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Salary for a 10 year teacher in Long Island

Forum Opinion Poll
less than 50,000 27 6.94%
50-60,000 47 12.08%
60-70,000 52 13.37%
70-80,000 94 24.16%
80-90,000 65 16.71%
90,000+ 104 26.74%

If you could suggest a salary for a teacher...

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I love my baby girls!

Member since 12/06

2441 total posts


Re: If you could suggest a salary for a teacher...

Posted by Mommy2Boys

They need to get rid of tenure.

They need to get rid of salary based on credits earned. It should be based on years worked.

I think we need to get rid of the ridiculous number of Admins per district and their salaries need to be lowered. If they retire and receive a pension they should NOT be able to work for another district.

While I do think NYC teachers salaries should be bumped up a bit, I think that if LI followed the salary scale of NYC, it would be fair and lessen the burden slightly on tax payers.

ETA: I voted for $80-90k but think it should be closer to the $80-85k mark.

I know 2 teachers teaching for 10 years. One is a gym teacher making $100k the other is a elementary school teacher making close to $95k. BUT I also know a few other teachers making in the $80-85k mark. It vaires by district by contract.

Tenure is there to protect us from false accusations and failures due to attendance and other issues out of a teacher's control. As far as salary increases for credits, why would a teacher get more credits if there was no incentive?

Posted 2/19/11 1:19 PM

I love my baby girls!

Member since 12/06

2441 total posts


Re: If you could suggest a salary for a teacher...

Posted by SlurpeeDad

If public school teachers work so hard and deserve so much money for molding young minds, how do you account for the low salaries and extremely high graduation to 4 year college rate that happens at Chaminade, St. Anthony's and other private schools?

If you fail two subjects and don't go to summer school, you get kicked out, so of course everyone graduates! I went to Catholic school.

Posted 2/19/11 1:22 PM

Now a mommy of 2!!!

Member since 4/06

3164 total posts


Re: If you could suggest a salary for a teacher...

Posted by luckyinlove

Posted by Mommy2Boys

They need to get rid of tenure.

They need to get rid of salary based on credits earned. It should be based on years worked.

I think we need to get rid of the ridiculous number of Admins per district and their salaries need to be lowered. If they retire and receive a pension they should NOT be able to work for another district.

While I do think NYC teachers salaries should be bumped up a bit, I think that if LI followed the salary scale of NYC, it would be fair and lessen the burden slightly on tax payers.

ETA: I voted for $80-90k but think it should be closer to the $80-85k mark.

I know 2 teachers teaching for 10 years. One is a gym teacher making $100k the other is a elementary school teacher making close to $95k. BUT I also know a few other teachers making in the $80-85k mark. It vaires by district by contract.

As far as salary increases for credits, why would a teacher get more credits if there was no incentive?

MANY professions require you to take a certain amount of credits/year in continuing education as a requirement for licensing. Those professions never get anything for having taken those classes - other than not having their license suspended.

Furthermore, is it not a bit hypocritical for a teacher to say she has no incentive for learning anything else unless she is being compensating for such additional credits? As a teacher, they should be instilling the love of learning in the children not saying "I am only willing to learn more if there is something in it for me".

Posted 2/19/11 1:30 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: If you could suggest a salary for a teacher...

I've been very forunate to have some amazing teachers for me & for my children. There are ones that go above & beyond & ones that go through the motions.

Posted by brownie

Yes, I was a teacher, and now do research in science education. I didn't say merit pay would be a simple equation, and I didn't say it was purely merit based, but it needs to loosely based on *something* like amount of improvement (use some type of pre and post assessment). I'm not saying this would be easy to figure out, but at least have the opportunity for some type of merit based system.

I'm not sure how merit pay could work & paying by subject, well I just don't see it.

You can't base merit on teacher reviews from parents. I've been on both sides of the coin - loving a teacher that the rest of the parents bashed and having someone that everyone seems to think it top notch & I think it should be put out to pasture because she's going through the motion & not even checking homework.

