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Member since 5/05 2272 total posts
Name: Jennie
Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread
I'll be 12 weeks on Friday and have my ulrtascreen and next doctors appointment next week. Can't wait to see the baby again! I'm feeling good other than tired and hungry all the time
Posted 3/5/08 8:22 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 6/07 42079 total posts
Name: LB
Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread
i am 13 weeks today and today is not a good preggo day i've been feeling good for the most part, just still really tired, but today i am nauseous and i can't even stomach the idea of eating anything - which i know will help!!
i had my ultrascreen last monday, i'll get the results when i go back on the 24th. i will be 15W5D then, hopefully my doc will do a quick sono and see if she can tell what the baby is
Posted 3/5/08 8:27 AM |
Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread
I feel ok during the day but at night I feel like garbage. I still get so nauseous at night...I wake up to go to the bathroom and I am nauseous
I going to do the sono & blood test first before I elect to have an amnio. If the results come back high then I would have an amnio.
Posted 3/5/08 8:28 AM |
Come on in

Member since 5/05 9674 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread
Still nausous and vomitting but not as much as I was in the beginning.
Today I am walking around with my pants unzipped and unbuttoned, but I have my bella band on and no one knows
But it looks like I have the start of a baby bump
Posted 3/5/08 9:52 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/06 891 total posts
Name: Christina
Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread
Add me to the group...I'm due on Sept. 25th. I'm 11 weeks today.
I have another appt on Tuesday for the ultrascreen and blood work.
I can't wait for the ultrasound -- sometimes I scare myself and think the baby is going to disappear and just not be there at the next appt. Totally crazy, but that's how my mind is working lately.
Anyway, good luck to everyone!
Posted 3/5/08 11:34 AM |
Love my two girls!!
Member since 11/07 1966 total posts
Name: Stephy
Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread
Posted by Christina
I can't wait for the ultrasound -- sometimes I scare myself and think the baby is going to disappear and just not be there at the next appt. Totally crazy, but that's how my mind is working lately.
Anyway, good luck to everyone!
Dont worry its perfectly normal to feel this way!!!!...we all worry!!!
Posted 3/5/08 11:36 AM |
Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05 14470 total posts
Name: Veronica
Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread
Just a check in. According to the u/s tech I was 12w5d on Feb 28, so TODAY I am 13w2d
MAN that first trimester flew by!!!!
Had the u/s, very cool, took hubby for the first time so he was all excited to see the baby jump around. They are guessing a girl right now. I really can’t wait to find out.
Feeling ok. Told the office this week. That’s been interesting. I am NOT a petting zoo, stop trying to feel my non-existent belly and no I don’t need you to feed me every 5mins. Leaving food at my desk is just freaky!
Next big stepping stone – Level II (since now I know what it is). So I can find out if it’s a little girl or a baby boy.
Hope ya’ll are all hanging in there!
Posted 3/5/08 11:40 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/07 868 total posts
Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread
Hi 13w3d. i cant believe how fast it has been going. i cant wait to i go to the doctor at 17 weeks for my sonogram. i want to see the shape of the actual baby hope everyone is feeling good!!
Posted 3/5/08 5:25 PM |
look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07 7364 total posts
Name: aka marriedinportjeff
Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread
I'm now 10.5 weeks.... the ultrascreen is next week I really hope the results are good
my food aversions seem to be gone.... just a few scattered mild incidents every now and then. But I'm TIRED. Super-duper tired
I also feel like I don't want to make the official preggo announcement until after the ultrascreen, when I make sure Crumb is still growing and is still there.
crazy I know... but I don't really feel I'm with Crumb these days... other than the enormous udders and expanding waistline I have, and the fatigue.
The first trimester is speeding by for me too...... I can't wait to see a new Crumb pic
Posted 3/5/08 5:30 PM |
Train Ride
Member since 5/05 3127 total posts
Name: A
Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread
has anyone been told boy or girl at the ultrascreen sono??? (I have mine on Friday)
Posted 3/5/08 9:10 PM |
Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05 14470 total posts
Name: Veronica
Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread
Posted by ThreeCats
has anyone been told boy or girl at the ultrascreen sono??? (I have mine on Friday)
I was told it was an 'educated guess' that it was a girl.
Posted 3/5/08 11:02 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 5/07 305 total posts
Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread
Welcome to our second trimester ladies!! I am still nauseous and growing pains, but getting some energy about my other September mommies??
Posted 3/7/08 12:15 PM |
Love my boys

Member since 2/08 8766 total posts
Name: Mrs Dee
Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread
I'm still feeling good. I had my 2nd u/s yesterday and am absolutly amazed that the dot I saw 3 weeks ago is a baby!!! The Doc said everything looked great. I go for my ultrascreen next fri and just cant wait. This week cannot go by fast enough! I feel like I cant wait to tell everyone and have a noticable bump and start shopping for stuff and be able to feel movements - its killing me I want to wake up and have it be next month already!
Posted 3/7/08 12:50 PM |
Come on in

