Relationship Articles
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Can’t We All Just Get Along: Compromises Necessary To Strengthen Your Relationship With the New Year upon us, most of us have begun a new journey toward a new and improved lifestyle. From the way we eat, to our daily routine, and how we approach our relationships, the New Year, gives us a new opportunity to make the new and necessary changes for a better, happy, healthier ... Read On 
Promise Keepers: Resolutions To Help Your Relationship Grow And FlourishEvery year we kick off the New Year by making promises to ourselves and to others, usually ones we somehow “fail” to keep. From personal improvement, to smarter job and career moves and choices, to the way we intend to handle our personal life and our relationships, we all plan to improve upon the ... Read On 
Gifts That Keep On Giving: Romantic Gifts For HimDo you find yourself pulling your hair out trying to figure out what to get “him”? “He” doesn’t have to be your honey; in fact, he can be your boss, your brother, your dad (or granddad), your father or brother-in-law, your husband’s best friend, or YOUR best friend’s baby boy. Let’s face it, no ... Read On 
Couples, Couples, Toil and Troubles: The “Magic” Behind Achieving A Successful RelationshipOne of the most stressful times of year can be the holiday season. And, if you are already having “difficulty” adjusting to married/family life, this “joyous” season (with all it’s newfound popularity) can often bring out the “worst” in all of us.
While many resign to “arguing” and “moving on”, ... Read On 
Lock And Key: Unlocking The Secrets Of Staying In Love:Falling” in love is the easy part, it’s the staying in “love” that seems to be more difficult, primarily because most of us don’t know what the means. Our entire lives, we’ve been surrounded by relationships that have gone “stale”. Sure the couple may still be together and care for each other, but ... Read On 
Parked In Neutral: When You’re Simply Not Interested In SexThis may seem somewhat “unusual” it’s more common than you think. What am I talking about? A loss of interest in sex….and not hers, yours/his. Impossible is probably the first thought that crosses your mind, but experts asserts that it may be improbable, but NOT impossible. In fact, a diminished ... Read On 
Choose Your Battles Wisely: Winning The Battle Over Destructive ArguingSome women claim they “pick arguments” just for the “thrill” of making up. I don’t know about you, but when I’m angered (at my other half) the only reason I want to get near him is so that I don’t miss when I take that right swing (just kidding). And while most would agree that it’s futile to ... Read On 
I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now CHANGE: Relating Despite Your DifferencesWhen Most women say “Yes”, they say “Yes” to the handsome, kind, respectful, hardworking, fun-loving Romeo who wines and dines them and showers them with compliments and the occasional (or frequent) extravagant gift(s). Even if you’ve dated for eons or lived together, most of us DON’T say “YES” to ... Read On 
Show and Tell: How To Get Him Hooked On PDAs.With all the “big” talk guys do about their physical prowess, their love of sex and women and their (supposed) “insatiable” appetite for all of the above you think they would have also mastered the skill of effectively getting a women into bed, or at least motivating her enough to climb in herself. ... Read On 
Has Your Love LIfe Lost It's Sizzle? A Simple Recipe For Spicing Up Your Love Life:I was once at the movies with a friend and pointed out a couple that just didn’t seem like they belonged together. I said to him, I don’t know if they’re married or not, but they just don’t look like a couple to me. With his typical quick wit, my friend turned to me and said, she hasn’t stopped ... Read On 
Long Island Bridal Shows