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Making A Clean Start: Doing Laundry Doesn’t Mean Becoming Financially Washed UpI’m not one for hiring outside help to take care of my home. In fact, while I COULD definitely use the help, I don’t think I could ever have someone clean my home (too picky), or do my laundry….I’d rather do my own.
Still, sending out the wash has become as popular as ordering in, and it saves ... Read On 
Outdoor Activities: The Ins And Outs Of Sensational Summer Entertaining.This past weekend my DH, a friend and I went to another friends outdoor holiday pool party. And, each time we visit, especially in the summer we are both thrilled to have them on our A-list and envious of their outrageous set-up. Still, not everyone wants a pool or has space for it, or a deck, ... Read On 
Party On: Making Your Event MemorableWho doesn’t love a good house party? In summer, the deck is the haute hot spot while winter warrants gatherings around the fire and the TV for some good food and movies.
But, whether you’re entertaining in the winter, spring, summer or fall you’ll want your gathering to be a success. And, that ... Read On 
I’ll Drink To That: Ice Cold Drinks In A SnapWhen it comes to chillin’ with your friends, it’s important to serve up a deliciously good time with some finger lickin’ finger foods, a hot meal and some cold drinks.
And, if you need to whip up something special in a pinch, sandwiches and beverages are the way to go. Speed up the cooling down ... Read On 
Healthy Hamburgers: Safety Tips For Grilling
It’s a summer “sport” many men have been looking forward to all winter season. And, it’s the one activity (outside the boudoir) that get our men’s hearts, primarily dealing with their stomach. No, it’s not fishing, though that’s a big one here on Long Island, we’re actually talking about ... Read On 
Stir-Crazy: Stirring In Some “Crazy” Ingredients To Spice Up Summer CondimentsIf you’re like me and most of my circle of cronies, you eagerly look forward to the summer and dining by the water or out on the deck in the backyard. But, regardless of where you dine, the warm weather seems to warrant lighter fare, including salads, chips/veggies and dip, sandwiches, and burger ... Read On 
Home Décor: Design Divas Go ExoticWe all want to be innovative, creative, and inspirational trend-setters, yet, most of us simply follow the trends, and if we’re clever jump on the “band wagon” before everyone else, making it look like we were truly “inspired”.
So, when it comes to haute couture hues for the 2008/2009 season, ... Read On 
Shake Up Your Summer: Adding An Egg-cellent New Twist To Your Favourite DrinksBreaking out the barbeque, the burgers and the brew is and pretty much as always been a summer time staple. In fact, it’s an entertainment favourite.
But, from veggie and Portobello burgers to drink featuring a little bit of a good-for-you protein boost, why not mix things up (literally this ... Read On 
Lawn And Order: Ensuring A Naturally Beautiful LawnThere’s no better time to go green than in the warm, balmy days of spring and summer. And, what better place to start going “green” than with your lawn?
Organic lawn care is a system of maintaining your lawn using a series of strategies that work with the natural environment to foster and ... Read On 
Casino Night: Entertaining On A BudgetWondering what to do with your best buds this weekend. How about trying your hand at lady luck with either poker or black jack…and better yet, doing it without traveling too far or spending any money.
It seems that home poker and card parties are quickly becoming all the rage for groups and ... Read On 
Tis The Season: Giving Your Car A Much Need CleaningWhile I couldn’t wait for the warm weather to make its appearance, the cold, blustery and even stormy days of winter served me well, at least as offering me and excuse for my failure to keep up with cleaning my car. Typically a neat freak, the salt and rain took its toll, and so did my life on the ... Read On 
Exo-Centricity: Beautifying your home’s exteriorIt seems that everyone is hopping on the home improvement band wagon these days. In fact, interior design has become “big” business and often requires big bucks. But, all too often home owners forget the appeal of curb appeal, which according to design experts is just as important, if not more so, ... Read On 
Long Island Bridal Shows