You can't base on test scores. Again been on both sides of the coing. A child who dosen't study but gets As versus a child who struggles to get a C but used to get a D. How do you calculate inspiration?

For subjects, I can't say that I value one subject over another. The gym teacher who could build confidence in an uncoordinated child who hates sports is just as valuable to me as the teacher who helps my child to finally get that 10 minutes to 2 is the same as 1:50pm.

Posted 2/19/11 1:32 PM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: If you could suggest a salary for a teacher...

Posted by MissJones

Just as a little reminder for those who think 50K or less, you need a bachelors AND a masters degree to become a teacher. Plus, newly certified teachers (after 2004) must continue to take education courses. I'm sorry, but for all of that required education AND 10 years experience, less than 50K is a slap in the face. Chat Icon

When did teaching lose respect as a profession? Chat Icon

I could not agree more. My uncle, 30 years ago, made $150K plus as a Principal in a LI middle school. It is frightening to think that 30 years later, the salaries are not keeping up with not only the new COL, but with the new educational requirements as well.

Posted 2/19/11 1:38 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/10

3797 total posts


Re: If you could suggest a salary for a teacher...

Posted by queensgal

I think people mostly feel like some of the administrators and office people make way too much, not the actual teachers.

Honestly, I think some of the education requirements are overstated - do you really need that much education to teach kindergarten? I have some friends that get their masters+ credits by taking a 1 day online course - that's right my friend received 6 college credits during her spring break - to me that is BS. It didn't make her a good teacher but she did it just to get the raise. I don't blame her, I blame the system that doesn't reward efforts/results and treats everyone the same.


I can't help but be insulted by your comment. You make it seem like kindergarten is a non-sense grade. I'm not sure where your friend teaches; however, where I teach, kindergarten is no cake walk. Students are expected to be reading on a level D, with comprehension strategies such as retelling, making connections, predicting, inferencing, etc. They should also be writing in complete sentences and editing/revising their work. For math, they should be adding, subtracting, telling time, etc. It is not the same kindergarten that existed years ago. These kids are pushed harder and harder every year. Not to mention, half of my class consists of ELL learners (predominantly Hispanic) who do not get the mandated ESL services they qualify for. Why? Because there's no money to hire additional ESL teachers. I guess you could consider my districts one of the "lesser" ones.

Let me go back to answer your original statement/question: Honestly, I think some of the education requirements are overstated - do you really need that much education to teach kindergarten? I need the same education every other elementary teacher needs. Why would it be any different? I am certified to teach from birth through grade 6. I had to get a Bachelors and Masters just like everybody else. As far as advancement credits, my district is VERY strict and I will need to get a second Masters to max out on my credits. Online courses are NOT accepted and more than half of the credits must be graduate level classes from an accredited university. It is definitely NOT cheap to pay for all these grad classes, so yes, I damn sure expect a raise after laying out so much money. ADDITIONALLY, I need 175 hours of professional development (that yes, also costs me money) every 5 years for the rest of my teaching career just to keep my certification.

Maybe you didn't mean it as such but your comment came across as insulting to me, and I assume most kindergarten teachers.

Message edited 2/19/2011 1:45:10 PM.

Posted 2/19/11 1:41 PM

Live Laugh Love Run

Member since 6/07

4922 total posts


Re: If you could suggest a salary for a teacher...

Posted by brownie
I think the elementary system needs to be changed, so each subject is actually being taught, a teacher for each subject comes into the room to teach their "specialty". In NYS, many times science is not even taught or barely taught because of the emphasis on the ELA and math yes, subjects should count.

I agree! Elementary school teachers in my district have told the my chairperson, they are "scared" to teach science. Because of this, we try to send MS/HS science teachers down to the ES to help students become interested in science.

Posted 2/19/11 1:41 PM

He's here!

Member since 12/06

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Re: If you could suggest a salary for a teacher...

