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Texas is open!

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LIF Adult

Member since 2/11

4798 total posts


Re: Texas is open!

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by Sash

Posted by seaside

Posted by JennP

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by lululu

Posted by JennP

I can't find the article anymore but I read something that explained why Covid didn't spread as much in FL as in other low restriction states.

One reason was that people basically didn't listen to their idiot governor and still wore masks at relatively high rates compared to similarly restricted states.

Another had to do with the ability to be outdoors for so many activities where science shows the spread is much less than indoors.

TX will be interesting because I believe the second should apply but not so sure about the first.

I haven't been to Florida since the pandemic started but everyone I have spoken to who has been there recently, including friends who live there, have told me that many, many people do not wear masks. And personally I would not bank on the people of Florida being any more intelligent than the people of Texas.

As for Florida, I wouldn't be so quick to call DeSantis an idiot. Here's an interesting article pointing out a lot of the facts around this, but what stands out to me is they did not fare much worse than anyone else (In fact they are pretty middle of the pack), but their economy is doing great, unemployment is low, schools have been able to remain fully open... It's interesting. And I too thought DeSantis was the biggest idiot out there at the beginning of this but I feel like I have to eat my words now.

A year into the pandemic, Florida is booming and Republican Gov. DeSantis is taking credit

And at best he didn't kill thousands of the most vulnerable people in the state by sending Covid positive patients to nursing homes rather than utilizing the Javits center, the navy ship and all the other available beds that were secured for that use.
And then lie about it. Multiple times. While writing a book about how great he handled the pandemic.
So who's an idiot?

Um, but we weren't talking about Cuomo.

The whataboutism is pointless.

They can BOTH be idiots.

And yes, DeSantis is an idiot for multiple reasons that I don't have time to get into.

Agree with JennP. California's governor also got caught engaging in some hypocritical behavior. There is lots to criticize about many leaders from both parties. I don't think there are two definitive sides on everything; we all have independent judgments that most of us can share without rabidly attacking others.

Who is rabidly attacking anyone over the mistakes of the governors? did I miss something?Chat Icon

No you didn't. It's just the usual over the top drama words she likes to use.
Rabid. Please. Chat Icon
I need to find a drama llama to use on these posts.

This! And Sash...u can forget about getting an answer to ur question from that poster, especially if it’s about quoting ur post to answer ur question Chat Icon

I am so glad I'm not the only one to feel this way. She is probably one of the the most condescending, self-righteous people on here. All while being as vague as possible.

Posted 3/17/21 3:40 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/21

355 total posts


Re: Texas is open!

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by JennP

For those disappointed about VB, don't worry. She'll be back. She never stays away long.

I didn't know she was banned again and I don't really give a shit either way, but for those constantly at her defense, why don't you reach out to admin and ask why they ban her? I would imagine it's not because of the stream of insults she emits (that many choose to ignore) but because of the doxxing incidents which probably violate the terms of service.

I am not talking about the time she dug up my age on this site. I am talking about other peoples' multiple situations where she took their personal information and used it for research OUTSIDE this site.

Personal information like full names? DOB? SS#? Please! Lol!! I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again, if u don’t want people to use information U have shared in a PUBLIC forum, then don’t say it. It’s up to u if u wanna say what kind of job ur DH has, or if u have kids, or what’s ur profession but then don’t get all pissy if someone else brings it up. I seriously don’t get that mentality.

Seriously!!! Just STFU if you don’t want your info out there.

Posted 3/17/21 3:48 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/21

355 total posts


Re: Texas is open!

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by RomeyT

Posted by Sash

Posted by JennP

Posted by Sash

Nobody is surprised or confused. People are questioning the double standard and hypocrisy. It’s pretty clear what the objections or questions are. Also Why this site, which, is basically being moderated by NO ONE, only pops up to remove this one person. Very odd.

Secondly, we also don’t care enough to reach out to site admin or Lone Ranger who mostly likely won’t respond. Said person can clarify by posting a response to the many pages and threads that have been posted about this. Instead they continue to watch everyone rip each other a new one over this topic.

Not worth the energy for no results.

But my point is that it's not a double standard or hypocrisy if it's about the doxxing which to my knowledge no one else has done. Social media platforms often remove people who engage in that.

And plenty of people are devoting energy to complaining about it so reaching out might be more productive. They have addressed things like this in the past although it's been a really long time. But someone is obviously around.

I understand what you are saying and I don’t think that’s the whole picture. You refuse to see what we are saying.

Wishing some dead is not a violation of a this site? Get my point? That is why we keep bringing up that its hypocrisy at best.

And yes they can do whatever they want with their site and I can continue to post whatever my opinion is until I get kicked off or stop posting.

Plus it’s clear the politics board is only ok or civil when no one disagrees with the popular opinion on here. Other posters aside from Vb have gotten attacked on here for simply disagreeing with the masses. VB isn’t the only sh!t stirrer on this board.

I was told to go seek mental help repeatedly and then it was defended and excused why it was ok to say that to me.

All we are trying to say is POT meet KETTLE.

Let’s also not ignore the poster who likes to use phrases such as “how embarrassing for you” and “why are you still here?” when someone expressed an opposing opinion. It’s not civil-it’s bullying. And it’s a shame that this person is someone who is likely teaching these minimizing techniques to her children.

Creepy personal attacks.

U mean like these ones: stupid, weirdo, crazy, stalker, psycho, moron, trash, dim witted little woman, nobody wants u here, you’re a pathetic joke, you deserve to die?

Posted by Hofstra26

People just respond to the crap she puts out and the fact is, she LOVES the drama.

