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.:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

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Member since 5/07

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Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

Hey all- almost 31 weeks with my 2 growing babies Chat Icon Chat Icon

I'm am larger than I was when I gave birth to my son at 41 weeks. The dr. are all onboard to try and deliver the twins vaginally and so if I make it to 38 weeks- we'll induce that week. That's the first week in August!! At 28 weeks they were 3lbs and 3lb2oz- they are big! Next sono is 32 weeks.

Very excited and I dreamed I had 2 brunette babies- a boy and a girl. We'll see!!

Our house is still being renovated- looks like it won't be done until beginning of July. I'm starting to lose it!

Posted 6/14/12 10:02 AM
Long Island Weddings
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sometimes 1+1= 4 <3

Member since 8/09

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the lucky one

Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

Hi Ladies!

Due 8/7 and baby is measuring 4lbs 8oz in the 57th percentile! Perhaps might have a 8lb'er! However baby is transverse still, so OPERATION TURN BABY is in full effect. I've started doing stretches and exercises to help turn the baby. Let's hope they work! I a.lso have a chiro appt on Monday to help turn the baby as well. Fingers crossed!!

The baby's crib is set, bassinet is cleaned, swing and bouncer and boppy have all been returned to me. Got my pump and supplies I will need immediately. Still have to decide on names Chat Icon I'm cleaning the house room by room and 'loosely' packed my hospital bag! Getting closer 53 days to go!!

Posted 6/14/12 3:20 PM

Living a dream

Member since 1/08

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Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

Just had another appointment today. I'm 29 weeks and Chat Icon is measuring 2lbs 12 oz. They said LO is smaller but given that my original EDD was 9/4 it's fine. She is progressing nicely overall.

We have still done nothing to the nursery. Verizon is coming next week to add wires to our other bedroom so we can move our TV and computer in there. Once the wires are in place we can buy our new desk and then move everything over. DH still has to move his crap out of the closet and keeps saying he'll get to it Chat Icon. I might just move everything to the floor on his side of the bed Chat Icon

Posted 6/14/12 4:33 PM


Member since 6/10

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Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.


Posted 6/20/12 1:19 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 4/09

404 total posts


.:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

offically am under 50 days now! and freaking out! we had our shower last weekend and got so many awesome things for LO. We are pretty set on a name and now just organizing the nursery and decorating. DH put the glider together last night and I cleaned out space in the kitchen for bottles and baby food stuff.
We have a 3d sono tonight! cant wait to see the little guy!

Posted 6/20/12 1:40 PM

So in love with my little man!

Member since 6/08

5172 total posts


Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

I'm due 8/31 and have done nothing to get ready for the baby so far, lol. I will make a list of everything I need tonight so I can start picking some things up. I guess it's time to dig out the baby clothes and get them washed and put away! Wow, this pregnancy has flown by!

Posted 6/20/12 2:38 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/11

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Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

Posted by OrganicMama

I'm due 8/31 and have done nothing to get ready for the baby so far, lol. I will make a list of everything I need tonight so I can start picking some things up. I guess it's time to dig out the baby clothes and get them washed and put away! Wow, this pregnancy has flown by!

Me neither and I'm due before you! I'm such a slacker with this one. I think because in my mind I know that I have mostly everything I need. But I need to get off my butt and get this stuff out!

I have my growth sono this week and can't wait to see my lo. Feel like I haven't seen Chat Icon in so long - I hate no sono since 20w.

Hope everyone is feeling well and staying cool!

Posted 6/20/12 3:18 PM

sometimes 1+1= 4 <3

Member since 8/09

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the lucky one

Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

BABY TURNED!!! WOOHOO!! So excited, so now I'm free and clear for my VBAC Chat Icon

I washed clothes this week. I have to get a camera to add to my monitor. I have a rough draft of my birth plan. Need to finalize my list and I'll feel better!

Posted 6/20/12 9:42 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

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Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

I have a ton of things to do!

I was feeling so prepared for awhile, then fell behind and now am overwhelmed.

The most important thing is, we need to install the car seat. DH has an old, old, 2 door car not made for a baby!! We tried to install it, it failed miserably. Now he found a middle seat belt and needs to try attaching that and then we can try again. If we ever get the car seat installed, I want to get it inspected as well.

I want to pack my hospital bag soon.

I need to finish home improvement projects (this has been going on forever it feels like). We still need to install a shelf, hang some picture frames, rearrange a closet, etc.

I need to wash clothing and organize the nursery.

But then I think we just need to finalize a name, stock the pantry/freezer, stock up on some supplies and get the house cleaned!!

Posted 6/20/12 10:29 PM

Living a dream

Member since 1/08

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.:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

We still have to do everything Chat Icon DH is off the first week of July and will get the majority done.

Posted 6/21/12 8:18 AM

different, not less

Member since 7/09

13160 total posts


Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

How are you all doing in this heat?? I felt like while I was driving to work this morning I was going to throw up in my car, I still feel nauseous!! Chat Icon not sure if it is heat related.

Posted 6/21/12 8:39 AM


Member since 6/10

5483 total posts


Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

I'm feeling good in this heat. I'm just glad the drive to the train is short. Oh and having a car starter doesn't hurt. I already drink tons of water as it is. Now I'm drinking some on the train platform (shade) and on the train (i always make sure to sit by the br) plus my walk to the office is short once i get to penn.