Posted by CAMCaps

Posted by brownie
I think the elementary system needs to be changed, so each subject is actually being taught, a teacher for each subject comes into the room to teach their "specialty". In NYS, many times science is not even taught or barely taught because of the emphasis on the ELA and math yes, subjects should count.

I agree! Elementary school teachers in my district have told the my chairperson, they are "scared" to teach science. Because of this, we try to send MS/HS science teachers down to the ES to help students become interested in science.

anyone who is "scared" to teach science is then part of the problem that everyone is complaining about. That is insane and they should not be enabled by their administration. I am "scared" to teach Bloods and Crips but I still go to work everyday and stand up to these teenagers that are a foot taller then me and have no qualms about stabbing someone after school because IT IS MY JOB!!!!

Posted 2/19/11 1:51 PM

Live Laugh Love Run

Member since 6/07

4922 total posts


Re: If you could suggest a salary for a teacher...

Posted by MrsPowers

Posted by brownie

Yes, I was a teacher, and now do research in science education. I didn't say merit pay would be a simple equation, and I didn't say it was purely merit based, but it needs to loosely based on *something* like amount of improvement (use some type of pre and post assessment). I'm not saying this would be easy to figure out, but at least have the opportunity for some type of merit based system.

And what about those teachers that love teaching the struggling populations of students? Teachers that teach reading or special education and etc. What about those teachers who are working with struggling learning as it is? They should get paid less than someone who teaches AP Bio?

I do not think she is saying to base it on test scores alone. I think merit pay would be fine as long as it is implemented properly. I teach a 2 year Living Environment course. The students I get all got 1s or 2s on their 8th grade science test. Last year, all 20 of my students passed the LE Regents, 6 of those students got mastery. I think it would be necessary to devise a way to assess improvement.

My only concern with merit pay is for kids who never show up to school. I have a few older (11th-12th graders) students, who come to school once every 20 days so that they do not get dropped from the class. This makes it difficult for them to show any real progress or improvement. This obviously has very little to do with teacher performance.

Posted 2/19/11 1:53 PM

Live Laugh Love Run

Member since 6/07

4922 total posts


Re: If you could suggest a salary for a teacher...

Posted by nicrae
anyone who is "scared" to teach science is then part of the problem that everyone is complaining about. That is insane and they should not be enabled by their administration. I am "scared" to teach Bloods and Crips but I still go to work everyday and stand up to these teenagers that are a foot taller then me and have no qualms about stabbing someone after school because IT IS MY JOB!!!!

Scared is not necessarily the correct word. I mean they obviously do teach it, but having someone who specializes in it would be better. This is why when students get to MS and HS, everything is specialized. I went to private school until 6th grade and specialization of the subjects began in 3rd grade (and this was in the 80s!).

Posted 2/19/11 2:03 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 8/07

408 total posts


Re: If you could suggest a salary for a teacher...

I would like to comment on one specific area that really needs to be addressed:

People have commented on teachers, salaries, benefits, pension and even hours.
For those of you not in the education field that think it's "not fair" I urge you to stop whining about how others have it better than you and start fighting for better salaries, benefits, hours for yourselves.

Educators and others in the public sector did not cause this mess. What is happening now is that the billionaires are spending their $ pitting middle class vs middle class in politics and the news. We should be working together against those who caused this mess. If successful they will destroy the middle class all while lining their own pockets.

Again I don't really think that this is about teachers making "too much" I think it's that most people in other fields are not making "enough"

Posted 2/19/11 2:08 PM

2 boys & 1 girl :)

Member since 11/06

1874 total posts


Re: If you could suggest a salary for a teacher...


Interesting.... so people think a teacher with 10 years experience and TWO master's degrees should make less than $60,000

With 2 kids (and the fact that my DH is FDNY and God only knows what you'd pay him if you had a vote) I think I'd be eligible for food stamps.... and I wouldn't be living on LI or teaching on LI because I'd be in section 8 housing.

You want teacher to pay for BA plus 2 master's and then make less than $60,000???? AND THEN you want to have "THE BEST" teachers in the world????

