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Smart Shopper: Keeping Kids Safe At The Grocery StoreKids can't really appreciate shopping...well not until they get older and "discover" all the "fun" of the mall. And, we all know that shopping can be a challenge often even for us adults. So, how do you make food shopping more fun...well, if you remember the good old days...part of it was riding on ... Read On 
Good Parent, Bad Parent: The Five Parenting Techniques To AvoidEven those of us who don't have kids shake our heads at the parenting techniques of others and have our own opinions about how we would handle the same situation and discipline our children. In fact, we all have a particular parenting style (well before we actually become parents) and it's based on ... Read On 
Making The Grade: Helping Kids Succeed Even In The Face Of Adversity And DifficultyMy husband recently made an inquiry on behalf of his nephew regarding what it takes to become a dentist. And, according to our family dentist, it take a whole lot more than it used to. In fact, it requires, according to our "expert", it takes getting straight As (or grades close to straight As) at ... Read On 
Ex BFFs: How To Help Your Child Handle A Friendship BreakupI recently spoke to one of my besties who confided that her pre-tween daughter experienced one of the first setbacks in “friendship”. That’s right, the right of passage and the decision to be part of a clique or to be eliminated. And, she soon found herself on other side of being in the “in” crowd. ... Read On 
“Phasing” Out Friends: The Battle Of The Sexes BeginsAnything boys can do…girls can do better. This “innocent” taunt (if there is such a thing), is the first sign of kids noticing the opposite sex and beginning the age-old “battle” between the two. In fact kids go through various stages and phases when it comes to the opposite sex. Initially kids ... Read On 
Antidisestablishmentarianism: When You’re Child Doesn’t Want To Follow The NormSo, you lecture about just about everything, including how your child heads out the door and leaves the house. But, lately you may be fining that your otherwise willing to conform kid is breaking social and logical norms. He or she may “insist” on wearing some questionable clothes or leave without ... Read On 
The Princess Complex: When Your Kid Is Dealing With A Mini DivaEvery Little girl dreams of being a princess, some even often say they are one…but when they start acting like one…that’s when it can be or become a problem. And, for many school age kids, especially little girls it is. While many young darlings may look cute and innocent, they are in essence ... Read On 
Penny For Your Thoughts: The Day Care Dos and Don’tsAt some point every “new” parent must make a decision about sending their little one off to day care…even if its only for a few hours a day. But, before sending your baby to be “babysat”, its important to know some secrets about what goes on or at least what their thinking behind the ... Read On 
Homework Helpers: How To Help Your Child ExcelKids may barely be out of school, but many parents, especially those that work outside the home, are probably eagerly looking forward to them going back. Than goodness for day camp to, in the meantime, pick up the “slack”.
Still, while kids may secretly be longing to the socializing with friends ... Read On 
Wonder Meals: Super Ideas For Getting Kids To Embrace Super Foods Kids, especially little boys are into super powers and super heroes…but when it comes to super foods, not so much. But, a small reminder moms and dads…super eating strategies begin at home and right from the start. Here are some delicious “musts” to include in your child’s diet.
1. Beans and ... Read On 
Lessons In Back-To-School Strategies: How To Make This Year A SuccessSince we’ve barely had much of a summer at all this year, and if your anything like me and my “cronies”, it’s not likely your eagerly looking forward to the cooler temps and shorter days. But, unlike your kiddies, you just “may” be looking to another inevitable event…the advent of the upcoming ... Read On 
I Give School An “F”: Handling A Child Who Is Having A Negative Back To School ExperienceI recently struck up a conversation with my trainer about her kids and when the go back to school, to which she elatedly answered (with a HUGE) smile…next week. However, while I don’t personally know her little ones, I’m sure that outside some new niceties, they are not sharing her exuberant ... Read On 