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WWYD re: a neighbor who has a pit bull.. NOT ON A LEASH

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im a big girl!

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WWYD re: a neighbor who has a pit bull.. NOT ON A LEASH

we just bought our home 3 weeks ago. we have not moved in... but have been sending the days there doing work... after last weeks shinagains with a different neighbors dog attacking my father.. i noticed that the neighbor across the street leaves his pit bull unleashed in the front yard... this specific dog has wondered onto my property 2 times now and stands at my back yard gate barking. i was never a dog lover dogs fo some reason always scared me. needless to say after the whole dog attack im more scared and now scared for my dd. i dont know if this is a reg occurace but in the last 2 weeks ive been there speding the days this is the 3rd time its happened.

I do not want to be the problem neighbor but i do not like that this dog is on my property and is also on their property unleashed i understand on their property theres not much i can do BUT obvioulsy the dog doesnt stay put over there since its been to my house already. How do i handle this properly without causing an uproar?!?! WWYD?!?!?!?

Posted 5/17/10 8:42 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: WWYD re: a neighbor who has a pit bull.. NOT ON A LEASH

I would absolutely walk over to the house (when the dog is inside obviously) and explain to them that you have a baby and you don't want this Pit Bull wandering on your lawn and god forbid in your backyard while DD was playing.

I would think they'd have to understand if they were halfway decent people

Posted 5/17/10 8:47 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

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Re: WWYD re: a neighbor who has a pit bull.. NOT ON A LEASH

I dont know if I agree that if its on his property that its okay...its just not ok. In the end I am not worried about his dog, I am worried for the child. SO, basically i would call the cops altogether. Isnt there a leash law? I dont wait for things to happen and I agree that you may become "the problem neighbor" which is why I probably wouldnt open my mouth...I'd just call the cops.

Posted 5/17/10 8:49 PM

im a big girl!

Member since 2/07

4536 total posts


Re: WWYD re: a neighbor who has a pit bull.. NOT ON A LEASH

thanks paulette my mom actually works at the local police department and she suggested that i call and they will at least take a trip over and i can stay annonymous. which is what id like to do.

Or she said i can make a call to the town and there are leash laws especially for pit bulls

ETA: i felt like i was over reacting but after everything we've been through with my dad and the other neighbors dog im paranoid and very worried! and do not want to wait for something to happen

Message edited 5/17/2010 8:52:16 PM.

Posted 5/17/10 8:51 PM

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Re: WWYD re: a neighbor who has a pit bull.. NOT ON A LEASH

I would simply say "I have a young daughter who is not familiar with dogs. Please try to keep your dog in your yard." Or, just make it more of a "I'm not sure if you're aware, the dog gets out it might not be safe. I wouldn't want it to get injured". If you make it a "your dog is a scary pit bull that barks at my gate" they'll probably get defensive.

Good luck

eta: There are leash laws for dogs OFF of an owners property. I would just call the cops and let them know although the dog is on the property unleashed, it wanders off. End of story.

Message edited 5/17/2010 8:56:24 PM.

Posted 5/17/10 8:51 PM

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Re: WWYD re: a neighbor who has a pit bull.. NOT ON A LEASH

Personally, I would put up a fence immediately. I know this person should be keeping their dog off your property, but my #1 concern would be the safety of my child.

I would try to do the neighborly thing once. I'd go and talk to them and explain the problem. If I kept seeing the dog on my property, I would call the cops and/or code enforcement for the Town/Village. I am not too optimistic that talking to someone who lets their dog roam around the neighborhood is going to correct the problem to my level of satisfaction.

Posted 5/17/10 8:52 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 8/06

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Re: WWYD re: a neighbor who has a pit bull.. NOT ON A LEASH

I would walk over to the neighbors home with my DH and address the issue immediately. I would first introduce ourselves then I would tell them that in the past 2 weeks alone, this dog has gotten onto your property on 3 separate occasions. I would advise them that I have a small child who will be playing on my property and I do not under any circumstances want to have this dog wind up on my property again.

I would tell them outright, that you really dont want to be coming across as an argumentative neighbor, and you hope that you guys will be friendly. BUT that you cannot tolerate the dog being loose on the property.

I would end it with saying that I look forward to being in the neighborhood and getting to know everyone, but I have to warn you that if the dog continues to wind up on my property, the police will be called, and I hope it does not come to that.

Posted 5/17/10 8:54 PM

im a big girl!

Member since 2/07

4536 total posts


Re: WWYD re: a neighbor who has a pit bull.. NOT ON A LEASH

Thanks ladies!!!! im glad im not alone!

we do have a gate up but its chain link and im worried my dd or my nephew will stick their fingers through the holes to "pet the puppy"

we also will be having renters who i have to STRESS that they MUST close the gate at ALL TIMES.

Posted 5/17/10 8:54 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 8/06

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Re: WWYD re: a neighbor who has a pit bull.. NOT ON A LEASH

Posted by dpli

Personally, I would put up a fence immediately. I know this person should be keeping their dog off your property, but my #1 concern would be the safety of my child.

ITA with this as well, I did not think of that, EXCELLENT idea!