Good luck with that.... I can only imagine the candidate pool....

I'm seriously afraid for the future of this country....

$60,000 for a teacher, $60,000 for a fire fighter, but let's make sure our bankers are taking home six figures... and then let's argue that their salaries aren't paid with tax dollars....

GUESS WHAT - every banker involved in corrupt business (and Madoff has admitted they were) and given shady mortgages STOLE YOUR TAX MONEY!!!!! MILLIONS OF DOLLARS!!!!!

So, let's stop putting Lindsay Lohan on trial and start bringing these ba$tards to justice....

Posted 2/19/11 2:38 PM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

14672 total posts


Re: If you could suggest a salary for a teacher...

Posted by mom2aidan

You want teacher to pay for BA plus 2 master's and then make less than $60,000????

I have to say, I think the arguments of what the salary is should be based on the quality/quantity of work, not the required education. I teach college classes, and Assistant Professors (which all require doctorates) start at $45,000. In 10 years it's up to about $65-70. And they're all living on LI/in NYC and making it work and not living in a box (granted, most are two-income families).

Pretty much every administrative position in a college requires a doctorate. It's a given these days that every professional position pretty much requires a bachelor's degree, and most a master's. It's just not that unusual, so I don't see that it should be held up as an argument.

Posted 2/19/11 3:15 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

1134 total posts


Re: If you could suggest a salary for a teacher...

Posted by luckyinlove

Posted by SlurpeeDad

If public school teachers work so hard and deserve so much money for molding young minds, how do you account for the low salaries and extremely high graduation to 4 year college rate that happens at Chaminade, St. Anthony's and other private schools?

If you fail two subjects and don't go to summer school, you get kicked out, so of course everyone graduates! I went to Catholic school.

So what happens in public school if you fail a subject & still fail it in summer school? Do you get left back or you did your time so you just continue to the next grade? I'm serious..I never went to public school.

BTW: Chaminade & St Anthony's, both very competitive, wonderful schools..passing is 75% & you are not allowed to have any failures carried over to the next yr. Two failures you are automatically kicked out & 1 you can make-up in summer school. If you can't hack it, you don't belong.

Posted 2/19/11 3:20 PM

Thank you, Saint Gerard!

Member since 10/07

4937 total posts


Re: If you could suggest a salary for a teacher...

Posted by jana

Posted by luckyinlove

Posted by SlurpeeDad

If public school teachers work so hard and deserve so much money for molding young minds, how do you account for the low salaries and extremely high graduation to 4 year college rate that happens at Chaminade, St. Anthony's and other private schools?

If you fail two subjects and don't go to summer school, you get kicked out, so of course everyone graduates! I went to Catholic school.

So what happens in public school if you fail a subject & still fail it in summer school? Do you get left back or you did your time so you just continue to the next grade? I'm serious..I never went to public school.

BTW: Chaminade & St Anthony's, both very competitive, wonderful schools..passing is 75% & you are not allowed to have any failures carried over to the next yr. Two failures you are automatically kicked out & 1 you can make-up in summer school. If you can't hack it, you don't belong.

Nope. You get promoted. The administration bends to parents' demands and doesn't want to look bad to the community.

I've had kids who fail and then their parents even refuse to let the kids come to summer school. Guess what? Next year, they are in the next grade.

As of last year, my district doesn't even have summer school. Social promotion at its best.

Message edited 2/19/2011 3:25:25 PM.

Posted 2/19/11 3:22 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/08

767 total posts


Re: If you could suggest a salary for a teacher...

I think that 50-60 with what the OP said is not right at all...same as others said it is a slap in the face.

I have a very high regard for those that are teachers in general and voted on the higher end of the salary spectrum.

Posted 2/19/11 3:37 PM


Member since 5/05

3753 total posts


Re: If you could suggest a salary for a teacher...

I have no problem with what teachers make. I have more of a problem with lousy teachers who do NOTHING and get the same salary as the teacher who goes above and beyond.