Still going on my after lunch walks. Since I have gd it really helps with my levels.

The only time I seem to get out of breath is when I'm sitting down and she starts moving up a stormChat Icon

Posted 6/21/12 9:25 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/10

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Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

This heat makes me more tired. My third trimester sleepiness has kicked in and all I wanna do is sleep. Other than that, I'm doing pretty good. Been giving myself the insulin shots 3x a day and following the GD diet which has been tolerable. I keep telling myself it's not forever.

This sunday is my shower!! I'm so excited Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/21/12 9:41 AM

Living a dream

Member since 1/08

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Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

My commute isn't bad. My LIRR station is shady. So far the subway platforms have been okay and I have always gotten a seat. One guy actually gave me his on a crowded train yesterday.

Posted 6/21/12 11:31 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

9976 total posts


Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

Does anyone have their hospital bag packed yet?

Is anyone else finding it hard to pack? I seem to feel so many items are a "last minute" type thing... (Id/insurance card/eyeglasses/keys/camera/cell phone/credit card/hairbrush/deodorant/ etc.)

Posted 6/22/12 4:00 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/12

236 total posts


.:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

I haven't packed it yet. I have a mental list, though Chat Icon. Where did you get your pjs from? I was thinking of just doing a nursing tank and loose fitting pj pants.

Posted 6/22/12 4:31 PM

Living a dream

Member since 1/08

8589 total posts


.:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

I won't do that until August. I still have 2 months to go!

Posted 6/22/12 4:45 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

9976 total posts


Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

Posted by Poppy811

I haven't packed it yet. I have a mental list, though Chat Icon. Where did you get your pjs from? I was thinking of just doing a nursing tank and loose fitting pj pants.

I got some nursing bras from target (I have yet to find a nursing tank that fits well/I like) and was also thinking of just doing a loose fitting shirt and pajama bottoms. I got a pair of black sweatpants at sports authority. I'm a little worried it will be too hot since it is August, but I am sure it will be kind of chilly in the hospital. I have no other clothing ideas at this point, I don't know what would be best to bring/wear once there.

Posted 6/22/12 4:48 PM

sometimes 1+1= 4 <3

Member since 8/09

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the lucky one

.:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

I bought nursing gowns from They're the best., Pants aren't a good idea because you're going to be checked every few hours so you need easy access.

Posted 6/22/12 9:40 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 4/09

404 total posts


.:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

just took the stroller out of the box and having DH put the carseat in the car later today--mostly bc the boxes are huge and in our way! The crib got delivered yesterday and we are in the process of setting everything up! Its getting real!!

Countdown 45 Days 7 Hours

Posted 6/24/12 4:17 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

9976 total posts


Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

Posted by bbanana7

just took the stroller out of the box and having DH put the carseat in the car later today--mostly bc the boxes are huge and in our way! The crib got delivered yesterday and we are in the process of setting everything up! Its getting real!!

Countdown 45 Days 7 Hours

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

so exciting!!

Posted 6/24/12 6:55 PM

different, not less

Member since 7/09

13160 total posts


Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

we finally have the nursery all set up (minus the bedding). my parents came over today and helped build everything since DH was working overtime, i'm so thankful! its hard to believe soon I will have a baby sleeping in there... next on the agenda is my baby shower July 14th.. after that I will have to shop for whatever essentials I did not get (ex- car seat), find a coming home outfit, find out what to pack in hospital bag.. i think that is it... 8 weeks to go, scary!!

Posted 6/24/12 7:27 PM


Member since 6/10

5483 total posts


Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

Posted by JDubs

we finally have the nursery all set up (minus the bedding). my parents came over today and helped build everything since DH was working overtime, i'm so thankful! its hard to believe soon I will have a baby sleeping in there... next on the agenda is my baby shower July 14th.. after that I will have to shop for whatever essentials I did not get (ex- car seat), find a coming home outfit, find out what to pack in hospital bag.. i think that is it... 8 weeks to go, scary!!

Chat Icon Good for you and your parents for building everything!! July 14th will be here before you know it!! I brought up to dh yesterday that we will need to shop for thing that we dont get too. He thought we were
I can't believe our day is almost here. I wonder who will pop first? Chat Icon

Posted 6/25/12 10:27 AM

sometimes 1+1= 4 <3

Member since 8/09

3869 total posts

the lucky one

Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

holy contractions & pressure batman!!

i'm 34 weeks and i can barely walk. if i didn't know any better, i'd swear my pelvis bone is fractured. i've been having knock down, tears in my eyes contractions lately and constant PMS cramps with severe pressure. these are all labor like symptoms so i'm hoping it's a sign that i'm going early!!! i really hope so because i won't make it another 6 weeks feeling the way i do.

Posted 6/26/12 6:18 PM

Living a dream

Member since 1/08

8589 total posts


Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

Posted by labonnevie

holy contractions & pressure batman!!

i'm 34 weeks and i can barely walk. if i didn't know any better, i'd swear my pelvis bone is fractured. i've been having knock down, tears in my eyes contractions lately and constant PMS cramps with severe pressure. these are all labor like symptoms so i'm hoping it's a sign that i'm going early!!! i really hope so because i won't make it another 6 weeks feeling the way i do.

Fingers crossed! I hope the pain subsidesin the meantime!

Posted 6/26/12 6:57 PM
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