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Hot Gifts For Hot (New) Mamas (and Papas): Hot Gifts For The Expecting CoupleKnow someone who is having or just had a baby? Then you know that you “simply MUST” commemorate this special and unforgettable event with a special and unforgettable gift. Surely you want to get a little something for the new little one. But what about mom? After all she did carry little ... Read On 
The Cause and Effect of Effective Causes How Helping Others Can Help Your Child's (Emotional) DevelopmentWe’ve all heard the expression that “It’s better to give than to receive”. Well, according to experts, this may be truer than we’ve ever imagined. “Giving” to good causes may also contribute to building your teen’s sense of self.
Experts suggest organizing family meeting to discuss what ... Read On 
Teaching Your Kids About Personal Passions The Art Of Encouraging Your Child To Develop His/Her Own Identity And AccomplishmentsWhile you definitely want to take an interest in all your child/children do, you also want to help them establish a sense of autonomy. That’s why experts recommend that parents promote the idea of “personal passions” or doing things they love, on their own.
In addition to family activities that ... Read On 
"Working" Toward A Better Future: Building Self-Esteem Through Hard Work And DedicationWe’ve all accepted the fact that anything worth having is worth working for. This, according to professionals is a very important lesson to impart on our children.
They suggest that success is based on hard work and dedication, not just skill. In fact they cite that most successful individuals ... Read On 
Nature Girls: Encouraging Your Daughter's Nature And Building Confidence Through Environmental Causes With an ominous ozone layer, fading forests, and ebbing environments, our children are much more “worldly” than we ever were (at their age).
Besides being quite curious about the world around them they are also quite concerned about their surroundings and tend to think in more absolutes ... Read On 
Snack Preview: How To Know If You're Choosing The Right Snacks For Your FamilyAs your child grows, he/she not only develops a taste for solid foods and interesting flavors, but a soft spot for snacks.
Snacking however is actually healthy for your child; it’s simply a matter of what he/she is snacking on. And making the right choice often extends beyond reading the label. ... Read On 
All That And A Bag Of Chips: Coping and Effectively Dealing With Your Teenage Daughter's "Princess" PeriodAnyone who has a teenage daughter knows that raising her can be a veritable “mine” field.
According to psychologists, adolescent girls are in a stage of egocentricity. That’s not to say that our girls are “egotistical”, but that they frequently experience difficulty “thinking outside the box” ... Read On 
The Terrible Teens: Understanding And Handling Sibling RivalryGirls will be girls and part of that means occasionally getting a bit “catty” with one another. Sisters are especially prone to this “catatonic” state.
No matter how much they love (and respect) each other, sisters will argue. And, experts assure us that it’s a natural part of growing up and ... Read On 
To A Tease Why Even Harmless Teasing Is No Joke Adolescence is a time of life where self-image is probably lowest, as boys and girls try to figure out themselves, each other and life. It’s also the most crucial time in your teen’s life and requires parents handle their growing children with kid gloves.
Teasing your teenage daughter can be ... Read On 
Red Light, Green Light....1-2-3 Helping Your Child Achieve Balance And Making Sure He/She Doesn't Take On More Than He/She Can HandleYou were thrilled when your teen approached you enthused and excited about his/her latest venture. Now just a short while later, after you’ve invested time and money, your child has lost interest and your interested in doing the best, most loving thing.
Your primary concern is whether to give ... Read On 
Dream Weavers: Getting Involved In Making Sure You're Child Is Involved In Healthy Activities Many teens are often too insecure to develop any compelling interests or “passions” of their own. Many feel they are not smart, pretty/handsome or interesting enough to have any significant and defining interests. In fact, they often attempt to embrace the passions of others only to allow it to ... Read On 
Bedtime Basics: Getting Your Kids To Bed On TimeAs a new parent one of (the many) challenges you are going to have to face is putting your kids to bed at night. This daily ritual is not only important as a means for you and your spouse to get much needed “down-time”, time together, personal time or extra rest…but as a means of establishing a ... Read On 