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Talk Is Cheap: Earning Forgiveness Through Proper Apology:Growing up my mother always use to say, I don’t want you to merely “say” , you are sorry, I want you to mean it, and show me that you are.
What’s ironic is that we all take for granted the powerful intentions behind two little words that our society applies to just about every situation in ... Read On 
Pampered Pets: Keeping Your Cat or Dog Well GroomedThey bring you so much love; joy and affection and now they’re becoming quite the fashionable “accessory.” From well-coiffed canines to faddy felines, more and more pet owners are indulging their pets with lots of TLC and the luxuries of a lavish lifestyle.
According to grooming professionals, ... Read On 
Cat-atonic State: The Dog -ma Behind Calming Your Pet Before GroomingYour pet may not exactly share your enthusiasm about “ritualistic” visits to the “salon”. In fact, routine maintenance is probably one of your pet’s biggest pet peeves. But for his/her own benefit, groom him/her you must.
But before you can get Fido or Fifi close to a bush, you’ll have to brush ... Read On 
Daddy Dynamics: Identifying With Your New Role In The Family And In LifeIt was fun (and thrilling) thinking about, it was probably more fun trying, not so much dealing (and living) with a pregnant wife, and now, you probably just don’t know what to think any more.
First you were the boyfriend, the significant other, the fiancé, the husband and head of the household ... Read On 
Raising Cain: Being Able To Understand Your Teenage SonIf you thought men where hard to understand, just try figuring out teenage boys. At least with daughter’s you can rely on PMS as an excuse for attitude and mood swings, but how can you justify your son’s behavior. Well, according to experts, boys are no stranger to deviations in disposition. In ... Read On 
Ready or Not Here I Grow: Understanding Teenage GirlsGirls will be girls, in fact many women are (still) little girls deep down inside, but whether they’ll grow up to be “good” girls or not may depend on YOUR understanding of them during adolescence and how you nurture their adolescent nature.
They are frequently “cranky” and “confused”, moody, ... Read On 
Young Hearts: Ma, He’s Making Eyes At Me….Boy Meets Girl and How To Handle Adolescent AttractionIt all starts (fairly innocently) with tugging of the hair, and slowly graduates to the tugging of the heartstrings.
Little girls and little boys, who don’t even “understand” attraction, can frequently be heard talking about boyfriends, girlfriends and the person they are going to marry….most ... Read On 
Guardian Angels: Designating Parental A Parental Proxy For Your ChildrenParents are generally always worried about the well-being of their children, constantly concerned about keeping them “innocent” and out of harms way. But, what most moms and dads fail to think about is the possibility of something happening to them, the primary providers and protectors. Should your ... Read On 
Cyber Safe: Protecting Your Family Computer From Internet InfidelsOne of the biggest violations of privacy occurs right in the “safety” of your own home. In fact your home is constantly being invaded by spies, cyber spies that is. They target your children, adolescents and teens.
Spyware publishers make money by making your home PC a veritable “virtual” ... Read On 
Parenting Pointers: Avoiding making the most common faux pas and foibles associated with parentingGetting pregnant was literally signing up for a position you have NO previous experience in or credentials for. Yet, it’s one of the most gratifying and rewarding jobs you could ever do (or so they tell me).
While your goal is “perfection” you’ll need to give yourself some elbowroom for trial ... Read On 
Part 1 - Potty Time: Potty Training Your Child:There are three phrases every parent longs to hear: “Mommy”, “Daddy”, and “I went potty”
And while you may be in no rush for your child to grow up (completely) you’ll probably be ready for the “grown up” accomplishment of going the bathroom independently.
So, when is a good time to start ... Read On 
Part 2- Special Treatment for Children with Special Needs: Potty Training DynamicsThe term children with special needs does NOT imply that these children can’t be trained. It simply implies that they may not develop as quickly as their peers. Both children with psychological and physical disabilities may take longer to reach a point or preparedness, and may also take longer to ... Read On 