Here’s an easy peasy solution for those that keep responding to her...stop responding to her, learn to ignore, move on and keep it consistent. Because if people think she loves drama and Chat Icon then by someone constantly responding to her, it just shows that person loves drama and Chat Icon too.

Aren't you tired of defending her?

She's a cancer on the board. Even when she's ignored, she doesn't stop because she's a head case. The boards are better off without her here. Good riddance.

Defending WHAT, exactly?! Bringing up stuff you probably wish you hadn’t shared? If you haven’t gotten the drift a good amount of us dont have any problem with VB. I can, however, think of a few other posters who I would personally love for the internet to swallow.

Posted 3/17/21 3:53 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

3986 total posts


Re: Texas is open!

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by JennP

For those disappointed about VB, don't worry. She'll be back. She never stays away long.

I didn't know she was banned again and I don't really give a shit either way, but for those constantly at her defense, why don't you reach out to admin and ask why they ban her? I would imagine it's not because of the stream of insults she emits (that many choose to ignore) but because of the doxxing incidents which probably violate the terms of service.

I am not talking about the time she dug up my age on this site. I am talking about other peoples' multiple situations where she took their personal information and used it for research OUTSIDE this site.

Personal information like full names? DOB? SS#? Please! Lol!! I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again, if u don’t want people to use information U have shared in a PUBLIC forum, then don’t say it. It’s up to u if u wanna say what kind of job ur DH has, or if u have kids, or what’s ur profession but then don’t get all pissy if someone else brings it up. I seriously don’t get that mentality.

Um, no. Not what happened. It's not my place to share the details. But the multiple instances most likely violate TOS.

That's fine that you think people should be able to do that. Start a chat board and make the rules what you want them to be. But I'm making an inference based on the fact that people who insult others on both sides get to stay while she constantly gets banned. It's probably because of that behavior. Unless other people are doxxing too. IDK.

Posted 3/17/21 4:13 PM

My everything <3

Member since 4/15

3635 total posts


Re: Texas is open!

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by RomeyT

Posted by Sash

Posted by JennP

Posted by Sash

Nobody is surprised or confused. People are questioning the double standard and hypocrisy. It’s pretty clear what the objections or questions are. Also Why this site, which, is basically being moderated by NO ONE, only pops up to remove this one person. Very odd.

Secondly, we also don’t care enough to reach out to site admin or Lone Ranger who mostly likely won’t respond. Said person can clarify by posting a response to the many pages and threads that have been posted about this. Instead they continue to watch everyone rip each other a new one over this topic.

Not worth the energy for no results.

But my point is that it's not a double standard or hypocrisy if it's about the doxxing which to my knowledge no one else has done. Social media platforms often remove people who engage in that.

And plenty of people are devoting energy to complaining about it so reaching out might be more productive. They have addressed things like this in the past although it's been a really long time. But someone is obviously around.

I understand what you are saying and I don’t think that’s the whole picture. You refuse to see what we are saying.

Wishing some dead is not a violation of a this site? Get my point? That is why we keep bringing up that its hypocrisy at best.

And yes they can do whatever they want with their site and I can continue to post whatever my opinion is until I get kicked off or stop posting.

Plus it’s clear the politics board is only ok or civil when no one disagrees with the popular opinion on here. Other posters aside from Vb have gotten attacked on here for simply disagreeing with the masses. VB isn’t the only sh!t stirrer on this board.

I was told to go seek mental help repeatedly and then it was defended and excused why it was ok to say that to me.

All we are trying to say is POT meet KETTLE.

Let’s also not ignore the poster who likes to use phrases such as “how embarrassing for you” and “why are you still here?” when someone expressed an opposing opinion. It’s not civil-it’s bullying. And it’s a shame that this person is someone who is likely teaching these minimizing techniques to her children.

Creepy personal attacks.

U mean like these ones: stupid, weirdo, crazy, stalker, psycho, moron, trash, dim witted little woman, nobody wants u here, you’re a pathetic joke, you deserve to die?

Posted by Hofstra26

People just respond to the crap she puts out and the fact is, she LOVES the drama.

Here’s an easy peasy solution for those that keep responding to her...stop responding to her, learn to ignore, move on and keep it consistent. Because if people think she loves drama and Chat Icon then by someone constantly responding to her, it just shows that person loves drama and Chat Icon too.

Aren't you tired of defending her?

She's a cancer on the board. Even when she's ignored, she doesn't stop because she's a head case. The boards are better off without her here. Good riddance.

I am actually tired of the non stop hypocrisy, double standard, and the fact that some people think someone that is “annoying” is wayyyyy worse than those that constantly verbally attack someone else, take a step further and have that person banned but then fails to recognize their own nasty behavior or have the nerve to justify it. THAT is what I’m tired of.

Message edited 3/17/2021 4:28:41 PM.

Posted 3/17/21 4:19 PM

My everything <3

Member since 4/15

3635 total posts


Re: Texas is open!

Posted by JennP

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by JennP

For those disappointed about VB, don't worry. She'll be back. She never stays away long.

I didn't know she was banned again and I don't really give a shit either way, but for those constantly at her defense, why don't you reach out to admin and ask why they ban her? I would imagine it's not because of the stream of insults she emits (that many choose to ignore) but because of the doxxing incidents which probably violate the terms of service.

I am not talking about the time she dug up my age on this site. I am talking about other peoples' multiple situations where she took their personal information and used it for research OUTSIDE this site.

Personal information like full names? DOB? SS#? Please! Lol!! I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again, if u don’t want people to use information U have shared in a PUBLIC forum, then don’t say it. It’s up to u if u wanna say what kind of job ur DH has, or if u have kids, or what’s ur profession but then don’t get all pissy if someone else brings it up. I seriously don’t get that mentality.

