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WWYD - dental cleaning

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LIF Infant

Member since 4/14

157 total posts


WWYD - dental cleaning

Hi ladies,

I'm scheduled for my 6 month cleaning with the dentist next week and I'll be about 10 weeks pg at that time. The OB nurse at my drs office said this was fine, but I was wondering what you ladies did.

I'm wondering if I should postpone until I'm out of the first trimester. Of course, I don't want to delay the cleaning because I know how important that is, but just wondering if it is perfectly safe in the first tri. Thanks!

Posted 9/29/14 5:08 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 1/14

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WWYD - dental cleaning

I think a cleaning is perfectly fine. That said, waiting another month shouldn't make a difference in your overall dental health.

Posted 9/29/14 5:16 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/13

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WWYD - dental cleaning

Literally asked this same question to my OB on Thursday. I have cleaning scheduled and I'll be right around 12 weeks. Doctor said it was totally fine and that if I was due for x-rays that they were also totally fine assuming the office takes the necessary precautions and uses the x-ray shield on my belly!

Posted 9/29/14 5:43 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

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WWYD - dental cleaning

Totally fine, just let them know right off the bat that you're pregnant. My dentist assured me the xrays are safe but they usually skip them which is what I did. There was something else the hygienist skipped, maybe a fluoride treatment.

Posted 9/29/14 5:48 PM

Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12

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Re: WWYD - dental cleaning

I am a Hygienist and we only see pregos in second trimester. 10 weeks is pretty close so the dentist would probably clear you.

Posted 9/29/14 6:07 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 4/14

157 total posts


Re: WWYD - dental cleaning

Thanks ladies!! Ill be 10w5d. Ill let them know too, of course! I don't want to reschedule because knowing my luck, it will cause some dental problem to erupt. That's how things generally work for me!

I've been really reading up about dental care while pregnant and I'm going to have to step up my game!! Some scary stuff!! There's a chance I may have to get a crown done, but I wonder if my dentist will want to postpone until after I deliver.

During your cleaning while pregnant, did you bleed more? I read that isn't uncommon because we have more blood but that could also increase the risk of infection. The Internet-blessing or curse??

Posted 9/29/14 6:12 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 4/14

157 total posts


Re: WWYD - dental cleaning

Posted by Lillies

I am a Hygienist and we only see pregos in second trimester. 10 weeks is pretty close so the dentist would probably clear you.

Good to know Lillies! Is that bc of the bleeding or infection risk? Do you think I should push it to 12 weeks? I'm nervous to do that, if it would cause a problem, but I want to do what is safest!

Posted 9/29/14 6:14 PM

drama. daily.

Member since 3/11

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Re: WWYD - dental cleaning

In my opinion, it's totally fine and I have been told you should go for a cleaning whiile pregnant. I have one scheduled tomorrow, which is my second cleaning during this pregnancy.

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Posted 9/29/14 6:24 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 4/14

157 total posts


Re: WWYD - dental cleaning

Posted by LIRascal

In my opinion, it's totally fine and I have been told you should go for a cleaning whiile pregnant. I have one scheduled tomorrow, which is my second cleaning during this pregnancy.

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Thanks!! Did you have one during your first tri??

Posted 9/29/14 6:29 PM

Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12

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Re: WWYD - dental cleaning

Posted by TryingandHiding

Posted by Lillies

I am a Hygienist and we only see pregos in second trimester. 10 weeks is pretty close so the dentist would probably clear you.

Good to know Lillies! Is that bc of the bleeding or infection risk? Do you think I should push it to 12 weeks? I'm nervous to do that, if it would cause a problem, but I want to do what is safest!

Yes, it has to do with the bacteria bc it passes through your blood stream naturally when your gums bleed. The second trimester is considered the safest I am assuming due to the growth and protection levels. Third is also okay but the patient is not able to lay flat (bc of pressure on the arteries) so it is most comfortable for the patient in the second. Many OBs are requiring us to sign a note stating that the patient has had a cleaning and has been cleared of gum disease bc studies are finding the bacteria in the mouth can cross the placenta and lead to IUGR along with preterm labor so it is SUPER important to get a cleaning before and during pregnancies. The only time I require my patients to have two cleanings during the pregnancy- one in second tri and one in third- is when their gums are in horrible shape and they are not able to keep up with the bacteria levels. It is also important to get one after birth bc the hormones cause the gums to become super inflamed also.
Like I said, 10 weeks should be fine. I would be more weary with 7-8 week time frame bc that's a very delicate time in fetal growth. Every dentist is different so just see what they recommend but I am just telling you what the latest research and norm is. Call them anyway bc if the dentist is not comfortable seeing you at 10 weeks, you would have wasted your time.

Posted 9/29/14 6:42 PM

Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12

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Re: WWYD - dental cleaning

Things I recommend to my pregos--

*Change your toothbrush or toothbrush head for electric every 3months and more if you get a stomach bug or throat infection.

*Use rinses but avoid fluoride rinses and ones with heavy alcohol. The listerine zero line is very delicate for the mouth.

*Only soft or extra soft bristled toothbrushes.

*Floss more than usual. Your gums will be bleeding more frequently due to hormonal changes and certain bacteria thrive in those conditions so get in there as much as you can.

*Get a thorough cleaning in second trimester to keep things in good condition. Radiographs are unnecessary unless you have active infection or pain warranting further investigation.

Posted 9/29/14 6:47 PM

Baby Boy is Here!

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WWYD - dental cleaning

I went for a cleaning the day after my BFP - never thought twice about it. I went again at 7 months pregnant.

Posted 9/29/14 7:38 PM

Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12

4571 total posts


Re: WWYD - dental cleaning

Posted by PitterPatter11

I went for a cleaning the day after my BFP - never thought twice about it. I went again at 7 months pregnant.

That's fine. You don't share blood with the baby at that point.

Posted 9/29/14 7:42 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/08

1238 total posts


Re: WWYD - dental cleaning

First DS I had my cleaning at 7 or 8 weeks and the hygienist actually said it was a great time to get a cleaning and teeth checked because pregnancy often leads to dental issues down the line. They just held off on radiographs. This DC I was just barely pregnant (like 4-5 weeks) during the cleaning (had just tested a few days before). Didn't have any more bleeding then usual though my cleanings always seem to be brutal blech.

Posted 9/29/14 8:31 PM

Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12

4571 total posts


Re: WWYD - dental cleaning

Posted by petvet

First DS I had my cleaning at 7 or 8 weeks and the hygienist actually said it was a great time to get a cleaning and teeth checked because pregnancy often leads to dental issues down the line. They just held off on radiographs. This DC I was just barely pregnant (like 4-5 weeks) during the cleaning (had just tested a few days before). Didn't have any more bleeding then usual though my cleanings always seem to be brutal blech.

Wow, that's not a very common thought among hygienists. Was she old or new? I have only been in practice for a few years so maybe I am preaching the newer, scarier stuff from the dental society. You gotta wonder how our parents had healthy babies without all of these precautions. Some may be overkill lol

Message edited 9/29/2014 9:19:44 PM.

Posted 9/29/14 9:05 PM

Just another chapter in life..

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Re: WWYD - dental cleaning

I went for my cleaning. I just told them so they wouldn't do xrays.

Posted 9/30/14 8:50 AM

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