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Pain Management: Exercise Replaces Rest and RelaxationThere’s LOTS of good, profound advice we all got from grandma, much of which, if we had listened to may have saved us lots of heartache and trouble. And, while many “old-fashioned” recipes are worth paying head to, there are some that need to be revisited and revised.
Among these how we treat ... Read On 
Walk Don’t Run: Putting Strength-Training In Your Stride I can remember a time when going to the gym and building bulk was trendy. Then it was all about staying toned and mostly, purely for vanity reasons. But, today, even medical professionals and experts agree that regular exercise is not only an excellent way to stay sexy but also essential for ... Read On 
Be Still My Beating Heart: Getting Out Of A RutHave you ever just had “one of those days”? I think we all have. And, while it can start out as only ONE 23-hour period, sometimes, it seems like enough to frustrate us and get us down for days, if we let it.
According to experts, that’s exactly what many of us allow life and its circumstances ... Read On 
Tomorrow And Tomorrow and Tomorrow: Beating The Procrastination BeastMy mom used to lecture (repeatedly) to never put off until tomorrow what could be accomplished today. And, she stressed NEVER asking how long a job would take, but rather to “just do it” and get it right regardless of how long it took.
I suppose that’s why by some standards I can be considered ... Read On 
Bad Habits Are Hard To Break: Kicking The “Addiction” CycleEveryone, or at least most of us, want to think we’re “improving” over time. Yet, there are things that simply seem to have a hold that just won’t let go. And, for many, one of those strongholds may be dealing with “addiction”. Whether you want to quit smoking, stop sweating the small stuff, walk ... Read On 
The Semantics OF Sexy: Improving You Personal Sex AppealWith life and lifestyles being so hectic its easy for gals and guys, though mostly gals to get caught up in the “must dos” and lose site of the “would like to dos” and that often translates into routine and complacency and losing our former selves. Sure, we may want to let go of our “youthful” and ... Read On 
Va Va Voom: Awakening Your Inner VixenWhile many ladies have been taught (by mom and other adults in charge) to practice abstinence or at least discretion in sex (before marriage) and while some can boast to heading this (sound) advice, while others take pride in allowing their passions to run wild, we can all recall a time when sex ... Read On 
The Kid In Me And You: Living Life To The Fullest By Taking Cues From The Kids always say that the best years of ones life are somewhere between “mature” adolescence and somewhere in your mid to late 20s. In fact, I’ve often professed that it’s during these few and in the grand scheme of things, I “do” mean few, years, that we are most often at our peak performance. We can ... Read On 
It’s A Girl Thing: A Woman’s “Self-Improvement Plan Looking back on my life, I’m more inclined to smile than frown. In fact, even my “bad” experiences taught me something significant. And, other than a few decisions that I should have headed “warnings” about and been “smarter” about, the journey, good and bad was what’s memorable and in retrospect ... Read On 
The Diva Dynamic: It’s All About Attitude AdjustmentIt never ceases to amaze me the women who are classified as “Divas”. Surely many of these women have varying yet ideal figures and an “uncanny” sense of style, yet I’ve seem more than my share of fashion faux pas among this illustrious jet set.
Still, their image is rarely if ever shaken while ... Read On 
Rated X: How To Go From So-So To So SexyNo matter how much effort we put into ourselves we all have those moments where we feel anything but empowered or sexy. And, hopefully we have friends and family that can ease us if not jolt us out of our rut. And, lots of things can contribute to anyone’s “de-sexualization”. From being unhappy in ... Read On 
Spur Of The Moment: Adding Spontaneity To Your LifeIf you’re anything like me, doing things on impulse is something you admire in others, maybe even “secretly” wish you could enjoy more of in your own life, but a “strict”, “regimented” schedule just doesn’t allow for it. In fact, if you’re like me, you find it hard to leave the house if the bed ... Read On 