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Hard conversations can be helpful if done right There are times when it's necessary to confront someone, demanding a change or ending a relationship. People do almost anything to avoid difficult talks, even to their detriment.
It is possible to have difficult conversations without hurting people, says Bruce Patton of the Harvard Negotiation ... Read On 
Enrich your life by 'giving yourself away' Have you noticed how good you feel after being kind to someone? If more people were kind more often, our cities and workplaces would be better for all.
In his book, Try Giving Yourself Away (Updegraff PR, soft cover, $3.50), David Dunn tells of noticing a sharp metal hoop lying in the road. ... Read On 
STING to stop procrastination A recovering procrastinator herself, author Rita Emmett gives this advice in her Procrastinator's Handbook (Walker & Co.): Think STING!
S : Select just one thing to do. Even if it's one small thing. Do just that.
T : Time yourself. Set a timer. Give yourself a set amount of time to do ... Read On 
A big payoff in taking the optimistic view If you're an optimist, you believe that any defeat is a temporary setback or a challenge. It doesn't knock you down.
Using this theme in your life helps you move forward in your work. And a positive view helps to prevent illness, improves relationships, and increases self esteem. A study ... Read On 
What to do with a hunch or 'sixth sense' Sometimes people have a flash of knowledge that seems to come out of the blue. Whether you call it intuition, a hunch or a "sixth sense," psychologists think they may have a fix on such insights and how to use them.
A hunch is the ability to reach conclusions with limited information, say ... Read On 
How to survive working with a jerk Have you stepped on other people or rudely ignored those who can't help you advance? If you said yes, you probably aren't the biggest jerk around.
Quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Gloria Elliot is a consultant who helps companies deal with obnoxious employees through her "Jerk Training" ... Read On 
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