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.:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

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LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

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Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

I just got back from a non-stress test... and it turns out I am having contractions already... the test today which was done for 30-60 minutes said I had a contraction every 5 minutes... but the dr looked at me and said my cervix was fully closed and everything is still fine, but I guess I need to be concerned about pre-term labor. she told me to stay in bed the next two days and take it easy.


Posted 6/26/12 10:06 PM
Long Island Weddings
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different, not less

Member since 7/09

13160 total posts


Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

Posted by BaysideForever

I just got back from a non-stress test... and it turns out I am having contractions already... the test today which was done for 30-60 minutes said I had a contraction every 5 minutes... but the dr looked at me and said my cervix was fully closed and everything is still fine, but I guess I need to be concerned about pre-term labor. she told me to stay in bed the next two days and take it easy.


wow that is scary! take it easy and get some rest... i have no clue when or if they are going to do a stress test on me. I go back to the doc today...

Posted 6/27/12 8:50 AM

different, not less

Member since 7/09

13160 total posts


Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

Posted by MRsFaTThead

Posted by JDubs

we finally have the nursery all set up (minus the bedding). my parents came over today and helped build everything since DH was working overtime, i'm so thankful! its hard to believe soon I will have a baby sleeping in there... next on the agenda is my baby shower July 14th.. after that I will have to shop for whatever essentials I did not get (ex- car seat), find a coming home outfit, find out what to pack in hospital bag.. i think that is it... 8 weeks to go, scary!!

Chat Icon Good for you and your parents for building everything!! July 14th will be here before you know it!! I brought up to dh yesterday that we will need to shop for thing that we dont get too. He thought we were
I can't believe our day is almost here. I wonder who will pop first? Chat Icon

when is your shower? or is it a surprise? yeah i wish i had a crystal ball on when this baby is coming, it would make it a ton easier dealing with my HR department here haha.. i just hope i don't go too late!!

Message edited 6/27/2012 8:53:35 AM.

Posted 6/27/12 8:52 AM

different, not less

Member since 7/09

13160 total posts


Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

Posted by labonnevie

holy contractions & pressure batman!!

i'm 34 weeks and i can barely walk. if i didn't know any better, i'd swear my pelvis bone is fractured. i've been having knock down, tears in my eyes contractions lately and constant PMS cramps with severe pressure. these are all labor like symptoms so i'm hoping it's a sign that i'm going early!!! i really hope so because i won't make it another 6 weeks feeling the way i do.

ahh did your doc check everything out to make sure all was ok?

Posted 6/27/12 8:52 AM


Member since 7/09

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Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

August MaMa's

We are 35-69 on the Expecting List right now! Wow!!
I've got t-minus 40 days left! creeping up now!!

Posted 6/27/12 11:08 AM

My life:)

Member since 6/06

9589 total posts


Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

As we're creeping up into our-mid 30s weeks its normal to feel pelvic pressure and Braxton Hicks. Its also time to REALLY take it easy and drink a lot of water. Its time to lay low ladies until our little ones arrive. I know its hard, especially with the nesting phase and for those of us that are expecting #2, but really, try to do a little every dayChat Icon AND *I* should also practice what I preachChat Icon

Posted 6/27/12 11:12 AM


Member since 6/10

5483 total posts


Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

Posted by BaysideForever

I just got back from a non-stress test... and it turns out I am having contractions already... the test today which was done for 30-60 minutes said I had a contraction every 5 minutes... but the dr looked at me and said my cervix was fully closed and everything is still fine, but I guess I need to be concerned about pre-term labor. she told me to stay in bed the next two days and take it easy.


Chat Icon Chat Icon
super scary!!!
you better take it easy woman!!

Posted 6/27/12 11:24 AM


Member since 6/10

5483 total posts


Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

Posted by JDubs

Posted by MRsFaTThead

Posted by JDubs

we finally have the nursery all set up (minus the bedding). my parents came over today and helped build everything since DH was working overtime, i'm so thankful! its hard to believe soon I will have a baby sleeping in there... next on the agenda is my baby shower July 14th.. after that I will have to shop for whatever essentials I did not get (ex- car seat), find a coming home outfit, find out what to pack in hospital bag.. i think that is it... 8 weeks to go, scary!!