Um, no. Not what happened. It's not my place to share the details. But the multiple instances most likely violate TOS.

That's fine that you think people should be able to do that. Start a chat board and make the rules what you want them to be. But I'm making an inference based on the fact that people who insult others on both sides get to stay while she constantly gets banned. It's probably because of that behavior. Unless other people are doxxing too. IDK.

Able to do what?? Bring up information that someone have actually shared on their own?? It literally happens all the time. If that’s a reason to get banned then 9 out of the 10 active members from this forum would be banned as well.

Posted 3/17/21 4:27 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/21

355 total posts


Re: Texas is open!

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by RomeyT

Posted by Sash

Posted by JennP

Posted by Sash

Nobody is surprised or confused. People are questioning the double standard and hypocrisy. It’s pretty clear what the objections or questions are. Also Why this site, which, is basically being moderated by NO ONE, only pops up to remove this one person. Very odd.

Secondly, we also don’t care enough to reach out to site admin or Lone Ranger who mostly likely won’t respond. Said person can clarify by posting a response to the many pages and threads that have been posted about this. Instead they continue to watch everyone rip each other a new one over this topic.

Not worth the energy for no results.

But my point is that it's not a double standard or hypocrisy if it's about the doxxing which to my knowledge no one else has done. Social media platforms often remove people who engage in that.

And plenty of people are devoting energy to complaining about it so reaching out might be more productive. They have addressed things like this in the past although it's been a really long time. But someone is obviously around.

I understand what you are saying and I don’t think that’s the whole picture. You refuse to see what we are saying.

Wishing some dead is not a violation of a this site? Get my point? That is why we keep bringing up that its hypocrisy at best.

And yes they can do whatever they want with their site and I can continue to post whatever my opinion is until I get kicked off or stop posting.

Plus it’s clear the politics board is only ok or civil when no one disagrees with the popular opinion on here. Other posters aside from Vb have gotten attacked on here for simply disagreeing with the masses. VB isn’t the only sh!t stirrer on this board.

I was told to go seek mental help repeatedly and then it was defended and excused why it was ok to say that to me.

All we are trying to say is POT meet KETTLE.

Let’s also not ignore the poster who likes to use phrases such as “how embarrassing for you” and “why are you still here?” when someone expressed an opposing opinion. It’s not civil-it’s bullying. And it’s a shame that this person is someone who is likely teaching these minimizing techniques to her children.

Creepy personal attacks.

U mean like these ones: stupid, weirdo, crazy, stalker, psycho, moron, trash, dim witted little woman, nobody wants u here, you’re a pathetic joke, you deserve to die?

Posted by Hofstra26

People just respond to the crap she puts out and the fact is, she LOVES the drama.

Here’s an easy peasy solution for those that keep responding to her...stop responding to her, learn to ignore, move on and keep it consistent. Because if people think she loves drama and Chat Icon then by someone constantly responding to her, it just shows that person loves drama and Chat Icon too.

Aren't you tired of defending her?

She's a cancer on the board. Even when she's ignored, she doesn't stop because she's a head case. The boards are better off without her here. Good riddance.

I am actually tired of the non stop hypocrisy, double standard, and the fact that some people think someone that is “annoying” is wayyyyy worse than those that constantly verbally attack someone else, take a step further and have that person banned but then fails to recognize their own nasty behavior or have the nerve to justify it. That IS what I’m tired of.

Amen. I also want to add that the steps that were taken to get VB banned were sketchy and shi!tty and it’s pretty obvious who Played a role.

Posted 3/17/21 4:31 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

3986 total posts


Re: Texas is open!

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by JennP

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by JennP

For those disappointed about VB, don't worry. She'll be back. She never stays away long.

I didn't know she was banned again and I don't really give a shit either way, but for those constantly at her defense, why don't you reach out to admin and ask why they ban her? I would imagine it's not because of the stream of insults she emits (that many choose to ignore) but because of the doxxing incidents which probably violate the terms of service.

I am not talking about the time she dug up my age on this site. I am talking about other peoples' multiple situations where she took their personal information and used it for research OUTSIDE this site.

Personal information like full names? DOB? SS#? Please! Lol!! I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again, if u don’t want people to use information U have shared in a PUBLIC forum, then don’t say it. It’s up to u if u wanna say what kind of job ur DH has, or if u have kids, or what’s ur profession but then don’t get all pissy if someone else brings it up. I seriously don’t get that mentality.

Um, no. Not what happened. It's not my place to share the details. But the multiple instances most likely violate TOS.

That's fine that you think people should be able to do that. Start a chat board and make the rules what you want them to be. But I'm making an inference based on the fact that people who insult others on both sides get to stay while she constantly gets banned. It's probably because of that behavior. Unless other people are doxxing too. IDK.

Bring up information that someone have actually shared on their own??

That is NOT what I am talking about.

It's using that information to do research OUTSIDE OF THIS SITE and then acting on that research both here and OUTSIDE OF THIS SITE.

It has now happened, in some form, to at least 3 people.

I am assuming that is why she got banned because (to your point, Sash's, and others') people don't seem to get banned for hurling insults.

I could be wrong. I also don't give a shit, or at least that much of one. You get the last word. I'm not responding anymore because I have said the same thing a couple of times already and got sucked into a hole about something unimportant that I'm going to step out of.

Posted 3/17/21 4:48 PM


Member since 7/06

11488 total posts

Völlig losgelöst

Re: Texas is open!

Posted by JennP

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by JennP

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by JennP

For those disappointed about VB, don't worry. She'll be back. She never stays away long.

