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Member since 5/05 13673 total posts
Name: Lori
Re: Would I be a really nasty neighbor?
Without getting involved in whatever is going on here....
I can see both sides.
If the date works for the majority of the people, I can see why they would choose it.
But....I still think you have every right to be offended that they chose a day that has religious significance for you, and I think you have every right not to sign it.
Can you contact the organizers and ask why they picked that particular date? I'm guessing many people will be off from work, so it's convenient for them.....but that still doesn't mean they should ignore the fact that it's a religious holiday.
Tough situation!
Posted 7/23/13 10:59 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 8/11 2196 total posts
Name: Trissy
Re: Would I be a really nasty neighbor?
Posted by Jacksmommy
Posted by ModDot
Posted by Jax430
Posted by PaddysGirl
Posted by LIMomma
What catholic holiday requires fasting for a full day and a full day of reflection and atonement? How do you compare the celebratory holidays to ones that require solemn reflection? I think the comparison is a true reflection of ignorance. You stated to the planners that it was a holy day, they ignored you - I would ignore them.
How about Ash Wednesday and Fridays in Lent? I think your comment can now be bucketed in a 'reflection of true ignorance'
I am not posting this to be argumentative; I am truly curious. Don't people work on Ash Wednesday and on Fridays during Lent? Also, I thought that you just can't eat meat on Fridays during Lent. That has been my experience with my Catholic friends. Do very observant Catholics take off the entire day to attend church? Do they fast with no food or water all day?
Not to equate one religion to another, but Yom Kippur is basically (very basically) like christians Christmas. We would never expect to have a block party on Christmas bc we would be celebrating with our families. I think we would all balk if someone tried to do something like that. (Jewish peoples, I'm not saying that Yom Kippur is like Christmas, my husband is Jewish and I realize the sanctity of the day)
But that's just it. Yom Kippur is NOT A CELEBRATION!!
I didn't say it was, I quite clearly said it was a very basic comparison to try to get someone who is NOT Jewish to comprehend the scope of the holiday.
Posted 7/23/13 11:01 AM |
My love muffin!
Member since 1/07 5819 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: Would I be a really nasty neighbor?
Posted by Palebride
Without getting involved in whatever is going on here....
I can see both sides.
If the date works for the majority of the people, I can see why they would choose it.
But....I still think you have every right to be offended that they chose a day that has religious significance for you, and I think you have every right not to sign it.
Can you contact the organizers and ask why they picked that particular date? I'm guessing many people will be off from work, so it's convenient for them.....but that still doesn't mean they should ignore the fact that it's a religious holiday.
Tough situation!
Its a Saturday and not a 3 day weekend just like any other Saturday in Sept. I understand the date works for the majority but it never should have been a date.
And I have contacted the organizers to tell them my feelings. They haven't responded to my email, but I know they responded to my friends email which was sent the same day as mine!
Posted 7/23/13 11:02 AM |
Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09 18388 total posts
Name: Allison
Re: Would I be a really nasty neighbor?
Posted by Jacksmommy
Posted by alli3131
Posted by Jacksmommy
Posted by alli3131
Posted by Goldi0218
An Orthodox Jew might just be not as offended because they aren't typically secular. They often live in orthodox communities and the issues aren't as common. Not saying it doesn't happen but I'm not surprised with that response.
No and I thought of that when I asked but he said while he is in a more Jewish community since he has to be near a temple his actual close neighbors are not.....he said his block is very diverse.
I truly am not trying to be snarky, but this thread has many opinions on it - some who say that they are offended and some that say they are not. What does it matter at this point what your Orthodox Jewish co-worker says? He has an opinion, just like the many other people on this thread. Are you trying to make me feel bad for not feeling the way he does, because he is Orthodox? I am truly unsure of why you commented on it.
Because I was curious to what he had to say on the topic. We tend to talk about religious thing here because his life is very different and my co-workers would rather educate them selves than make stupid comments about other religions such as what has happened here.
Stone me for makngn a comment.
I'll move on.
