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Perception Deception: Living The Life You Want And DeserveWhether we mask our insecurities, or wear them on our sleeve, we all have them, and they generally stem from our perception of ourselves, and perhaps what we’ve been told by others.
According to experts, most insecurities tend to make us feel alienated from a situation, group or accomplishment ... Read On 
Social Wallflower: Overcoming Your Fear Of FraternizingI recently ran into someone I know who has three beautiful children. And, while two were eager to greet me, the third slinked away in shyness, to which the mom noted that while her boy was very shy, her daughters will talk to virtually anyone and everyone.
And, there are merits to both traits ... Read On 
Lost In Love: Recognizing And Dealing With Detrimental Co-DependencyPart of a healthy happy marriage (or relationship of any sort for that matter) according to professionals is premised on not only love, but also respect and a beneficial balance between being co-dependent and independent.
While, according to counselors and experts men and women can expect ... Read On 
All In Due Time: Making The Most Out Of Your Time And Life When you’re young there seem to be “too” many hours in a day leaving you wondering and pondering how you’ll ever successfully fill them all. But, as you mature, you realize that time is PRECIOUS and limited and that there are NEVER enough hours in a day to do all you want and need to do. In fact, ... Read On 
Sorry: The Art Of Forgiving, Forgetting, And Getting On With Your LifeWe all know that we are suppose to “forgive and forget”, but when we’ve been hurt or disrespected, that’s often easier said than done. Yet, it’s probably a key to keeping our sanity, and living a longer, healthier, and happier life.
In fact, according to experts, those who can effectively ... Read On 
TMI (Too Much Information): Recovering From Revealing Too MuchThere an old adage that suggests that it’s better to keep you mouth closed and thought of as a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. But, we’ve all, at one time or other been guilty of an “open mouth, insert foot” moment. And, one of the most embarrassing situations is mentioning to one friend ... Read On 
Speak Your Mind: The Art Of Successful CommunicationWe all know how important communication is and we also know how difficult it is. After all from what we say and how we say it, to the messages conveyed by our facial expressions and body language we could be sending off the wrong vibes even without meaning to.
Personally, non-verbal ... Read On 
Decoding The Secrets Of Sex Appeal: What Really Makes A Man AttractiveWe were all told by our mothers that “meeting” a man was the “easy” part, the keeping him is what was difficult. Well the same rule applies to women and we all know how difficult meeting one AND keeping one can be.
Contrary to popular beliefs the most popular men and the most respected husbands ... Read On 
Mind, Body, And Spirit: How Spirituality Affects Your HealthWe all know that we want to live a longer, healthier life, but most of us think that health issues are for “older” folks, you know those over, thirty, forty, and those in our parents and grandparent’s generation.
But, according to recent research, even young adults are at high risk for high ... Read On 
The H Factor: Three Ways To Find Inner Strength, Peace, And Happiness Achieving peace and happiness is something we all strive for. From being content in our jobs, friendships, marriages and personal lives, we are all looking for that “secret formula” for success.
And, experts agree that in order to be happy in other areas of your life, we must all first be happy ... Read On 
To Be Or Not To Be (A Gentleman At All Times): Striking A Balance You Both Can Live WithMost women look forward to marrying their prince and turning into the queen of the castle. But, unfortunately, many men forget, at least after the first few dates (or days of marriage) are over, that good manners are ALWAYS important and that they STILL have to treat their lady like a ... Read On 
Building A Better You: Strengthening Yourself Through Strengthening Your RelationshipsMany people are under the explicit impression that there is a fine yet clearly discernable line between living and existing, with the former focusing more on the quality of life and the relationships therein.
Unfortunately, quality of life is often confused or associated with education, status, ... Read On 
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