I didn't know she was banned again and I don't really give a shit either way, but for those constantly at her defense, why don't you reach out to admin and ask why they ban her? I would imagine it's not because of the stream of insults she emits (that many choose to ignore) but because of the doxxing incidents which probably violate the terms of service.

I am not talking about the time she dug up my age on this site. I am talking about other peoples' multiple situations where she took their personal information and used it for research OUTSIDE this site.

Personal information like full names? DOB? SS#? Please! Lol!! I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again, if u don’t want people to use information U have shared in a PUBLIC forum, then don’t say it. It’s up to u if u wanna say what kind of job ur DH has, or if u have kids, or what’s ur profession but then don’t get all pissy if someone else brings it up. I seriously don’t get that mentality.

Um, no. Not what happened. It's not my place to share the details. But the multiple instances most likely violate TOS.

That's fine that you think people should be able to do that. Start a chat board and make the rules what you want them to be. But I'm making an inference based on the fact that people who insult others on both sides get to stay while she constantly gets banned. It's probably because of that behavior. Unless other people are doxxing too. IDK.

Bring up information that someone have actually shared on their own??

That is NOT what I am talking about.

It's using that information to do research OUTSIDE OF THIS SITE and then acting on that research both here and OUTSIDE OF THIS SITE.

It has now happened, in some form, to at least 3 people.

I am assuming that is why she got banned because (to your point, Sash's, and others') people don't seem to get banned for hurling insults.

I could be wrong. I also don't give a shit, or at least that much of one. You get the last word. I'm not responding anymore because I have said the same thing a couple of times already and got sucked into a hole about something unimportant that I'm going to step out of.

This exactly. Outside of this site.

Posted 3/17/21 4:52 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/08

3101 total posts


Re: Texas is open!

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by JennP

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by JennP

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by JennP

For those disappointed about VB, don't worry. She'll be back. She never stays away long.

I didn't know she was banned again and I don't really give a shit either way, but for those constantly at her defense, why don't you reach out to admin and ask why they ban her? I would imagine it's not because of the stream of insults she emits (that many choose to ignore) but because of the doxxing incidents which probably violate the terms of service.

I am not talking about the time she dug up my age on this site. I am talking about other peoples' multiple situations where she took their personal information and used it for research OUTSIDE this site.

Personal information like full names? DOB? SS#? Please! Lol!! I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again, if u don’t want people to use information U have shared in a PUBLIC forum, then don’t say it. It’s up to u if u wanna say what kind of job ur DH has, or if u have kids, or what’s ur profession but then don’t get all pissy if someone else brings it up. I seriously don’t get that mentality.

Um, no. Not what happened. It's not my place to share the details. But the multiple instances most likely violate TOS.

That's fine that you think people should be able to do that. Start a chat board and make the rules what you want them to be. But I'm making an inference based on the fact that people who insult others on both sides get to stay while she constantly gets banned. It's probably because of that behavior. Unless other people are doxxing too. IDK.

Bring up information that someone have actually shared on their own??

That is NOT what I am talking about.

It's using that information to do research OUTSIDE OF THIS SITE and then acting on that research both here and OUTSIDE OF THIS SITE.

It has now happened, in some form, to at least 3 people.

I am assuming that is why she got banned because (to your point, Sash's, and others') people don't seem to get banned for hurling insults.

I could be wrong. I also don't give a shit, or at least that much of one. You get the last word. I'm not responding anymore because I have said the same thing a couple of times already and got sucked into a hole about something unimportant that I'm going to step out of.

This exactly. Outside of this site.

Was just going to say that. The resharing of private information was next level hard to watch.

Posted 3/17/21 5:08 PM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

4431 total posts


Re: Texas is open!

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by JennP

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by JennP

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by JennP

For those disappointed about VB, don't worry. She'll be back. She never stays away long.

I didn't know she was banned again and I don't really give a shit either way, but for those constantly at her defense, why don't you reach out to admin and ask why they ban her? I would imagine it's not because of the stream of insults she emits (that many choose to ignore) but because of the doxxing incidents which probably violate the terms of service.

I am not talking about the time she dug up my age on this site. I am talking about other peoples' multiple situations where she took their personal information and used it for research OUTSIDE this site.

Personal information like full names? DOB? SS#? Please! Lol!! I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again, if u don’t want people to use information U have shared in a PUBLIC forum, then don’t say it. It’s up to u if u wanna say what kind of job ur DH has, or if u have kids, or what’s ur profession but then don’t get all pissy if someone else brings it up. I seriously don’t get that mentality.

Um, no. Not what happened. It's not my place to share the details. But the multiple instances most likely violate TOS.

That's fine that you think people should be able to do that. Start a chat board and make the rules what you want them to be. But I'm making an inference based on the fact that people who insult others on both sides get to stay while she constantly gets banned. It's probably because of that behavior. Unless other people are doxxing too. IDK.

Bring up information that someone have actually shared on their own??

That is NOT what I am talking about.

It's using that information to do research OUTSIDE OF THIS SITE and then acting on that research both here and OUTSIDE OF THIS SITE.

It has now happened, in some form, to at least 3 people.

I am assuming that is why she got banned because (to your point, Sash's, and others') people don't seem to get banned for hurling insults.

I could be wrong. I also don't give a shit, or at least that much of one. You get the last word. I'm not responding anymore because I have said the same thing a couple of times already and got sucked into a hole about something unimportant that I'm going to step out of.

This exactly. Outside of this site.

Maybe that was because you told everyone you use the same name on all your other sites you go on and use them to complain about what goes on here.

I think it's really pathetic that this little clique that formed on this Board has to act like a bunch of middle school mean girls. The venom that comes from a few of you is NOTHING in comparison to anything VB posts. Is she being argumentative, absolutely but some of you are downright mean and nasty.