I actually don't think I have made a stupid comment but I do truly feel your comment was to make me feel bad. And there are many ignorant people, in many different faiths unfortunately. I'm not stoning you, but I was just honestly at why you chose to comment about what your coworker said. How do you know people who posted on this thread already aren't Orthodox? \
Nothing in my psot said hey Jacks Mommy guess what.
It was not drected at you whatsoever. It was a general comment on this thread that so many others have commented on.
It was not directed at you and I am sorry if you took it personally it was jsut a sonversation at work that was sparked by this thread.
Nothign more nothing less.
Posted 7/23/13 11:03 AM |

Member since 6/08 10312 total posts
Name: fka LIW Smara
Re: Would I be a really nasty neighbor?
Posted by jlm2008
Posted by Sash
The church did change it so that practicing Catholics just don't eat meat on Fridays. But there are devout Catholics that will fast during the 40 days of lent. There are Catholics who take off of work on Good Friday to basically mourn. There are alot of special masses during lent. Just like a Muslim during Ramadan, you can't take off of work for a whole month. There are many different types of practicing Catholics, some just go to church get ashes and leave. While others will attend the full mass.
I just wanted to quote the first sentence of the paragraph above, but I can't.! That's actually not true, we are only supposed to have one meal on that day besides having no meat.
Thanks for the correction, the last thing I want to do is give out wrong information. Although I do fast and give up meat for lent, I thought the church lessened it to just no meat on those days. I know my parish does preach to us about sacrificing, repenting and fasting during lent.
Posted 7/23/13 11:03 AM |

Member since 10/06 15979 total posts
Name: BahBahBlackJeep
Re: Would I be a really nasty neighbor?
Posted by EatingMyVeggies
As an aside, and not really entirely related to this thread - but I hate the term minority. Whether it has to do with race, religion, disability, whatever.
And I really dislike the implication that somehow a Jewish family in a neighborhood is in the minority or somehow a minority.
Even if that's not exactly what some people are saying here. I get that when it's bein used here, it simply means of a small percentage, but still - rubs me the wrong way. I'm not even nitpicking on any particular post here, but just in general.
It just kind of reeks of "well, sorry - the majority of us think this way, so boo to you. You miss out. Maybe if you were more like us, you could join. Sucks for you , being in the minority and all." Especially for an event that is supposed to be community and neighborhood based, kwim? For everyone.
I think of the thread now about the mulch - so many people saying how its not neighborly to leave a pile in the street. How it's inconsiderate for the other neighbors in the area. How it would annoy and anger posters - but something like this - where a Jewish family now can't attend because the rest of the neighbors won't budge or even consider a family of the jewish faith cant attend because its on their holiest day - isn't somehow an outrage of equal proportions.
Mulch in the street? You are an asshole of a neighbor. Your neighborhood excludes you? You're being too sensitive, majority wins, get over it.
But I like to think that I'm interpreting it wrong. And people aren't really like that, either consciously or subconsciously.
I love this.
You said exactly what I was thinking.
It's pretty funny if you think about it. Something as trivial as mulch trumps someone's religious beliefs.
Posted 7/23/13 11:06 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/07 2044 total posts
Name: Jake's Mama
Re: Would I be a really nasty neighbor?
Posted by MikesBride
Posted by JRsMaMa
Posted by olive98
Posted by Sash
Posted by jlm2008
Posted by olive98
Posted by jlm2008
Posted by LIMomma
What catholic holiday requires fasting for a full day and a full day of reflection and atonement? How do you compare the celebratory holidays to ones that require solemn reflection? I think the comparison is a true reflection of ignorance. You stated to the planners that it was a holy day, they ignored you - I would ignore them.
Uhhhh, try Ash Wednesday, the First Day of Lent & Good Friday. Until not too long ago, there was no food allowed at all, now you can have one small meal. Talk about ignorance.
Also, Easter is not about chocolate bunnies. It is the Catholics most high Holy day.
You Cannot compare ash wed and Good Friday to Yom Kippur!! Do yourself a favor and educate your self on the day before you start comparing.
You can't be serious with this comment. Do yourself a favor and take your own advice and educate yourself on those Holidays.
