I'm so sorry you are going through this rollercoaster with the HPTs. Honestly, my suggestion if this cycle is not it (and I know we both hope it IS!!!) you should just ask to get a beta next time and not test out the trigger like this. It's so stressful and not fair!
Hey gals! Took another test this am with FMU and the line is still there.. will schedule a beta for friday if the line is still there tomorrow. It was very light this am so I am doubting it is sticking but you never know! I guess I just don't metabolize trigger shots like normal people lol keep you all updated and thank you for the sticky dust!!!
I'm so sorry you are going through this rollercoaster with the HPTs. Honestly, my suggestion if this cycle is not it (and I know we both hope it IS!!!) you should just ask to get a beta next time and not test out the trigger like this. It's so stressful and not fair!
Yea Pen, def not testing out the trigger next month.. apparently I keep it in my system for too long and I don't want to go through this drama again lol
OMGGGG!! I hope this is it for you!! Sending you lots of
What dpo are you?
I am 12dpiui so I think 11dpo.. doesn't look good though bc the line is not getting darker so it's prob the trigger still in my system even though I had a BFN on 10dpt! I don't get it! Thank you for the stickies.. def need it right now if it is indeed a BFP! Calling tomorrow for a beta!