Health, Fitness & Beauty Articles
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Cold Case: Keeping Healthy During Cold And Flu SeasonIt’s that time of year again, the time of year when it’s still too hot to turn on the heat, but not too warm for a “winter’ jacket, especially for those who head out early in the am. And, this sudden change in temperature, as well as the fluctuations throughout the day, can contribute to many of us ... Read On 
I Am Iron Man: How Iron Affects Hair Growth or LossWe blame stress for just about everything. And, according to experts, stress can be linked to many things, including many ailments and conditions. But, when it comes to baldness, stress may be getting a bad rep.
In fact, according to recent research, iron deficiency could be the key culprit to a ... Read On 
To Drink Or Not To Drink That Is The Question: How Much Is Too Much We’ve all read or heard about the statistics about the proclaimed and supposed benefits of having a “drink” (mostly red wine to be exact). We’ve also heard the peril potentially also associated with drinking (even a glass of red wine) and how “that” information can seem to counteract that which ... Read On 
The Old Bait And Switch: Sensational Substitutes For Everyday FoodsA piece of chocolate, a frothy latte or a glass of wine with dinner. No doubt these are some of our favorite foods, but they may not be favoured by our bodies, and may even cause weight gain or health problems if we are not careful about consumption.
Still, as the saying goes “everything in ... Read On 
When You’re Good You’re Good, But When You’re “Bad” You’re Better: How And Why Being “Good” Isn’t Always Good For You.Most of us have at one time or another set a goal of leading and living out healthier lives. For many that may mean exercising more, eating right, shedding a few pounds, giving up alcohol and/or giving up smoking. And, while all these healthy habits are good for us, you may be surprised to learn ... Read On 
Mouthwatering “Medicines”: Chow Down…Feel BetterWe all know that food can cure hunger pains and joining up with friends or family for dinner can cure some common social ailments, but did you know that some of our favorite foods actually have medicinal properties. That’s right, new evidence shows that sinking your teeth into some of your favorite ... Read On 
Work It Out: Unspoken Rules To Live By At The GymGoing to the gym, means more than signing up and working out, it means abiding by the rules of the facility. But, there are also some unwritten rules that patrons are expected to adhere to. Among these:
1. Dress For Success: Bare feet, sans socks or in sandals or slippers are NOT toe-tally ... Read On 
Hitting The (Water) Bottle: How Safe Is The Water You Drink?One of the quickest ways to get our daily intake of H20 is on the go. But wetting our whistle with water from a plastic water bottle may be doing us more harm than good.
In fact, most food stuffs stored in plastic containers may be toxic due to several chemicals including Bisphenol-A (BPA) also ... Read On 
Nature’s Best: Beauty Products That Are Also Good For YouSummer is the prime season for most of us “expose” ourselves more than in any other season. From flip-flop revealing our funky feet and toes, to open back tops and short shorts revealing some of our imperfections and flaws, including our pasty “white” winter skin.
But, getting you glam on for ... Read On 
Everything To Lose, Everything To Gain: A Healthy Look At Dieting And Diet Supplements.Taking vitamins is important for all of us, and it’s especially important for those trying to lose weight and perhaps depriving themselves and their body of essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
Remember, a healthy diet and ample exercise are the key to not only losing weight but also ... Read On 
All Natural: Preserving Your Health And The EnvironmentWe are all aware of how healthy it is to eat right, and part of going lean is going green, but being good to your body and the earth doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg, nor does it mean you’ll have to give up your favorite things.
To Market To Market:
Produce Precautions: It’s ... Read On 
Water World: What You Need To Know About H2OWe all know that drinking plenty of water is essential for hydrating and nourishing our body and our skin but for many keeping moist still remains an untapped mystery.
So, here is what you need to know.
Daily Requirements: It’s by now probably ingrained in our brain that as adults we should ... Read On 
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