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Out Of Control: Putting The Reins On Explosive ArgumentsThe biggest problem with marriage these days is that while we fell in love despite our differences, after the “I dos”, most begin to despise these differences and most couples struggle with the notion of simply “agreeing to disagree”.
Yet, successful couples, even those in the limelight (such as ... Read On 
“Unlucky Number 7”: Surviving The Seven-Year ItchThe “Seven Year Itch” was a term originally coined after a popular 1955 film featuring, none other than the original “material girl” Marilyn Monroe. In this marital “farce” this icon of sensuality (Marilyn) “charms” her neighbor into straying while his wife and family are out of town for the ... Read On 
The Long And Winding Road: Successfully Surviving An Ever-Changing RelationshipWhen it comes to getting advice about sustaining a happy, fulfilling and long-lasting marriage, many of us may want more concrete or scientific strategies for making it last, and making it work. And, now we just may have some. After extensive studies on just how successful couples approach ... Read On 
The Buddy System: How Your Girlfriends Can Help Save Your MarriageMost tell us and we tend to agree that our mate should be our “soul mate” and our best friend, yet, according to experts, our mate should be our mate, and our best friend should be our best friend, at least if we want to have a happy and successful marriage.
Women and experts agree that it’s ... Read On 
Holding It Together: Fundamental Factors Affecting The Success Of Your MarriageEvery bride/couple wants their magical day to last forever, they also want the romance and the passion to last forever, but most importantly they want their vows and their union to last forever.
And, according to experts besides fidelity and respect, there’s one surefire way to ensure marital ... Read On 
Put It In Drive: Re-Igniting Your Sex DriveMen and women are obviously different. From the way we are built to the way we (often) think and most fundamentally to our physical needs, we definitely have different drives in life. So much so that throughout history many men have kept concubines to cater to their seemingly insatiable appetite ... Read On 
Attention Getters: Giving Her The Attention She Needs And Getting The Attention You Need.Most women dream about marrying the handsome, sensitive, caring, successful, charming prince who will wine them, dine them, and romance them like they do in the books and movies.
Some ladies may even find some semblance of this otherwise “extinct” creature in the man we choose to marry. Yet, ... Read On 
Fire And Ice: Keeping Friendships And Relationships Hot During The Cold.After a long day at the office or a long week of work (either at the office or at home) most of us are itching to go out and do something exciting. From things we enjoyed as kids, tweens and teens to adventures we have yet to discover, our wanderlust never ceases to get the best of us. Yet for many ... Read On 
Passion Police: Bedroom Maneuvers That Should Be “Illegal”.So now that you are officially going to be sharing EVERYTHING including your bed on a daily basis, it’s likely you want to become a master of seduction, especially as you prepare for your honeymoon and your honeymoon phase. Heck, let’s face it even if you’ve been married for years, the one place ... Read On 
Love Stinks: Surviving Another Valentine’s DayLike every other holiday that’s been over-commercialized, Valentine’s Day is quickly making its way to the top of the list. But, for those of you who have your heart set on celebrating this annual holiday of the heart, you may find yourself asking, “what’s wrong with setting aside a special day for ... Read On 
So Happy Together: A Couple Of Coupling Techniques For A Happy MarriageDo you and your mate ever get on each other’s nerves? Well, if you’re like most of us, the answer is probably an unresounding YES. But, chances are if you’re like most of us, you probably also know the couple that’s been together forever, and rarely seem to have any (significant) difficulties. ... Read On 
Fight Club: Talk Therapy For Surviving The Rough SpotsGetting the ring is only the beginning of “happily ever after”. And, according to relationship experts, “happily ever after” is a direct result of keeping not only the spark alive, but also the communication alive. After all, experts and couples agree, you’ll spend more time dealing with each other ... Read On 