Member since 5/05 9674 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread
Posted by 1stimemom
I'm still feeling good. I had my 2nd u/s yesterday and am absolutly amazed that the dot I saw 3 weeks ago is a baby!!! The Doc said everything looked great. I go for my ultrascreen next fri and just cant wait. This week cannot go by fast enough! I feel like I cant wait to tell everyone and have a noticable bump and start shopping for stuff and be able to feel movements - its killing me I want to wake up and have it be next month already!
I totally understand. My next appt is March 18. I cant wait to actually feel something. My next appt feels like it's years away
Posted 3/7/08 12:54 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/07 3915 total posts
Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread
I will be 11 weeks tomorrow, I had a sono yesterday and baby looks like a baby now I have my ultrascreen next week so I'm really excited about that
Posted 3/7/08 1:01 PM |
Train Ride
Member since 5/05 3127 total posts
Name: A
Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread
Had my Ultrascreen this AM - tech said he was leaning towards a girl - I hope the next 7 weeks flies by (20 week sono)
Posted 3/7/08 8:32 PM |
LIF Zygote
Member since 1/08 19 total posts
Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread
We had our doc appt yesterday, my little babe was not feeling cooperative w. the doppler so we got a bonus sonogram lol. Baby bubba looks beautiful, growing right on schedule (13.5 weeks) and HB was nice and strong at 153. I am feeling a bit better, not so queasy and getting some energy back. Hey, it is after 10p and I am still awake, woo hoo :) Since this is my second, I already have quite a belly, at work today a few people commented and asked when I was due. They seemed surprised that I was only 13w ha ha. I am carrying just like w. DS, so my guess now is boy, but we are not finding out again this time.
Posted 3/7/08 10:45 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/07 936 total posts
Name: Dyanne
Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread
I'm currently 11 weeks and 3 days...I'm due on Sept. 23. 08....
Posted 3/7/08 11:52 PM |
Our family is complete

Member since 6/06 16494 total posts
Name: K
Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread
YAHOO!! So glad everyone is doing well!!
I am 13w5d (I had to look that up )
Feeling pretty good. I have a baby bump which makes jeans very difficult lately. Regular jeans are getting too small, but maternity pants are falling off of me Last sono was a week or so ago and everything looked great! Can't wait for the next one - they always make me feel good
Posted 3/8/08 8:19 AM |
Love my two girls!!
Member since 11/07 1966 total posts
Name: Stephy
Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread
I was told girl at the ultrascreen by the doctor who came in after to check on the sono tech's measurements....he seemed pretty sure of himself....
im not thinking pink just yet....I'll be sure in less than 7 weeks!!!!
Posted 3/8/08 10:57 AM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread
11 weeks.........had an u/s yesterday and everything looks great with the peanut. Strong heartbeat, 2 arms, 2 legs, and it was staring right at the probe so.........2 eyes, nose, and mouth too!!
Have my Ultra Screen a week from Tuesday. Can't wait for more sono pics.
Still tired though, boobs still hurt but not quite as bad all the time, but I do feel a lot of stretching and pulling these days in my uterus. Guess the baby is making itself comfortable in there.
Message edited 3/8/2008 11:08:44 AM.
Posted 3/8/08 11:07 AM |
Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05 14470 total posts
Name: Veronica
Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread
shameless bump
I'm 16weeks and have an appt on Friday..
Then it's VEGAS for 3 days to relax
I apparently am producing Mucus (TMI sorry) and I can't make it stop.. not just in the cherry bush but my nose and throat.. I can't get a good night sleep and I'm exhausted again. It's been a struggle and I can't wait for my mini-vacation.
How's everyone doing?
Posted 3/26/08 11:28 AM |
Love my boys

Member since 2/08 8766 total posts
Name: Mrs Dee
Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread
At 14 weeks I barely feel pregnant anymore. Except for the darn exhaustion! I have the desire to do things but not the energy - after an few hrs of anything I am ready for bed! I thought the 2nd trimester was supposed to bring your energy back!
Posted 3/26/08 11:35 AM |
Come on in

Member since 5/05 9674 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread
15 weeks and feeling good. The nausea comes and goes. I had some very mild cramping last night but once I laid down and relaxed it went away.
I am having the worst time sleeping. I get up at least 2 times a night. My body pillow is great and it works well when I need to whack DH
Overall doing good and find myself eating like every hour. Total weight gain to date is still 5 lbs but I feel like I've gained 10 in just my boobs
Next appt is April 16
Posted 3/26/08 11:37 AM |
s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07 42079 total posts
Name: LB
Re: September Mommies-to-be Thread
16 weeks today!! i am feeling pretty good, just still tired a lot, but i definitely have more energy than before. my 16 week appointment went well, everything seems normal, and i got myblood drawn for the AFP test.
i just started feeling the baby move... it alternates between flutters and little thumps, it's the coolest thing ever i can't wait until it's more consistent... only happens a couple of times a day now.
my level II is scheduled for april 24th, and we are definitely going to find out what is - i can't wait!!
Posted 3/26/08 11:46 AM |
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