I remember having a teacher in HS who was just a giant waste of space - it was actually embarrassing that he was a teacher. He didn't care, read right out of a book and ignored us. He had tenure and they couldn't do anything about him.

I also have more of a problem what the administration makes. They are so quick to take things away from our children which isn't right. Sometimes I feel that we don't value our children's education as much as we should.

I'm very appreciative of my kid's teachers. I will say I've been very fortunate and at the end of the year I'm always generous with a gift b/c I feel that they've taken wonderful care of my kids and they definitely deserve a giant thank you from me.

Posted 2/19/11 3:39 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/10

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Re: If you could suggest a salary for a teacher...

10 years with all of that education! Def over 90K

Posted 2/19/11 3:54 PM

The loves of my life :)

Member since 6/08

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Re: If you could suggest a salary for a teacher...

Posted by lorimarie

I have no problem with what teachers make. I have more of a problem with lousy teachers who do NOTHING and get the same salary as the teacher who goes above and beyond.

This is exactly my feeling! I can't help but think of a particular teacher in HS that would do nothing but joke around and tell stories all period. At the end of the year a good majority of us failed the final b/c we were never taught the material. I cringe at the thought that someone would fight to get this man of a salary of 70, 80 or even 90k!! No where near deserving!

Yes, this is not every teacher but there's plenty of them out there. And there's plenty of hard working, above and beyond teachers too. And they should all have the same salary?? Absolutely not! But how do you pick and choose?

Posted 2/19/11 3:55 PM


Member since 6/07

2024 total posts


Re: If you could suggest a salary for a teacher...

Posted by luckyinlove

Posted by Mommy2Boys

They need to get rid of tenure.

They need to get rid of salary based on credits earned. It should be based on years worked.

I think we need to get rid of the ridiculous number of Admins per district and their salaries need to be lowered. If they retire and receive a pension they should NOT be able to work for another district.

While I do think NYC teachers salaries should be bumped up a bit, I think that if LI followed the salary scale of NYC, it would be fair and lessen the burden slightly on tax payers.

ETA: I voted for $80-90k but think it should be closer to the $80-85k mark.

I know 2 teachers teaching for 10 years. One is a gym teacher making $100k the other is a elementary school teacher making close to $95k. BUT I also know a few other teachers making in the $80-85k mark. It vaires by district by contract.

I think an understanding of what tenure actually is, is important. It is "right for due process." If you do not have tenure, you can loose your job with no questions at all. Here today, gone tomorrow. Tenure helps secure that you have right to the due process of the law. If a teacher does something wrong they can be fired very easily even with tenure.

NYPD, and Nassau and Suffolk Cops meet top pay on their scale after 5 years of experience (It may be 6??) In my district is takes 23 years to make that top pay range! I know most long island districts are in the same range. Just something to think about.

I do believe that a teacher with more degrees/ and credits should be rewarded for their knowledge and professional growth/development. Many corporate companies help pay their employees to advance their degree. With teachers it takes a very long time to recoup all the money that they lay out for all the extra graduate work. I personally would want my DD's future teachers to have had coursework past their teaching certificates.

Posted 2/19/11 4:13 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/10

263 total posts


Re: If you could suggest a salary for a teacher...

Can everyone please post their job title and salary so we can critique if you are being paid a proper amount...

I am sick of being scrutinized for my salary. I teach learning disabled children and SHOULD NOT BE PAID ON MERIT. My kids will never be on level.

Posted 2/19/11 4:32 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/06

1173 total posts


Re: If you could suggest a salary for a teacher...

Ok, I was going to refrain from commenting on this thread, but then I saw that more than a few people voted for teachers to be making less than $50k, and I could stay away no longer.