Posted 3/17/21 5:10 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Texas is open!

Posted by KarenK122

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by JennP

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by JennP

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by JennP

For those disappointed about VB, don't worry. She'll be back. She never stays away long.

I didn't know she was banned again and I don't really give a shit either way, but for those constantly at her defense, why don't you reach out to admin and ask why they ban her? I would imagine it's not because of the stream of insults she emits (that many choose to ignore) but because of the doxxing incidents which probably violate the terms of service.

I am not talking about the time she dug up my age on this site. I am talking about other peoples' multiple situations where she took their personal information and used it for research OUTSIDE this site.

Personal information like full names? DOB? SS#? Please! Lol!! I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again, if u don’t want people to use information U have shared in a PUBLIC forum, then don’t say it. It’s up to u if u wanna say what kind of job ur DH has, or if u have kids, or what’s ur profession but then don’t get all pissy if someone else brings it up. I seriously don’t get that mentality.

Um, no. Not what happened. It's not my place to share the details. But the multiple instances most likely violate TOS.

That's fine that you think people should be able to do that. Start a chat board and make the rules what you want them to be. But I'm making an inference based on the fact that people who insult others on both sides get to stay while she constantly gets banned. It's probably because of that behavior. Unless other people are doxxing too. IDK.

Bring up information that someone have actually shared on their own??

That is NOT what I am talking about.

It's using that information to do research OUTSIDE OF THIS SITE and then acting on that research both here and OUTSIDE OF THIS SITE.

It has now happened, in some form, to at least 3 people.

I am assuming that is why she got banned because (to your point, Sash's, and others') people don't seem to get banned for hurling insults.

I could be wrong. I also don't give a shit, or at least that much of one. You get the last word. I'm not responding anymore because I have said the same thing a couple of times already and got sucked into a hole about something unimportant that I'm going to step out of.

This exactly. Outside of this site.

Maybe that was because you told everyone you use the same name on all your other sites you go on and use them to complain about what goes on here.

I think it's really pathetic that this little clique that formed on this Board has to act like a bunch of middle school mean girls. The venom that comes from a few of you is NOTHING in comparison to anything VB posts. Is she being argumentative, absolutely but some of you are downright mean and nasty.

A few of you have some serious blinders on when it comes to VB. She's as nasty and condescending as they come. She gets what she puts out there, no insult that came her way was unprovoked.


Posted 3/17/21 5:14 PM


Member since 7/06

11488 total posts

Völlig losgelöst

Re: Texas is open!

Posted by KarenK122

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by JennP

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by JennP

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by JennP

For those disappointed about VB, don't worry. She'll be back. She never stays away long.

I didn't know she was banned again and I don't really give a shit either way, but for those constantly at her defense, why don't you reach out to admin and ask why they ban her? I would imagine it's not because of the stream of insults she emits (that many choose to ignore) but because of the doxxing incidents which probably violate the terms of service.

I am not talking about the time she dug up my age on this site. I am talking about other peoples' multiple situations where she took their personal information and used it for research OUTSIDE this site.

Personal information like full names? DOB? SS#? Please! Lol!! I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again, if u don’t want people to use information U have shared in a PUBLIC forum, then don’t say it. It’s up to u if u wanna say what kind of job ur DH has, or if u have kids, or what’s ur profession but then don’t get all pissy if someone else brings it up. I seriously don’t get that mentality.

Um, no. Not what happened. It's not my place to share the details. But the multiple instances most likely violate TOS.

That's fine that you think people should be able to do that. Start a chat board and make the rules what you want them to be. But I'm making an inference based on the fact that people who insult others on both sides get to stay while she constantly gets banned. It's probably because of that behavior. Unless other people are doxxing too. IDK.

Bring up information that someone have actually shared on their own??

That is NOT what I am talking about.

It's using that information to do research OUTSIDE OF THIS SITE and then acting on that research both here and OUTSIDE OF THIS SITE.

It has now happened, in some form, to at least 3 people.

I am assuming that is why she got banned because (to your point, Sash's, and others') people don't seem to get banned for hurling insults.

I could be wrong. I also don't give a shit, or at least that much of one. You get the last word. I'm not responding anymore because I have said the same thing a couple of times already and got sucked into a hole about something unimportant that I'm going to step out of.

This exactly. Outside of this site.

Maybe that was because you told everyone you use the same name on all your other sites you go on and use them to complain about what goes on here.

I think it's really pathetic that this little clique that formed on this Board has to act like a bunch of middle school mean girls. The venom that comes from a few of you is NOTHING in comparison to anything VB posts. Is she being argumentative, absolutely but some of you are downright mean and nasty.

Oh so victim mentality? It’s my fault? I shouldn’t have posted that I needed anxiety medication?

That should, in no way, have been used against me.

Posted 3/17/21 5:20 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/08

3101 total posts


Re: Texas is open!

Posted by KarenK122

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by JennP

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by JennP

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by JennP

For those disappointed about VB, don't worry. She'll be back. She never stays away long.

I didn't know she was banned again and I don't really give a shit either way, but for those constantly at her defense, why don't you reach out to admin and ask why they ban her? I would imagine it's not because of the stream of insults she emits (that many choose to ignore) but because of the doxxing incidents which probably violate the terms of service.

I am not talking about the time she dug up my age on this site. I am talking about other peoples' multiple situations where she took their personal information and used it for research OUTSIDE this site.

Personal information like full names? DOB? SS#? Please! Lol!! I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again, if u don’t want people to use information U have shared in a PUBLIC forum, then don’t say it. It’s up to u if u wanna say what kind of job ur DH has, or if u have kids, or what’s ur profession but then don’t get all pissy if someone else brings it up. I seriously don’t get that mentality.