I have to agree. It takes alot for me to be offended, by I find that comment ignorant and disgusting. How can you complain about your religion getting discriminated against and yet continue to post the most ignorant comments about another? If you read this thread, not one person personally said ignorant comments about Yom Kippur, down play its meaning or said my holiday means more. It's disgusting, I would never compare my religion to anyone and say Easter means more than a holiday in another religion. If anything I ask questions to educate and understand rather than make rude and insulting comments.
Also since you clearly don't know crap about my Religion: there are Catholics that still fast for 40 days of lent. The death of Jesus is a very somber holiday. Easter is Sunday is the celebration of Jesus rising. The 40 days of lent are really important to me and I have missed put of events because of it. We are reliving the persecution and death of what we believe to be our messiah. I feel the sadness, I fast and sacrifice and I reflect on how I can be a better Christian. Easter Sunday is the celebration at the end of the. 40 days of sacrificing and reflecting. And of how I am going to become a better Christian and human because God sacrifice his son for us.
So please think next time before you assume you religion is better or make statements like that. No one has a better or more sacred religio
Christmas is not about Santa but the birth of Jesus and yes it's a celebratory holiday but its not about Santa ad Christmas trees. Also why I celebrate the day of the three kings as well.
First of all relax. That's not what I meant. I know plenty about both religions since I was raised both catholic and Jewish and my Dh catholic. What I meant was you can't compare how these holidays are observed. I know plenty of Catholics that go on with their normal routines on ash wed and Good Friday. I don't know one Jewish person that doesn't fast on Yom Kippur. I think a lot of people on here are turning this into something it's not because they are uneducated about Yom Kippur. My comment was not to offend anyone. If I did it wasn't my intent and I apologize. My boss is Jewish and though we do close for Yom Kippur he nor does his family fast on that day. So there you go 3 Jewish people who do "go on with their normal routines"
Except they don't, since you just said your boss takes off work. They may not fast, but do they go to Temple? That's not business as usual. No, they do not go to temple.
Posted 7/23/13 11:11 AM |
Member since 5/07 27557 total posts
Name: :)
Re: Would I be a really nasty neighbor?
I have an idea. Just dump a huge pile of mulch in the street in front of your home on the block party day, I am sure the block party participants would love that. Plus it will keep the party away from your house.
Posted 7/23/13 11:23 AM |
Member since 5/05 18919 total posts
Name: Jackie
Re: Would I be a really nasty neighbor?
Posted by Jacksmommy
And I have contacted the organizers to tell them my feelings. They haven't responded to my email, but I know they responded to my friends email which was sent the same day as mine!
See, this is what I think is the worst part of all. They are choosing to ignore that it is Yom Kippur. I asked my DH his opinion on this last night. He's slightly more observant than me, but also more easygoing in general. He would not sign approval for that date, but said that he could understand why that date was chosen if that's what worked best for most people, as long as your concern about the date was acknowledged by the organizers. He said that they should have replied to you with something like, "We received your feedback about the date of the block party. We are sorry for the oversight. It wasn't our intention to exclude anybody because of religious beliefs. We will make sure to take a better look at the calendar next year when choosing potential dates for the block party."
IMO, by not acknowledging your e-mail they are sending the message that they really don't care.
Posted 7/23/13 11:24 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/10 5092 total posts
Re: Would I be a really nasty neighbor?
Posted by Sash
Posted by jlm2008
Posted by Sash
The church did change it so that practicing Catholics just don't eat meat on Fridays. But there are devout Catholics that will fast during the 40 days of lent. There are Catholics who take off of work on Good Friday to basically mourn. There are alot of special masses during lent. Just like a Muslim during Ramadan, you can't take off of work for a whole month. There are many different types of practicing Catholics, some just go to church get ashes and leave. While others will attend the full mass.
I just wanted to quote the first sentence of the paragraph above, but I can't.! That's actually not true, we are only supposed to have one meal on that day besides having no meat.
Thanks for the correction, the last thing I want to do is give out wrong information. Although I do fast and give up meat for lent, I thought the church lessened it to just no meat on those days. I know my parish does preach to us about sacrificing, repenting and fasting during lent.