I'm going to be honest -- I teach high school English, three sections of which are AP English. Some of my students have even asked me why English teachers in general don't get paid more than gym teachers because of how many papers we grade, but I disagree that there should be a difference (though I can't imagine that many people take home more paperwork than English teachers do. Chat Icon )

I grade. Constantly. I do not reinvent the wheel every night in terms of planning. I've been doing this for over ten years now, and if I have a lesson for AP that has worked for over five years, I will teach it again because it's been proven to motivate my kids. Of course, this doesn't happen everyday, but it happens occasionally. I also tweak my lessons. I respond to their different interests from year to year, and if something isn't working, I change it. If something needs to be updated, I do that, too. I actually got so excited yesterday with two new assignments that I knew would motivate my different classes that I shared them with anyone who would listen. (They were thrilled. Chat Icon )

But it's not just about the planning. It's about all of the other things we do that no one who isn't teaching would even think of. It's about the student who asked me yesterday if she could talk to me because her friends are excluding her. It's about the student three periods later who wasn't looking at me until I finally asked why, and then she burst into tears while telling me about how mean her boyfriend is (miss high school yet? Chat Icon ) It's about the fact that I stay after every single day, and when I call my husband on the rare occasion when I'm leaving ONLY 50 minutes to an hour after the last bell has rung, and he says excitedly, "Oh, you're leaving early!" -- and he's serious. It's about the 40-60 college recommendations I write on average every year, the 100-200 college essays I read on my free periods because even kids I never taught come to me on their friends' recommendations. It's about the fact that I worry about them when I come home and even look forward to seeing them when a vacation ends.

I know teachers who do nothing. Of course I do. (There are people who do nothing in every field, and some of them manage to scrape by no matter what, even if they aren't teachers with the dreaded tenure.) Tenure doesn't protect these bad teachers, though. Administrators who don't follow through do. Tenure protects me. It protected me from the parent who asked me, two years in, if I had tenure -- when I'd called her to tell her that her daughter cheated. She was threatening me rather than reprimanding her daughter. She's the reason why I will never bash tenure.

Sorry for the long-winded post, but with all that I do (and I do love all of it -- even the papers I claim to hate grading), the thought that someone would think I deserve less than $50k a year is appalling to me. It really is. When it's time to vote on budgets, some parents make it very clear that they think we make too much -- but then in the very next breath, they tell their kids to ask me to spend my free time helping them with something that has nothing to do with my class. I love the kids, but I'm sorry. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. We're not just teachers; we're human beings, and at some point, having our profession -- and I do think of it as a calling -- disrespected the way it's been is bound to change some of our attitudes.

Posted 2/19/11 4:50 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

13060 total posts


Re: If you could suggest a salary for a teacher...

SHOOT..I should have become a teacher-lol!! I am making LESS than what a teacher starts at being at my job for over 10 years.
I do think teachers deserve decent money, no doubt.

Posted 2/19/11 4:51 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

5981 total posts


Re: If you could suggest a salary for a teacher...

Posted by MrsProfessor

Posted by MissJones

I'm a NYC teacher and I think 70-80 is fair.

Same- FYI, a teacher in NYC with 15 years, Masters plus 30, will make about $80k.

I agree with this

in addition there should be no pension and no "banking" sick time. most ppl I know in private sector are making around this amount (after 10 years of working)

I would say get rid of tenure but this seems like it's already happening

Message edited 2/19/2011 5:06:58 PM.

Posted 2/19/11 5:05 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

1820 total posts


Re: If you could suggest a salary for a teacher...

Posted by shadows

For starters, in general, I think NYC teachers should be paid more than LI teachers.

I also think it should depend on what you teach. I do not think an elementary school gym teacher or an art teacher should make anywhere near what an AP chemistry or calculus teacher makes. (Does teacher salary vary by what subject they teach? I don't know the answer to that.)

As always, jmo!

WHAT?! Oh my an elementary music teacher I guess you think what I do is far less important than what a chemistry teacher does? This makes me so angry I can't even type something to this. I don't know you, so I will try not to judge but I guess a well rounded education is not important to you. Perhaps you think that we are just babysitters in the elementary special area departments? Super sad. I wonder if you have children and how THEY feel when they are in their special area classes.

Posted 2/19/11 5:06 PM
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