Um, no. Not what happened. It's not my place to share the details. But the multiple instances most likely violate TOS.

That's fine that you think people should be able to do that. Start a chat board and make the rules what you want them to be. But I'm making an inference based on the fact that people who insult others on both sides get to stay while she constantly gets banned. It's probably because of that behavior. Unless other people are doxxing too. IDK.

Bring up information that someone have actually shared on their own??

That is NOT what I am talking about.

It's using that information to do research OUTSIDE OF THIS SITE and then acting on that research both here and OUTSIDE OF THIS SITE.

It has now happened, in some form, to at least 3 people.

I am assuming that is why she got banned because (to your point, Sash's, and others') people don't seem to get banned for hurling insults.

I could be wrong. I also don't give a shit, or at least that much of one. You get the last word. I'm not responding anymore because I have said the same thing a couple of times already and got sucked into a hole about something unimportant that I'm going to step out of.

This exactly. Outside of this site.

Maybe that was because you told everyone you use the same name on all your other sites you go on and use them to complain about what goes on here.

I think it's really pathetic that this little clique that formed on this Board has to act like a bunch of middle school mean girls. The venom that comes from a few of you is NOTHING in comparison to anything VB posts. Is she being argumentative, absolutely but some of you are downright mean and nasty.

Agree about the nastiness.
I kind of feel like when someone shares personal info on here, unless the info, itself is offensive, it is cruel and creepy for someone to bring it back up later to insult or hurt them with. Like some sort if unspoken trust or honor. We may not all agree on everything, but when someone shares info they are usually contributing to the conversation, maybe even making themselves vulnerable.

Personal attacks are uncalled for, but personal attacks that remind someone of a hobby, experience, or fact that they shared and hurt or insult them with it are a special kind of cruel. And people have gotten teased and insulted in this "community" for sharing very personal and very innocuous things. I like exchanging ideas and advice on here with others, but it's hard to forget that at any moment, I could be talking to my high school friend, the mayor of my town, someone I just hired, or someone who literally just goes online to spread misinformation and theough attacks on individuals, start "drama, " if you could call the laughable foolery that sometimes goes on here actual drama. We have no real way of knowing what's what.

Posted 3/17/21 5:25 PM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

4431 total posts


Re: Texas is open!

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by KarenK122

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by JennP

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by JennP

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by JennP

For those disappointed about VB, don't worry. She'll be back. She never stays away long.

I didn't know she was banned again and I don't really give a shit either way, but for those constantly at her defense, why don't you reach out to admin and ask why they ban her? I would imagine it's not because of the stream of insults she emits (that many choose to ignore) but because of the doxxing incidents which probably violate the terms of service.

I am not talking about the time she dug up my age on this site. I am talking about other peoples' multiple situations where she took their personal information and used it for research OUTSIDE this site.

Personal information like full names? DOB? SS#? Please! Lol!! I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again, if u don’t want people to use information U have shared in a PUBLIC forum, then don’t say it. It’s up to u if u wanna say what kind of job ur DH has, or if u have kids, or what’s ur profession but then don’t get all pissy if someone else brings it up. I seriously don’t get that mentality.

Um, no. Not what happened. It's not my place to share the details. But the multiple instances most likely violate TOS.

That's fine that you think people should be able to do that. Start a chat board and make the rules what you want them to be. But I'm making an inference based on the fact that people who insult others on both sides get to stay while she constantly gets banned. It's probably because of that behavior. Unless other people are doxxing too. IDK.

Bring up information that someone have actually shared on their own??

That is NOT what I am talking about.

It's using that information to do research OUTSIDE OF THIS SITE and then acting on that research both here and OUTSIDE OF THIS SITE.

It has now happened, in some form, to at least 3 people.

I am assuming that is why she got banned because (to your point, Sash's, and others') people don't seem to get banned for hurling insults.

I could be wrong. I also don't give a shit, or at least that much of one. You get the last word. I'm not responding anymore because I have said the same thing a couple of times already and got sucked into a hole about something unimportant that I'm going to step out of.

This exactly. Outside of this site.

Maybe that was because you told everyone you use the same name on all your other sites you go on and use them to complain about what goes on here.

I think it's really pathetic that this little clique that formed on this Board has to act like a bunch of middle school mean girls. The venom that comes from a few of you is NOTHING in comparison to anything VB posts. Is she being argumentative, absolutely but some of you are downright mean and nasty.

Oh so victim mentality? It’s my fault? I shouldn’t have posted that I needed anxiety medication?

That should, in no way, have been used against me.

Do not start to play victim. You caused drama on here even before VB came on the scene.

Of course no one should be saying anything about any mental health issues. Taking something anxiety should not be something you are ashamed of. But this was not one sided. You have said plenty to VB as well.

This site is supposed to be a place to come an share ideas and ask questions. It has turned into something very ugly and VB is not the only one to blame. There is one thing about disagreeing with someone but when the insults start coming out, people need to really take a step back. It is embarrassing on how some women on this board take enjoyment on tearing people down. Is VB blameless, no but it takes two to tango. The whole point is that if she keeps getting booted, then others should be as well.

Posted 3/17/21 5:37 PM

My everything <3

Member since 4/15

3635 total posts


Re: Texas is open!

Posted by JennP

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by JennP

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by JennP

For those disappointed about VB, don't worry. She'll be back. She never stays away long.

I didn't know she was banned again and I don't really give a shit either way, but for those constantly at her defense, why don't you reach out to admin and ask why they ban her? I would imagine it's not because of the stream of insults she emits (that many choose to ignore) but because of the doxxing incidents which probably violate the terms of service.