Posted 5/17/10 8:55 PM

Gonna be a BIG Bro in April!

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Re: WWYD re: a neighbor who has a pit bull.. NOT ON A LEASH

If it were me... 1. I would not call the police right off the bat. 2. I'd not say "pitbull" to the owner. Pitbull owners tend to be protective and defensive of the breeds reputation. Two of my closest friends are pitbull owners and they are the sweetest dogs and excellent with children. And 3. I would simply introduce myself to my new neighbor once I'm settled in and nicely explain the situation and fact that "your dog" has come to my gate, barking, and I have a small child. Since it is not trained to stay, could you please keep it on a leash. I'd appreciate it.

If the nice request does not work, I'd ask one more time and say, your dog is still crossing the street and barking at my gate while dd is playing.

If it still happens, I'd call the town and ask about the leash law and who enforces it. I'd do this at the poing where I'm prepared to be "that neighbor" and lose contact with this particular neighbor. But hey, if they are the type to let their dog wander the street, then you're most likely not going to be compatible. Chat Icon So no love loss.

Now, I say all this having a bone of contention with my own DH about our dogs. He has a doberman and I have a chihuahua. He likes to let them sit on our front porch with him. Fine, they are good for the most part but they have to be constantly watched and told "stay" with squirrels and walkers by. However, he does not always watch them and sees no problem with letting them go say "hi" to people walking in the street. Sure, the doby is not going to do more than sniff your ****** but they don't know that when a doberman comes gaiting their way. I cannot stand it. I do not think it's respectful and I do not want to be "those" neighbors! Chat Icon It's a constant bicker with us.

I tell you my story so you won't assume that your neighbors are inconsiderate as a whole. They may have a situation like ours where one may think because their dog is "nice", people do not mind. And no one has complained so they don't think it's a problem.

Another story... sorry Chat Icon Our former house owner was "that guy" with three huge American Bulldogs that he'd let wander the block. He told us that the neighbors "loved" them, they were the street mascots. After we moved in, the neighbors told us that they could not stand him! Your neighbors could be just as clueless!

Start off asking nice and get more "aggressive" with requests and actions as/if they get ignored.

Good luck!Chat Icon

Posted 5/17/10 9:16 PM

big sister status may 2012!!

Member since 5/08

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Re: WWYD re: a neighbor who has a pit bull.. NOT ON A LEASH

why not put up a fence?

Posted 5/17/10 9:16 PM

Mommy of 2!

Member since 12/08

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Re: WWYD re: a neighbor who has a pit bull.. NOT ON A LEASH

I don't think you are the one that needs to put up a fence. If your neighbors have a dog that they don't want to keep on a leash, and it is leaving their property, then they are the ones that need to put up a fence. I would go over there and just tell them that it makes you uncomfortable to have the dog hanging around DD. Try being nice, if it doesn't work, go to the town. My parents had a similar situation with a dog in the neighborhood that would attack their dog every time they would walk by. They had to call the town in, and they finally put up a fence.

Posted 5/17/10 9:31 PM

im a big girl!

Member since 2/07

4536 total posts


Re: WWYD re: a neighbor who has a pit bull.. NOT ON A LEASH

thank you all very much for your imput i will try the whole asking them nicely thing and see what happens.

I DO have a fence but its only in the back yard (what if we are out front? theres nothing stopping that dog from coming onto the property) the dog has come right up to the fence and barked at us. thank god the gate was closed other wise he would have most likley let himself in there also.

Posted 5/17/10 9:37 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: WWYD re: a neighbor who has a pit bull.. NOT ON A LEASH

Posted by Meggo613

thank you all very much for your imput i will try the whole asking them nicely thing and see what happens.

I DO have a fence but its only in the back yard (what if we are out front? theres nothing stopping that dog from coming onto the property) the dog has come right up to the fence and barked at us. thank god the gate was closed other wise he would have most likley let himself in there also.

I'm sorry about you having to do this. It gets me so upset how inconsiderate people are. I'm pretty sure they see their dog roaming around your property and barking at you guys. I would be so concerned for my little ones too. I have a dog and I get mad at her when she barks towards the fence when the neighbors are outside BBQing. I immediately bring her in so they can enjoy a nice meal outdoors.

I have to be honest because of the breed and seeing how they could care leass their dog roams around the neighborhood barking at people I would call the town or pet control and remain anonymous.

ETA: Sorry if I sound harsh by calling officials it's just that we recently had two pitbulls put down in our neigborhood because they repeatedly attacked people after warning after warning. So I'm just feeling real aggravated about this.

Message edited 5/17/2010 10:00:51 PM.

