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Times To Remember: Creating Holiday Memories For The Entire FamilyThere’s an unmistakable crispness in the air and the changing leaves leave no doubt that the holiday season is upon us, or at least quickly approaching. While many of us can still recall our own excitement as this miraculous and “enchanted” time of year gave us something to eagerly look forward to. ... Read On 
Putting The Ability Back In “Disability”: Redefining ADHD As A “Gift”In a society where we’ve seen a significant “role reversal”, at least in terminology, where we describe things that are “good” by using phraseology that traditionally meant the opposite (“bad”, “phat”, “wicked”, “cool”, etc.), it may come as no surprise that we often attribute “negative” qualities ... Read On 
The Fees-Ability Of "Starting" A Family: Common Costs Associated With Adoption.With all the Hollywood hype pitting on-screen sirens and lyric divas against each other, Christina against Britney, Nicole against Paris, And Team Anniston against Team Jolie, when it comes to family you may find your more Angie than Anni, at least as far as adoption is concerned.
With world ... Read On 
Fantastic Fatherhood: Why Parenthood For Men Has Many PerksWhile most women eagerly look forward to (and sometimes perhaps over-glamorize) motherhood, it’s primarily the sex part that most men look forward to. Still, most guys who’ve become fathers (eventually) admit to it being one of the best decisions they’ve ever made. Besides the benefits of the ... Read On 
Careismatic: Teaching Children To Be Caring And Empathetic:While as adults we may not necessarily be inclined to think so, some studies suggest that humans are born inclined to be caring and empathetic. In fact research reveals that infants who cry along with another (in a nursery setting) have a greater tendency to grow up with the most empathy for their ... Read On 
Top Priority: Being The Best Mom You Can Be:Lots of people confuse mothering with smothering and independence with deprivation. Parenthood is a tough job and needs balance in all the right places to make both you and your family happier people past childhood and into adolescence and adulthood. The trick say experts is learning how and when ... Read On 
Financing The Future: Tips For Budgeting For BabyWhile you’ve made the “official” decision and announcement that you are TTC, it’s imperative to remember, that besides being excited, and mentally “ready”, you also need to be financially ready to welcome to your lives and home your new little bundle of joy that can literally cost you a ... Read On 
Meal Plan: How Sharing A Family Meal Can Keep Your Family Fit And TrimThe family that eats together, stays fit and trim together, at least that’s what the experts say. In fact, dining together as a family, has been highly recommended by professionals for quite some time (See…mom’s morals and values weren’t “that” far off)
Experts note that families should make ... Read On 
Afternoon Delights: Delightful And Affordable After-School Options For Your ChildrenOne of the biggest “buzz” words and key phrases among parents these days is the term STP or stay-at-home parent. More and more parents (who can afford to) are opting for a more “modernized” version of traditional values, especially when it comes to children and family life.
More and more moms ... Read On 
Sick Days: Your Child, And What To Expect From Exposure To Common GermsSchool has barely begun, but for many young academians, they can hardly await the arrival of the first school holiday. Some may even look forward to a “day off” due to “illness”
Experts say that lots of otherwise healthy children tend to “mysteriously” contract illnesses once the school year ... Read On 
Team Players: Guidelines For Choosing Your Doctor Or Midwife:Today’s moms and dads have many choices when it comes to the birth of their baby. From natural birth, to underwater and home birth the options are endless, as long as they are safe, and practical. Traditional deliveries may or may not be a “thing of the past” depending on what you (both) decide is ... Read On 
Not Making A Big Stink Over A Stinky Situation: The Facts About Children And DiarrheaPotty-mouth is never appreciated, well, accept if your talking about some potentially serious potty matters, one of them being diarrhea. Diarrhea isn’t as bad as you may think, especially when you take into consideration that it’s one of the body’s best defense mechanisms for eradicating waste and ... Read On 