I am not talking about the time she dug up my age on this site. I am talking about other peoples' multiple situations where she took their personal information and used it for research OUTSIDE this site.

Personal information like full names? DOB? SS#? Please! Lol!! I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again, if u don’t want people to use information U have shared in a PUBLIC forum, then don’t say it. It’s up to u if u wanna say what kind of job ur DH has, or if u have kids, or what’s ur profession but then don’t get all pissy if someone else brings it up. I seriously don’t get that mentality.

Um, no. Not what happened. It's not my place to share the details. But the multiple instances most likely violate TOS.

That's fine that you think people should be able to do that. Start a chat board and make the rules what you want them to be. But I'm making an inference based on the fact that people who insult others on both sides get to stay while she constantly gets banned. It's probably because of that behavior. Unless other people are doxxing too. IDK.

Bring up information that someone have actually shared on their own??

That is NOT what I am talking about.

It's using that information to do research OUTSIDE OF THIS SITE and then acting on that research both here and OUTSIDE OF THIS SITE.

It has now happened, in some form, to at least 3 people.

I am assuming that is why she got banned because (to your point, Sash's, and others') people don't seem to get banned for hurling insults.

I could be wrong. I also don't give a shit, or at least that much of one. You get the last word. I'm not responding anymore because I have said the same thing a couple of times already and got sucked into a hole about something unimportant that I'm going to step out of.

U’re totally entitled to step out of this conversation if that’s what u want to do. No need to get sucked in a discussion u “don’t give a sh!t about”.

Regarding to ur theory about why VB got banned. If that’s the case, it sounds like a ‘someone’s word against someone else’s’ problem. If that’s indeed why admin banned VB, I think the fair thing to do prior this action, is to reach out to all parties involved and then decide from there. On top of that I think the logical thing to do to avoid the same problem happening again in the future is to acknowledge this to the rest of the posters but that never happened. According to VB she was never messaged about it and she was never told the reasons why she was banned, not to mention her account wasn’t indeed deleted like it’d usually happen. Also it seems that none of those 3 people that u mentioned about got any messages from admin either. I think admin would think it’s necessary to reach out to them to ease their minds if they’re indeed so afraid of someone digging info about them. Maybe ur theory is right, or maybe it’s not. I’m inclined to think it isn’t.

Message edited 3/17/2021 6:09:17 PM.

Posted 3/17/21 5:47 PM


Member since 7/06

11488 total posts

Völlig losgelöst

Re: Texas is open!

Posted by KarenK122

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by KarenK122

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by JennP

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by JennP

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by JennP

For those disappointed about VB, don't worry. She'll be back. She never stays away long.

I didn't know she was banned again and I don't really give a shit either way, but for those constantly at her defense, why don't you reach out to admin and ask why they ban her? I would imagine it's not because of the stream of insults she emits (that many choose to ignore) but because of the doxxing incidents which probably violate the terms of service.

I am not talking about the time she dug up my age on this site. I am talking about other peoples' multiple situations where she took their personal information and used it for research OUTSIDE this site.

Personal information like full names? DOB? SS#? Please! Lol!! I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again, if u don’t want people to use information U have shared in a PUBLIC forum, then don’t say it. It’s up to u if u wanna say what kind of job ur DH has, or if u have kids, or what’s ur profession but then don’t get all pissy if someone else brings it up. I seriously don’t get that mentality.

Um, no. Not what happened. It's not my place to share the details. But the multiple instances most likely violate TOS.

That's fine that you think people should be able to do that. Start a chat board and make the rules what you want them to be. But I'm making an inference based on the fact that people who insult others on both sides get to stay while she constantly gets banned. It's probably because of that behavior. Unless other people are doxxing too. IDK.

Bring up information that someone have actually shared on their own??

That is NOT what I am talking about.

It's using that information to do research OUTSIDE OF THIS SITE and then acting on that research both here and OUTSIDE OF THIS SITE.

It has now happened, in some form, to at least 3 people.

I am assuming that is why she got banned because (to your point, Sash's, and others') people don't seem to get banned for hurling insults.

I could be wrong. I also don't give a shit, or at least that much of one. You get the last word. I'm not responding anymore because I have said the same thing a couple of times already and got sucked into a hole about something unimportant that I'm going to step out of.

This exactly. Outside of this site.

Maybe that was because you told everyone you use the same name on all your other sites you go on and use them to complain about what goes on here.

I think it's really pathetic that this little clique that formed on this Board has to act like a bunch of middle school mean girls. The venom that comes from a few of you is NOTHING in comparison to anything VB posts. Is she being argumentative, absolutely but some of you are downright mean and nasty.

Oh so victim mentality? It’s my fault? I shouldn’t have posted that I needed anxiety medication?

That should, in no way, have been used against me.

Do not start to play victim. You caused drama on here even before VB came on the scene.

Of course no one should be saying anything about any mental health issues. Taking something anxiety should not be something you are ashamed of. But this was not one sided. You have said plenty to VB as well.

This site is supposed to be a place to come an share ideas and ask questions. It has turned into something very ugly and VB is not the only one to blame. There is one thing about disagreeing with someone but when the insults start coming out, people need to really take a step back. It is embarrassing on how some women on this board take enjoyment on tearing people down. Is VB blameless, no but it takes two to tango. The whole point is that if she keeps getting booted, then others should be as well.

Yup. OK.

Posted 3/17/21 5:54 PM

My everything <3

Member since 4/15

3635 total posts


Re: Texas is open!

Posted by KarenK122

This site is supposed to be a place to come an share ideas and ask questions. It has turned into something very ugly and VB is not the only one to blame. There is one thing about disagreeing with someone but when the insults start coming out, people need to really take a step back. It is embarrassing on how some women on this board take enjoyment on tearing people down. Is VB blameless, no but it takes two to tango. The whole point is that if she keeps getting booted, then others should be as well.