Posted 5/17/10 9:55 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

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Re: WWYD re: a neighbor who has a pit bull.. NOT ON A LEASH

I am petrified of big dogs especially pit bulls, german sheps , rotties any of that size. I would be calling the cops or animal control, to take care of the problem. personally I wouldn't bother talking to the neighbor. and you should not have to put up a fence, THEY should if their dog keeps getting out. very scary

Posted 5/17/10 11:13 PM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

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Re: WWYD re: a neighbor who has a pit bull.. NOT ON A LEASH

if/when you go over, you could make up a story too about how you once had a dog who was run over by a car and how heartbreaking it was, so you can be the "thoughtful" neighbor who doesn't want anything to happen to the dog....Chat Icon ..but I am just a coward who hates confrontationChat Icon and would feel 300% the way you do!!Chat Icon

Posted 5/17/10 11:17 PM

enjoying every minute

Member since 12/07

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Re: WWYD re: a neighbor who has a pit bull.. NOT ON A LEASH

Posted by Meggo613

thanks paulette my mom actually works at the local police department and she suggested that i call and they will at least take a trip over and i can stay annonymous. which is what id like to do.

Or she said i can make a call to the town and there are leash laws especially for pit bulls

ETA: i felt like i was over reacting but after everything we've been through with my dad and the other neighbors dog im paranoid and very worried! and do not want to wait for something to happen

I wouldn't go this route yet. If I had new neighbors & got an anonymous complaint about my dog. It wouldn't take long for me to figure out who made the complaint. I'd be annoyed they didnt talk to me first. Not the best first impression.

I'd try talking to him first. Regardless of Pitbull or Pomeranian, the dog does not belong on your property.

Posted 5/18/10 9:00 AM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

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Re: WWYD re: a neighbor who has a pit bull.. NOT ON A LEASH

I would definitely mention it to the neighbor, bottom line, it is his responsibility to keep his dog safely in his yard

good luck Chat Icon

Posted 5/18/10 9:03 AM

I Love You to Pieces!

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Re: WWYD re: a neighbor who has a pit bull.. NOT ON A LEASH

Posted by pinkandblue

I would definitely mention it to the neighbor, bottom line, it is his responsibility to keep his dog safely in his yard

good luck Chat Icon


Posted 5/18/10 9:05 AM


Member since 3/07

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Re: WWYD re: a neighbor who has a pit bull.. NOT ON A LEASH

I wouldn't call the police or anything yet. I would just go over and explain to them that you aren't comfortable with the dog being off the leash. Also tell them you have a small child and that your father was attacked by a dog recently and you are just affraid. If they are decent people they will totally understand where you are coming from.

You just don't want to have problems with them, especially since you will have renters.

Hope everything works out.Chat Icon

Posted 5/18/10 9:06 AM

All good things in 2016!!

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Re: WWYD re: a neighbor who has a pit bull.. NOT ON A LEASH

Posted by littlejoy06

I wouldn't call the police or anything yet. I would just go over and explain to them that you aren't comfortable with the dog being off the leash. Also tell them you have a small child and that your father was attacked by a dog recently and you are just affraid. If they are decent people they will totally understand where you are coming from.

You just don't want to have problems with them, especially since you will have renters.

Hope everything works out.Chat Icon


Posted 5/18/10 9:47 AM

My little loves!

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Re: WWYD re: a neighbor who has a pit bull.. NOT ON A LEASH

Dogs should be kept in their yards or house, or leash, regardless of the breed or even size. For their safety as well as others.

When I was in high school, my dog, a Bernese Mountain dog (100 plus lbs), typically an VERY unagressive breed, got out of the yard and attacked a smaller breed because that dog came near my sister and she felt the need to protect my sister. My dogs were ALWAYS leashed or in the backyard. So this was an isolated incident, but the timing was bad. The little dog was ok, but animals are animals, regardless of the breed or size.

If this is always happening, I would speak with the neighbor and express your concerns. If that doesn't help, I would call animal control next time you see the dog out. They will come and pick up the dog, and hopefully teach the owners a lesson.

Posted 5/18/10 10:04 AM


Member since 10/06

2938 total posts


Re: WWYD re: a neighbor who has a pit bull.. NOT ON A LEASH

I would speak to the neighbor nicely once. If that doesn't work I would call animal control everytime the dog enters your property. Just make sure to stay at the fence so the dog will keep on your property. They will only pick it up if its still on your property. After a few trips to the pound and some fines they will keep the dog in the back or on a leash. Either way they will know its you at least this way you made the effort to be nice.
We personally had to call 3 times for our dog problem and then the owner wised up and kept the dog in the back. It was a Sheppard mix. It never got a kid but a neighbors pet rabbit was not so lucky. It knocked over the hutch and killed the rabbit Chat Icon

Posted 5/18/10 10:44 AM

All of My Dreams Came True

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Re: WWYD re: a neighbor who has a pit bull.. NOT ON A LEASH

uggh and this is why pitbulls get bad reps. bad owners! I wouldn't feel comfortable with ANY breed of a dog roaming around my neighborhood. even a chihuahua with my child! they tend to be vicious too. I would go over and just ask them if they knew that their dog was roaming the streets and tell him what happened with your father, that you're just a little scared for your DD. if you through Abby in the mix, they'll feel more sympathetic.

Posted 5/18/10 11:18 AM

I'm cranky

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Re: WWYD re: a neighbor who has a pit bull.. NOT ON A LEASH

Posted by pinkandblue

I would definitely mention it to the neighbor, bottom line, it is his responsibility to keep his dog safely in his yard

good luck Chat Icon

I agree-and if they failed to do something, I would call the police, etc.

Posted 5/18/10 12:34 PM
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