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Parenthood Exemplified: Why Cleaning Up YOUR Act Is Important, And How To Go About ItThe phone rang a second time and when I picked up it was my girlfriend’s daughter telling me she had to call back because she forgot to say “I love you” before she had hung up. Compare this to the child that receives extravagant, heartfelt gifts but somehow has come to “expect” them and can’t find ... Read On 
Speech Therapy: Improving How You "Communicate" With Your PartnerOne of the greatest things about marriage is living with and enjoying your partner 24-7, right? Well, perhaps, but it can also be one of the most challenging aspects of your marriage.
While most brides and grooms focus on putting their best foot forward for the wedding, few focus on putting ... Read On 
Style and Error: Avoiding The Most Common (And Often Accepted) Fashion Faux PasYou’re finally comfortable in your personality and skin…but that is NO reason to go OUT in your most comfortable attire just short of housecoats and pajamas.
In fact, your empty nest does NOT give you license to “come out of the closet” looking like “desperate” housewives and their even more ... Read On 
Color By Number How To Celebrate Your Beauty Through The YearsEvery age is beautiful in its own way…and according to experts, one way on ensuring that beauty is by taking care of yourself internally and externally. Starting from the outside in, here are some beauty tips for every season of your life.
Your twenties are a time in your life when ... Read On 
Young and Beautiful Makeup Tip For Tweens, Teens And Young AdultsAs girls blossom into beautiful young ladies and young women they are all about discovering and expressing their own personal inner and outer appeal.
While the focus, no doubt, should be placed on their intrinsic assets, the external are much easier to see. Some tricks of the trade for facing ... Read On 
Not Just Another Face In The Crowd Beauty Tips And Tricks For The Mature MademoiselleSo, you’re in your Golden Years, well, ladies it’s time to sparkle like the rare gem you are. Being a grandmother is just another opportunity to set an example for your children and now their children and really live up to your title of being a “GRAND” parent.
If looking your best has become a ... Read On 
There is a time for regret, a time to let go There are people who refuse to forgive someone who hurt them. And, oddly, there are people who refuse to forgive themselves for a regrettable action.
Fred Luskin, Ph.D., says the main obstacle to self-forgiveness is a need to feel the guilt. Instead of taking responsibility for their actions, ... Read On 
Get more recognition for your accomplishments Everyone wants to be recognized for their contributions and good work. It's part of what's called "psychic income," the elements of a job not concerned with benefits or money.
Here are a few ways to improve your recognition factor:
* Make friends with your boss. You have to be liked. You ... Read On 
Guard against the impact of small, negative messages It's not unusual to feel the sting of a subtle putdown, a snub, or a sarcastic tone. Everyone has felt such "microinequities." Each one may not be serious enough to object to. Experiencing them often, however, can sap your enthusiasm and threaten your productivity.
Rutgers University presents ... Read On 
At work, leave the loner in you outside the door If you'd rather work alone than be part of a team, or if new situations with co-workers leave you feeling uncomfortable, you could be suffering from a social inhibition or two.
Some people who are viewed as capable and attractive limit their potential on the job because they can't believe that ... Read On 
To get ahead, clean up bad speech habits Several types of speech problems make people appear to be uneducated and can hold them back in their careers. Including:
* Speaking like an adolescent. Using phrases like "that's like so cool" makes you sound young and inexperienced. Add frequent use of "y' know," and using "go" instead of ... Read On 
Is LASIK surgery right for you? Millions of Americans have chosen vision-correction surgery as an alternative to wearing glasses or contact lenses.
In his book, The Eye Laser Miracle: The Complete Guide to Better Vision (Ballantine), Dr. Andrew Caster says about 95 percent of patients see well enough after the surgery to ... Read On 