Health, Fitness & Beauty Articles
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Bathing Beauties: Choosing The Right Suit For YouLonger, sunnier days and warmer weather has most of us heading to the great outdoors as often as we can. And for many of us that means making a b-line for the beach or boardwalk, and putting us in the public eye for “scrutiny”.
In fact, many guys bikini season is a dream come true, while for ... Read On 
A Tough Pill To Swallow: Switching To The Birth Control PatchSo, you’re concerned about remembering to take your pill and winding up with an “insta”, “unplanned” family. And, you’ve been considering using the patch in it’s place, since it’s pretty much a birth control “no-brainer”.
Most patches can be worn “inconspicuously” on your arm, stomach, or ... Read On 
Do-Op Shop: Options For Summer Hair Dos That Sizzle and ShineIf you’re anything like me you maintain your hair on a daily basis; washing, conditioning, gelling, styling, and spraying, only to walk outside and have it either “frizz out” or go flat in a matter of minutes. So, for the most part I’ve resigned myself to accepting that my hair will “never” look ... Read On 
A Step In The Right Direction: Keeping Your Feet Bare Foot BeautifulFrom wearing flip flops, clogs, sneakers without socks or jogging or roller blading along the beach to get your butt and thighs and butt in shape, you may in fact have a great looking pedicure and some noteworthy assets, but some sorry looking blistered feet.
Blisters are quite common and can be ... Read On 
Red Hot: The Right Way To Wear Red LipstickRed (lipstick) is hot, red is fun, red is sexy, and sometimes a staple of feminine sophistication. But red can make lots of women look like they should be working in the “Red-light” district.
But, experts note that if wearing red, has you feeling blue about the way you look, all you need to do ... Read On 
Medical “Miracles”: Some Simple Ways To Take Better Care Of Your HealthWhile to a certain degree we have no control over our disposition toward disease and illness and staying healthy, to another degree, according to experts, we do.
Yet, many think that staying physically fit and healthy requires time and energy (if not money) they simply don’t have time to expend. ... Read On 
Out Of The Closet: Classic Fashion Accessories You NEED To Bring Out Of “Hiding”Every woman wants to be and achieve a classic beauty, and part of that, according to experts, is refining her classic look, by keeping a few classics (that never go out of style) in her closet.
1. Diamonds And Pearls: While gold, silver, pewter, and platinum may go in and out of style; ... Read On 
For Worse Not Better: How We Are Responsible For Harming Our HealthWe all have “bad” habits that are detrimental to our lifestyle and health. The obvious ones, such as drinking, smoking, etc. are well, obvious. But, according to experts we have some more unobtrusive and “less harmful” habits, which may be just as “destructive” and “dangerous”.
1. Dinner ... Read On 
A Taste Of Summer: Foods To Bar Before You Dare To Bare:Yeah, summer is almost here, and that means taking off more clothes and potentially putting on more pounds.
While winter foods have traditionally gotten a bad rap for being rich in taste and calories, summer foods such as ice creams and ice fraps aren’t far behind. In fact, too many and your ... Read On 
Mommy I’m Hungry (Again): A Look At Prader-Willi SyndromeParents have always been typically been concerned with the health and nutrition of their children. And, with all the chemicals contained in “mainstream” foods these days, it would seem that the best option (though they need careful cleansing as well) are organic alternatives. But today’s parents ... Read On 
Let The Sun Shine: The Truth About Tanning Salons And UV ExposureSo, you want to look “hot” for your wedding, your honeymoon and for your man (or woman) and you make getting a little “color” one of your top priorities.
According to experts it’s not always better to look good than feel good and they note that UV rays may in fact be contributing to doubling the ... Read On 
Generation X-cellence: Achieving Timeless Elegance In Your Ensemble And AppearanceThe generation (of designs) has left many wondering whatever happened to elegance and class. Well, according to aficionados in the fashion industry, it seems to have died with the passing of those who made “style” a stable. Among these Audrey Hepburn et al.
While much of today’s generation would ... Read On 
Long Island Bridal Shows