Chat Icon Good for you and your parents for building everything!! July 14th will be here before you know it!! I brought up to dh yesterday that we will need to shop for thing that we dont get too. He thought we were
I can't believe our day is almost here. I wonder who will pop first? Chat Icon

when is your shower? or is it a surprise? yeah i wish i had a crystal ball on when this baby is coming, it would make it a ton easier dealing with my HR department here haha.. i just hope i don't go too late!!

my shower is 7/7. i was lucky enough to pick the place and theme. after my bridal shower i wanted some say in this

i just got a call from the furniture place saying that they will have a truck in our area this saturday and wanted to know if they could delivery it. i said hell yesssssssssss!!! lol

since i have gd ive heard the chances of me being induced is very high Chat Icon need to ask my doc about this. not gonna lie i wouldnt mind if she came a week

Posted 6/27/12 11:32 AM


Member since 5/07

4747 total posts


Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

Babies are growing sooo big!! Had a growth sono today at 32 1/2 weeks and A is 4lb 14oz and B is 4lb 10oz. Almost 10lbs. of babies in me- crazy!

I'm having a ton of BH contractions and now they hurt because they're push Baby A's head down low. But cervix is still super long, so I'm looking good!! Goal is to make it to 37/38 weeks and then will be induced.

Posted 6/27/12 12:13 PM

different, not less

Member since 7/09

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Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

Had my 32 week appointment yesterday, doc said I was having BH contractions once again (but, I really can't feel them!). He measured the HB and I was a little disappointed that once again I was not going to get a sono to see my LO. But, I asked him if he could check to see if the baby was still breech from the last time I had a sono (which was probably like 10 weeks ago) and good news, he is head down! He said "you have one healthy kid" so I'm glad all looks good! I wonder when I'll actually get a growth sono, if any.

Posted 6/28/12 10:20 AM

sometimes 1+1= 4 <3

Member since 8/09

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the lucky one

Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

i'm starting to go to my weekly appts next week! HOLY CRAP ITS GETTING SO CLOSE!!!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/28/12 2:22 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

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Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

I have a growth sono next week. She still hasn't turned and my doctor suggested an external version. I am so scared of trying it but I really didn't want a c-section so I am unsure about what to do at this point. I have a lot of pondering to do I guess. So difficult to make a decision.

AND, I still have so much to do!

I need to install the car seat, pack the hospital bag, work on the nursery (wash clothes, sanitize bottles, etc), make some food to freeze and clean the house.

Can't believe there is about six weeks left!!

Posted 7/4/12 12:00 PM

Love my kids!!

Member since 11/08

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Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

34.5 weeks now...less than 6 weeks to go! im freaking out. its finally hit me that i have alot left to do still also (like pp)...

-take cars for carseat install
-wash all her clothes
-sanitize bottles
-have the couches cleaned
-buy a mattress (at least we have crib assembled lol)
-buy a dresser
-take out and clean the bassinet
-take out and clean pack n play

its also finally dawned on me that in a few more weeks ill be doing middle of the night feedings again and that everything will be changing for DS. hes been the center of our world for the past 3 years and now it wont just be the 3 of us anymore. i dont do well with change so this is gonna be tough.

finally staring weekly appts and i have a growth sono booked for my 37 wk check up.

i guess ready or not...

Posted 7/4/12 12:24 PM

Living a dream

Member since 1/08

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.:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

DH emptied out the room and will spackle tomorrow and paint Friday. Can't wait to see it!

Posted 7/4/12 2:03 PM

sometimes 1+1= 4 <3

Member since 8/09

3869 total posts

the lucky one

.:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

holy hell i can't believe how fast this went by! i need to get a new car, get the car seat installed, put together the bassinet (i'm waiting till i go into labor so it's not out getting dusty and that will give me something to focus on), sanitize the bottles (and find a place for them), clean my carpets and finish cleaning my work corner. i'm nesting like a mad woman- today i washed the walls, scrubbed my bathtub, cleaned the bathroom, did the dishes, did 3 loads of laundry, dusted & vacuumed!

Posted 7/4/12 8:14 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/10

1449 total posts


Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

Posted by waiting4ablessing

34.5 weeks now...less than 6 weeks to go! im freaking out. its finally hit me that i have alot left to do still also (like pp)...

-take cars for carseat install
-wash all her clothes
-sanitize bottles
-have the couches cleaned
-buy a mattress (at least we have crib assembled lol)
-buy a dresser
-take out and clean the bassinet
-take out and clean pack n play

its also finally dawned on me that in a few more weeks ill be doing middle of the night feedings again and that everything will be changing for DS. hes been the center of our world for the past 3 years and now it wont just be the 3 of us anymore. i dont do well with change so this is gonna be tough.

finally staring weekly appts and i have a growth sono booked for my 37 wk check up.

i guess ready or not...