No problem, it's a popular misconception, even among practicing Catholics. And I really wish after all my years on this site I could figure out how just to quote one thing!!!
Posted 7/23/13 11:36 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/08 22665 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: Would I be a really nasty neighbor?
Posted by Jax430
Posted by Jacksmommy
And I have contacted the organizers to tell them my feelings. They haven't responded to my email, but I know they responded to my friends email which was sent the same day as mine!
See, this is what I think is the worst part of all. They are choosing to ignore that it is Yom Kippur. I asked my DH his opinion on this last night. He's slightly more observant than me, but also more easygoing in general. He would not sign approval for that date, but said that he could understand why that date was chosen if that's what worked best for most people, as long as your concern about the date was acknowledged by the organizers. He said that they should have replied to you with something like, "We received your feedback about the date of the block party. We are sorry for the oversight. It wasn't our intention to exclude anybody because of religious beliefs. We will make sure to take a better look at the calendar next year when choosing potential dates for the block party."
IMO, by not acknowledging your e-mail they are sending the message that they really don't care.
Exactly this. I think it was wrong for them to choose the date in the first place seeing that it is on any calendar. I know people said if it falls on Xmas or Easter they would be ok with it, but the truth of the matter is it will never happen. Xmas and Easter are on the calendar as well. Stores and many restaurants close for those holidays. Schools are closed and most businesses. Yom Kippur is on the calendar and they obviously looked at one to see it was also a Saturday. Yes, there are a lot of holidays in Sept for Jews. Not all Jews participate in them. I am reform so I don't, but I do and always have fasted on Yum Kippur and go to temple.
Posted 7/23/13 12:00 PM |

Member since 1/09 5476 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Would I be a really nasty neighbor?
i don't know why this turned into a christian vs jewish thing. How does one know that the majority of the individuals living in the other homes are christian? I think there is a lot of assuming going around.
Again - if someone objected to a date due to religion i wouldn't of permitted that date to go out to the masses as a selection date. It's just inconsiderate. It's not the same as my grand niece is having a birthday party or any other reason for objecting to a particular date.
If I was in the position I would simply vote no and said that you found it to be incredibly inconsiderate that the date was offered after you informed them of the major religious holiday and that you do not wish to be difficult but you were put in that corner.
Posted 7/23/13 12:01 PM |
So Dam* Lucky

Member since 10/08 6368 total posts
Re: Would I be a really nasty neighbor?
Posted by chilltocam
I think it's incredibly rude for your neighbors to plan the block party on a religous holiday like that. Yes, you can sign and not participate, but if you wanted to attend the block party, now you can't. I would be upset, but in the long run I would still sign to allow them to get the permit.
Exactly this.
Posted 7/23/13 12:23 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/12 6937 total posts
Re: Would I be a really nasty neighbor?
Posted by jlm2008
And I really wish after all my years on this site I could figure out how just to quote one thing!!!
Just wanted to throw a little helpful tutorial in here, there's no way to quote just a single sentence on here. You have to click "quote" as usual and just delete the extra stuff you don't want manually. That's what I do. But I know what you mean, it looks much neater this way and you can pinpoint what you wanted to respond to. Just make sure you don't delete the [QUOTE*] and [/QUOTE*] .
Message edited 7/23/2013 12:29:22 PM.
Posted 7/23/13 12:29 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/10 5092 total posts
Re: Would I be a really nasty neighbor?
Posted by halfbaked
Posted by jlm2008
And I really wish after all my years on this site I could figure out how just to quote one thing!!!
Just wanted to throw a little helpful tutorial in here, there's no way to quote just a single sentence on here. You have to click "quote" as usual and just delete the extra stuff you don't want manually. That's what I do. But I know what you mean, it looks much neater this way and you can pinpoint what you wanted to respond to. Just make sure you don't delete the [QUOTE*] and [/QUOTE*] .
Thanks, I have tried deleting manually, but the whole thing always shows up when I post! Maybe I deleted the (QUOTE)?? I'll get it one day!
Posted 7/23/13 12:39 PM |
3 Girls for Me!
Member since 8/07 12475 total posts
Name: Keri
Re: Would I be a really nasty neighbor?
