I slept sitting up my entires 3rd trimester- i was so congested and couldnt get comfortable.
Honesltly its not going to get getter- and nothign will make it completely better just a temp relief

Posted 7/23/14 3:05 PM


Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


Sleep Issues

Unfortunately there is not much you can do once you get to a certain point...

Posted 7/23/14 3:07 PM

Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

7238 total posts


Re: Sleep Issues

Posted by JWG421

Posted by jessnbrian

Anyone know the rules on sleeping sitting up? I know lying down flat on your back is bad, but if I bring up the "husband" pillow and sleep like that, that would be OK, right?

I slept sitting up my entires 3rd trimester- i was so congested and couldnt get comfortable.
Honesltly its not going to get getter- and nothign will make it completely better just a temp relief

I know, that's what I figured... I was so excited when the body pillow was working wonders, but that's worn off. If there was a bathroom in our basement I'd just sleep on our couch down there - it's so comfy and the chaise reclines so nicely!

Posted 7/23/14 3:07 PM

My family is complete

Member since 1/12

2338 total posts


Sleep Issues

It gets worse ;(

Posted 7/23/14 7:24 PM

california dreamin'

Member since 2/13

1443 total posts

love my family!

Sleep Issues

yup its not going to get better, only worse. just starting my 3rd tri and i'm up multiple times a night peeing and can't get comfortable anymore.
since i'm on number 2 now, i'm convinced its natures way of preparing your body for the lack of sleep you get once the baby comes! lol

Posted 7/23/14 8:39 PM

Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

7238 total posts


Sleep Issues

How do you ladies survive the day? I'm just so tired at work and I'm afraid my performance is suffering.

Posted 7/23/14 9:07 PM

My loves

Member since 2/11

2131 total posts


Sleep Issues

Find a way to sleep - you can do it!!!!!

Posted 7/23/14 10:10 PM

drama. daily.

Member since 3/11

7287 total posts


Sleep Issues

I had this during my last pregnancy, and now again with this one. It's 2:04am right now.
It is so messed up. My wheels turn all night until I pray myself to sleep around 4. My bed is comfy and the AC is crankin.

With my last pregnancy, the MFM recommended a lavender scented candle, lavender scented dryer sheets and detergent for the bed sheets. Also, chamomile and a banana before bed. It did work, helping to reset my circadian rhythms and I was able to sleep.
It's not working this time. Chat Icon
I might bust out the recliner again and see if watching tv or reading will help me fall asleep.i can't turn my brain off and I'm ready to pass out at 3:00pm every day

Posted 7/24/14 2:15 AM

california dreamin'

Member since 2/13

1443 total posts

love my family!

Sleep Issues

I've been drinking caffeine. I'm under the limit but still having a cup of coffee in the am and a soda at lunch. Otherwise i would never make it through the work day.

Posted 7/24/14 8:45 AM

L'amore vince sempre

Member since 5/05

9320 total posts

Mrs. B

Sleep Issues

No advice on how to get to sleep comfortably but I just wanted to say that I TRULY feel not being able to sleep while pregnant is our bodies way of getting us use to the sleepless nights that await.

Posted 7/24/14 9:45 AM

L'amore vince sempre

Member since 5/05

9320 total posts

Mrs. B

Sleep Issues

No advice on how to get to sleep comfortably but I just wanted to say that I TRULY feel not being able to sleep while pregnant is our bodies way of getting us use to the sleepless nights that await.

Posted 7/24/14 9:45 AM

Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

7238 total posts


Re: Sleep Issues

Posted by BriBri2u

No advice on how to get to sleep comfortably but I just wanted to say that I TRULY feel not being able to sleep while pregnant is our bodies way of getting us use to the sleepless nights that await.

That's what I keep telling myself. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/24/14 9:55 AM

Our miracle is here

Member since 12/12

2507 total posts


Re: Sleep Issues

Posted by jessnbrian

Posted by BriBri2u

No advice on how to get to sleep comfortably but I just wanted to say that I TRULY feel not being able to sleep while pregnant is our bodies way of getting us use to the sleepless nights that await.

That's what I keep telling myself. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

your preparing your body for when the baby comes and you still get no sleep
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

cat naps on weekends helped for me

Posted 7/24/14 10:09 AM

my little love

Member since 12/09

5054 total posts


Sleep Issues

I would eat lunch at my desk, then use my lunch hour to sleep in my car most days. I got the best sleep like that. The nap really helped me get thru the day.

Posted 7/24/14 11:24 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 8/14

15 total posts


Sleep Issues

To solve your sleep problems during pregnancy here are few tips hope that this could help you out
1 Avoid caffeine during afternoon
2 Get your eight glasses of water
3 Exercise regularly
4 Take a warm bath just before bed

Posted 8/8/14 2:01 AM

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