This!!! 101%

Posted 3/17/21 5:54 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54921 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Texas is open!

Posted by Lavaflow

I guess we will see if there are spikes with the kids at spring break now. Restaurants and bars and clubs are 100% with no curfews.

I'm waiting for the St Patrick's Day spikes. Bars were pretty full. AND many had live music, a known Covid spreader.

Posted 3/17/21 9:43 PM


Member since 6/08

10312 total posts

fka LIW Smara

Re: Texas is open!

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by Lavaflow

I guess we will see if there are spikes with the kids at spring break now. Restaurants and bars and clubs are 100% with no curfews.

I'm waiting for the St Patrick's Day spikes. Bars were pretty full. AND many had live music, a known Covid spreader.

I’m still waiting for the 4th of July spikes or September “school spikes” from from last year Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 3/17/2021 11:38:05 PM.

Posted 3/17/21 11:37 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Texas is open!

I certainly hope we don't see spikes and I hope we see an end to this COVID nightmare soon. But that being said, don't let your guard down. Don't think for a minute that you're immune to this virus or that it's no big deal. Don't think that just because we're all tired of this pandemic that everything should just be open. We're close to normalcy but we're not there yet.

Both my DH and I are in the midst of dealing with COVID right now and it's EVERY bit as awful as they have said it is. Not knowing how you'll fare or what each day will bring is scary. Your body doesn't feel like your own and the days move by so slowly as you try to heal.

You don't want this virus so continue to do everything you can to protect yourself. They'll be plenty of time for concerts and sporting events and everything else. For now, just take care of you and yours, get your vaccine and keep up with all of the safety measures until we know for sure it's safe to live normally again. COVID really sucks, I hope to never have to go through this again.

Posted 3/18/21 10:15 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/08

3101 total posts


Re: Texas is open!

Posted by Hofstra26

I certainly hope we don't see spikes and I hope we see an end to this COVID nightmare soon. But that being said, don't let your guard down. Don't think for a minute that you're immune to this virus or that it's no big deal. Don't think that just because we're all tired of this pandemic that everything should just be open. We're close to normalcy but we're not there yet.

Both my DH and I are in the midst of dealing with COVID right now and it's EVERY bit as awful as they have said it is. Not knowing how you'll fare or what each day will bring is scary. Your body doesn't feel like your own and the days move by so slowly as you try to heal.

You don't want this virus so continue to do everything you can to protect yourself. They'll be plenty of time for concerts and sporting events and everything else. For now, just take care of you and yours, get your vaccine and keep up with all of the safety measures until we know for sure it's safe to live normally again. COVID really sucks, I hope to never have to go through this again.

I am so sorry to hear that. Hope you are feeling much better very soon. Your thoughts on this are important to hear.

Posted 3/18/21 10:19 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Texas is open!

Posted by seaside

Posted by Hofstra26

I certainly hope we don't see spikes and I hope we see an end to this COVID nightmare soon. But that being said, don't let your guard down. Don't think for a minute that you're immune to this virus or that it's no big deal. Don't think that just because we're all tired of this pandemic that everything should just be open. We're close to normalcy but we're not there yet.

Both my DH and I are in the midst of dealing with COVID right now and it's EVERY bit as awful as they have said it is. Not knowing how you'll fare or what each day will bring is scary. Your body doesn't feel like your own and the days move by so slowly as you try to heal.

You don't want this virus so continue to do everything you can to protect yourself. They'll be plenty of time for concerts and sporting events and everything else. For now, just take care of you and yours, get your vaccine and keep up with all of the safety measures until we know for sure it's safe to live normally again. COVID really sucks, I hope to never have to go through this again.

I am so sorry to hear that. Hope you are feeling much better very soon. Your thoughts on this are important to hear.

Thank you. Chat Icon

I'm day 9, I'm finally feeling a little better and thankfully my sense of smell and taste seem to be returning. My DH is day 11 and still dealing with low grade fevers which is exhausting him. We've been lucky to have no breathing issues thus far but the fatigue is something else. The whole experience really wears you down physically and emotionally.

Hoping you stay safe and healthy, this virus is a beast.

Posted 3/18/21 10:27 AM


Member since 6/08

10312 total posts

fka LIW Smara

Re: Texas is open!

I’m tired of all the lectures, the vaccine is out everyone who wants it, go run out and get it. But schools need to be freaking open already full time or by September. Enough already with hiding from this virus and looking for excuses. These kids and families, including myself who has access to resources, are suffering!

Idc about sports, parties, Broadway shows or concerts. I care about my sons development and what this is doing to him over a year later and at this point there is no reason for it.

Eta: good for other states who are using common sense combined with research/science and opening up.

Message edited 3/18/2021 10:33:09 AM.

Posted 3/18/21 10:30 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Texas is open!

Posted by Sash

I’m tired of all the lectures, the vaccine is out everyone who wants it, go run out and get it. But schools need to be freaking open already full time or by September. Enough already with hiding from this virus and looking for excuses. These kids and families, including myself who has access to resources, are suffering!

Idc about sports, parties, Broadway shows or concerts. I care about my sons development and what this is doing to him over a year later and at this point there is no reason for it.

Eta: good for other states who are using common sense combined with research/science and opening up.

I'm sure the 2021-2022 school year will be a normal. Many districts are already back 5 days even if not full time. September is a long way off and whether you want the vaccine or not, enough other people by then will be vaccinated so hopefully things in the fall are a lot more normal than they are now.

Posted 3/18/21 10:41 AM
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