Posted by HoneyBadger
Posted by SlurpeeDad Woah is me, woah is me.
One to grow on...
It's actually WOE. Not woah...
woe /wo/ Noun
Great sorrow or distress. Things that cause sorrow or distress; troubles.
Synonyms grief - sorrow - misfortune - affliction - distress
Woah: Common misspelling of whoa whoa verb imperative \'wo, 'ho, 'hwo\ Definition of WHOA 1 —a command (as to a draft animal) to stand still 2 : cease or slow a course of action or a line of thought : pause to consider or reconsider —often used to express a strong reaction (as alarm or astonishment)
You're welcome
Thank you!!!
Posted 7/23/13 12:41 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 6/12 523 total posts
Name: Momma
Re: Would I be a really nasty neighbor?
This should not be a religion issue - this should be a neighbor respecting neighbor debate. There is no comparison regardless of the holiday, there were a lot of comments saying if this was Christmas or Easter this would be okay. There simply is no comparison of the two. It shouldn't matter if your Jewish, Christian, Catholic, Jane, Hindu, Islamic or Pastafarian (my DH current religious choice) -- the point is that she voiced her concern to her neighbors and they chose to ignore her.
The neighborly response would have been to at least acknowledge her concern with the same respect that is expected of her acknowledging the consent.
Posted 7/23/13 12:52 PM |

Member since 8/11 2196 total posts
Name: Trissy
Re: Would I be a really nasty neighbor?
Posted by Nifheim
i don't know why this turned into a christian vs jewish thing. How does one know that the majority of the individuals living in the other homes are christian? I think there is a lot of assuming going around.
Again - if someone objected to a date due to religion i wouldn't of permitted that date to go out to the masses as a selection date. It's just inconsiderate. It's not the same as my grand niece is having a birthday party or any other reason for objecting to a particular date.
If I was in the position I would simply vote no and said that you found it to be incredibly inconsiderate that the date was offered after you informed them of the major religious holiday and that you do not wish to be difficult but you were put in that corner.
Posted 7/23/13 12:53 PM |
My miracles!

Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: Would I be a really nasty neighbor?
There's a difference between the world at large and a small community of homes.
I don't expect the general population to stop and close down on my holidays. RH, YK and Passover are the most observed across the spectrum of Judaism and within those observances, they vary. In our area, schools close but government offices don't. Not even the offices of DOE of NYC. Schools close for a reason. There are a huge amount of Jewish teachers that observe those days and there are simply not enough subs for adequate coverage. Doesn't offend me in the least that the stock exchange is open or the post office is open etc. I get it.
However in a small, neighborly community, where you have regular interactions with people, IMO, the game changes. Growing up, everyone knew who celebrated what. Our catholic neighbors invited us for Christmas celebrations and they were welcomed for Chanukah, Seders, and RH dinners. We were not an orthodox family. Nobody in our neighborhood was. The Jewish families were fewer in number, but regardless, planning a "neighborhood event" where any member would be excluded by virtue of religious observance would have not gone over well at all. It wasn't done. There were reform and conservative Jews who'd never have gone to a block party on Yom Kippur. And there are plenty of reform Jews who observe. My cousin, a rabbi, is one of them.
Posted 7/23/13 12:57 PM |

Member since 5/08 9818 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Would I be a really nasty neighbor?
I don't know what I'd do.
I'd probably sign but I'd want everyone and their mother to know how hurt I was.
I'd also instruct my guests to feel free to move the road blocks and drive up the street to my house.
Posted 7/23/13 1:01 PM |
Member since 5/05 10425 total posts
Re: Would I be a really nasty neighbor?
Posted by Jacksmommy
Posted by Jax430
Yom Kippur is the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. There is no way that I would sign for a block party that day. First of all, your kids wouldn't be able to participate, and how are they going to feel about that. Second, there won't be any parking for your guests for the break fast, and who wants to walk from far away after you haven't eaten or drank anything for 25 hours! Also, I don't know if you attend synagogue, and if so, if you drive or not, but it would be a huge inconvenience for me to not be able to get on and off my street that day.
