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Random Acts Of Kindness: It’s The Thought That CountsSo, with, every room decorated, gifts that take about an hour and a half (each) to wrap, and each gift containing about two or three items (for instance: coat, plus scarf, hat, gloves, and maybe a chapstick and matching purse for good measure) my dear husband thought that Christmas was the “only” ... Read On 
Raising The Bar: Getting The Treatment You Deserve….Good For You And Others TooI know of several individuals who are rarely on time, and we’re not talking about simply being fashionable late. And, of course each of them has their own excuses, sometimes understandable and sometimes valid. But, then again there are those times when the behaviour is “inexcusable”.
And, the ... Read On 
Feel The Burn:,/u> Effectively Alleviating BurnoutWe all know that stress and stressing out (especially over the small stuff) can be detrimental to our health. On the other hand we are constantly surrounded by stressors. From our jobs and our family and friends to all those people we encounter, it’s all enough to overwhelm us and land us into ... Read On 
Life Support: Bonds That Better Your Life
Do you remember how important it was in high school to have friends in your life? In fact, the more the merrier. It gave you something to do (for the most part always) and it helps you achieve the status of “popular” which was, oh so important back then.
Fast-forward a few years, and having ... Read On 
Destiny By Design: Helping You Make Your Dreams Come TrueMost of us entered college and/or “the real world” with hopes and dreams based on our inner passions and desires and where we saw ourselves by the time we hit 30 or 40. Well, as that time approaches, many of us find that it wasn’t quite as easy as we deemed to follow our dreams. And, many of us may ... Read On 
Running On Empty: Refueling For The WinterOkay, I was okay up until the cold weather hit; not a big fan. In fact, the only “positive” is that the winter can be beautiful (if you don’t have to leave your home) and that by the time it actually arrived this year, the days had begun getting slightly longer.
Still, the chill in the air ... Read On 
Gender Benders: The Battle Of The Sexes; Is It Taking A Toll On Our Children?I guess I’m one of the “fortunate” ones; neither my husband nor I have gender specific limitations or duties in our home. In fact, me, being a by-product of a single-parent household, I quickly learned that women, when they have to, can do anything a man can do (for the most part) and I learned ... Read On 
Promise Keepers: Starting The New Year On The Right FootIf you’re still stressing over New Year’s resolution you’ve made but (even in this short time) haven’t kept, you just may want to come up with a backup plan.
In fact, according to experts, the problem with most resolutions is that they are simply not “doable”. But, they’ve also come up with a ... Read On 
Sense and Sensibility: Life Coaches Help You Make Sense Of It AllWe all know someone who is always asking for money and is in dire need of a financial planner. But how about the person, and it may be you, who just can’t seem to get their life and goals in order. Unfortunately, we have been conditioned to associate a negative stigma to such struggles. But, just ... Read On 
Holiday Recovery: Starting The New Year On The Right FootThe holidays (at least for me) are always exciting. Besides finding pleasure in finding just the perfect gift and creating a unique way to wrap it, it’s more about the gathering of friends and family and lots of good food and good fun. Still all the excitement, anticipation and quick “climax” can ... Read On 
With Absolute Resolve: Things Your Should Resolve To Do In The Next YearI recently tuned into a show on the radio in which the commentator was noting that the problem with society is that we tell people that they need to love themselves more, when in reality most of us need to be a little less selfish and a little more selfless.
Yet, according to some experts, there ... Read On 
The Spirit Of Giving: Becoming A Good Gift GiverMost of us love getting gifts, and many of us enjoy giving them as well. And, with it being holiday season there’s likely to be lots of that going on.
Still, experts assert that most of our gifts, regardless of how nicely they’re packaged will wind up at the bottom of or at the very back of the ... Read On 