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For Better or Worse: PMS Proofing Your RelationshipAnother married couple DH and I hang out with implicated that most “arguments” tend to happen right around “that time”. Yes, that dreaded time of the month known as your menstrual cycle. And, our friends suggested that PMS was to blame. And, they suggest that besides the obvious signs such as ... Read On 
“Bad” Ideas: Why Being “Bad” Can Be Good For Your Relationship The standard joke is that once the marriage is “ON” the passion is “off”. And, in many marriages, it is; often making both parties feeling unloved, unwanted and wanting “out”.
But, while most of us, note experts, moved in together and got married was so that we can share out lives and our ... Read On 
What Did You Say? The Importance Of Exercising Your Vocal ChordsI recently read an article that suggested that the face of marriage is changing. That’s right, it implicated that marriage is being “revolutionized” by “savvy” young couples who are not making this everlasting commitment without a WAY OUT. That’s right, these are the children of parents who may ... Read On 
Through The Years: The Road To Everlasting LoveMost married couples fall into two categories: 1) Those that expect NOTHING to change after the “I Dos” and those that expect (virtually) EVERYTHING to change after the “I Dos) and both force couples to look at their marriage. Unfortunately many of us have been conditioned to believe that unless we ... Read On 
Too Close For Comfort: How To Avoid Getting “Too Comfortable” For Love and IntimacyWhile dating may mean that you are frequently wined and dined, its often taking the “relationship” to the next level that allows you to let your hair down, and loosen the belt buckle.
Couples in courtship seem to still be in the “best behaviour” phase, from how they look and speak to what they ... Read On 
You’re My Lover, Not My Rival: Keeping The Competition In Your Marriage FriendlyIn the beginning you tried to beat him at pool, outscore him at bowling, keep up with him at the gym, and challenge him to Trivial Pursuit. You may have even compared notes about your respective lives and experiences before you hooked up and all of it was stimulating and exhilarating.
And, ... Read On 
Close Encounters: How Regular Sex Can Take Years Off Your AppearanceWith all the money many of us ladies and some of our “Metrosexual” men spend on moisturizers, face creams, scrubs, masks, facials, and a potpourri of products and regimens aimed at keeping us, as Rod Stewart so eloquently put it “Forever Young”, it seems like the fountain of youth was right in our ... Read On 
Love and Let Love: A New, Yet Not So New School Of Thought To Live and Love ByFrom singles looking for love and couples looking to make it “official”, those twosomes who’ve already gotten past the “I Dos” and are looking to keep things hot and spicy, the rules seem to be the same, and many of them are old school rules, but some are quite “revolutionary”.
1. Pick and ... Read On 
Say Something Nice Or Nothing At All: Words To Live By To Keep Your Love AliveI recently had a conversation with another couple that just like us, dinner conversations usually revolve around things that need o be taken care of, or in their case, the kids. And, they agreed that it’s quite the change from dating when both parties are able to make small talk for hours. Still ... Read On 
Finding The Right Words To Say: The Art Of Apologizing While I don’t know many, I do know a few couples that rarely if ever argue. Heck, they hardly ever disagree and couplehood is bliss. Then there are those of us, who despite are unending love and respect for our mates, associate couplehood with being one, but trying to figure out which one. And, ... Read On 
Love Notes: Ten Tips For Making Your Life And Your Relationships WorkDo you ever wonder why some people seem to be successful in relationships and other not? I’m not just talking about meeting people, that task, while definitely “challenging” can be relatively easy, especially if you have connections; but rather about the ability to hold on to those people you meet ... Read On 
Can You Hear Me Now: Getting Your Point Across PoignantlyWe’ve all been in the same, or at least a similar situation at one point in time or another. You know asking your mate or your child/children to do something, trying to get through to a friend or coworker, only to find that your words end up on deaf and often “uncaring” ears. In fact, it may ... Read On 