I'm usually a pretty accommodating person, but I think it's really rude to plan the block party that day. Are you the only Jewish family on your block?
ETA: We are fairly observant of Yom Kippur, and do not listen to music, watch TV, etc. It would impact the sanctity of the day for me to hear loud music outside, etc., which is another reason that I would not sign. I feel for you. I would be PISSED if it were me.
This is how I feel, just written much more eloquently than I did. However, I do see other peoples points of view! While I drive to temple, this is one of the holidays that I take pretty seriously! And honestly, I don't know how I would even begin to explain to my 4 year old son (who LOVES block parties) why we can't participate and everyone else can. I can see some major tantrumming going on that day! There are a few more jewish people on the block but I am not sure how observant they are.
I agree with both of you & I am not Jewish. Block parities are loud and are an inconvenience to those not participating, so I do not find them appropriate for a Holy day. If they didn't know, fine, but you TOLD them.
I actually think it is un-neighborly to ignore one families religion over other people's schedules.
Getting your signature is asking if you are OK with this event on your block on that day, and you are clearly NOT, so don't sign. You might not be the only one.
Also if you friend is in charge of signatures, you should just tell her that you are unable to sign for that reason, so maybe she will talk to the organizers about changing the date, so she doesn't waste her time.
Posted 7/23/13 1:04 PM |

Member since 6/08 10312 total posts
Name: fka LIW Smara
Re: Would I be a really nasty neighbor?
Posted by jlm2008
Posted by halfbaked
Posted by jlm2008
And I really wish after all my years on this site I could figure out how just to quote one thing!!!
Just wanted to throw a little helpful tutorial in here, there's no way to quote just a single sentence on here. You have to click "quote" as usual and just delete the extra stuff you don't want manually. That's what I do. But I know what you mean, it looks much neater this way and you can pinpoint what you wanted to respond to. Just make sure you don't delete the [QUOTE*] and [/QUOTE*] .
Thanks, I have tried deleting manually, but the whole thing always shows up when I post! Maybe I deleted the (QUOTE)?? I'll get it one day!
Yea, you have to leave in the QUOTE tags. In the example of our convo..
I left the first two lines with your name and the quote tags and my name with the quote tags. Then deleted everything in between up until the beginning of my post.
Prob sounds more confusing now
Posted 7/23/13 1:11 PM |
3 Girls for Me!
Member since 8/07 12475 total posts
Name: Keri
Re: Would I be a really nasty neighbor?
Posted by Jacksmommy
Posted by jlm2008
Posted by LIMomma
What catholic holiday requires fasting for a full day and a full day of reflection and atonement? How do you compare the celebratory holidays to ones that require solemn reflection? I think the comparison is a true reflection of ignorance. You stated to the planners that it was a holy day, they ignored you - I would ignore them.
Uhhhh, try Ash Wednesday, the First Day of Lent & Good Friday. Until not too long ago, there was no food allowed at all, now you can have one small meal. Talk about ignorance.
Also, Easter is not about chocolate bunnies. It is the Catholics most high Holy day.
Clearly what I have learned from starting this thread is Jews don't know about Catholic/Christian holidays, Catholic/Christians don't know anything about Jewish holidays, very few people know about Muslim holidays and I may or may not be the neighborhood ***** in the future! Thanks for all your help everyone! Very enlightening!!! I have never had my phone ding so many times in one day!
Very good summary!!
Posted 7/23/13 1:13 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 2/11 4798 total posts
Name: Pomegranate5
Re: Would I be a really nasty neighbor?
The date should have absolutely been off the table considering what it means. I'm surprised and disappointed that the town would even allow it.
It's more upsetting to see the attitude of so many posters on this thread. Hypocritical to say the least.
I would not blame the OP for refusing the sign. It probably won't make a difference, but it should be noted that you object, and the reason why. Maybe this can be avoided in the future.
Posted 7/23/13 1:30 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/12 561 total posts
Re: Would I be a really nasty neighbor?
Message edited 7/23/2013 2:49:41 PM.
Posted 7/23/13 2:45 PM |
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