Chat Icon Chat Icon have the couches cleaned!? I can't with you. I cannot believe you are up to weekly app'ts. WoohooO!!!

Posted 7/4/12 10:32 PM

Love my kids!!

Member since 11/08

4351 total posts


Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

32 days leftChat Icon !!

Crib is setup and dresser is on the way. We pulled out and cleaned bassinet, carseat, bases, swing, and floor gym. Going this weekend to get mattress, stroller, and new bouncer. I just ordered a name decal for the wall and on the hunt for a nice tree decal.

Ive been getting alot of bh contractions and occassionl cramping like my periods coming. Im getting anxious and scared lol!

Posted 7/10/12 10:34 PM

My life:)

Member since 6/06

9589 total posts


Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

6 weeks to go and I still need to get a new car, carseat, bassinet, rent my breast pump, and get a whole bunch of little things for the baby. I just hired a cleaning lady so I don't have to worry about cleaning and I can just focus and getting things slowly done and organizing. My focus now is to wrap things up at work. I haven't seen my OBGYN since 5/31 bc I skipped my 6/22 visit with her partner and then she went out on vacation. It feels like its been forever...I'm finally seeing her next week and every week thereafter, which I find so unnecessary since all is well but oh well. Starting to get reaaaaaaalllly big! I heard they're planning my sprinkle at work since my boss thinks I'm going to pop any minute lollllll

Posted 7/10/12 11:59 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

9976 total posts


Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

Ive been getting alot of bh contractions and occassionl cramping like my periods coming. Im getting anxious and scared lol!

me too!! its scary but almost exciting.

Posted 7/11/12 10:16 AM

Living a dream

Member since 1/08

8589 total posts


Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

7 weeks to go and we still need to paint the room, pick up the furniture, (my shower is next weekend too!) get a new car, get the carseats installed, go on a hospital tour. I think I might start freaking out Chat Icon

Posted 7/11/12 10:23 AM


Member since 5/07

4747 total posts


Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

Induction will be scheduled for Aug 3rd or 5th!! My one OB thinks I'll make it to that date, and I hope I do. But nervous about how big I'm getting. These babies are BIG! I gained 5 lbs. in one week- hoping most of it is water weight.
Less than 4 weeks to go and nothing is done. Gonna be a crazy month!

Posted 7/11/12 11:40 AM

different, not less

Member since 7/09

13160 total posts


Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

so today was my baby shower, it was nice but now i feel really overwhelmed. I have all these boxes of stuff and tons of clothes just sitting in my basement and I have no desire to sort through everything and figure out what I can return, what clothes to wash... i ended up standing most of the time so my feet are now killing me and i'm ready for bed but i'm still thinking about all the organization i have to do before the baby gets here.... how have you ladies tackled this if you've had your shower already? i am not even sure where to begin!

ahh we are all getting super close now!!

Posted 7/14/12 9:46 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

9976 total posts


Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

Posted by JDubs

so today was my baby shower, it was nice but now i feel really overwhelmed. I have all these boxes of stuff and tons of clothes just sitting in my basement and I have no desire to sort through everything and figure out what I can return, what clothes to wash... i ended up standing most of the time so my feet are now killing me and i'm ready for bed but i'm still thinking about all the organization i have to do before the baby gets here.... how have you ladies tackled this if you've had your shower already? i am not even sure where to begin!

ahh we are all getting super close now!!

We are getting so close.

I tackled it by going through the big pile and sorting it into categories (like clothes, book, toys, diapers, etc). Then I went through clothes and sorted it by month- pulling out everything I wanted to return and putting the rest in the correct month pile. I did the same with all the other gear. So then I had my keep piles and my return piles. I slowly put away and organized and washed all the keep stuff, one pile at a time and then have tried to slowly return items, one store at a time. I still have some clothes left to return. It takes a lot of time and patience but if you do it in an organized way, it is something you can spend a little time on whenever you get the chance/feel like it and then leave and come back and continue...

Posted 7/14/12 10:21 PM


Member since 6/10

5483 total posts


Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

Posted by JDubs

so today was my baby shower, it was nice but now i feel really overwhelmed. I have all these boxes of stuff and tons of clothes just sitting in my basement and I have no desire to sort through everything and figure out what I can return, what clothes to wash... i ended up standing most of the time so my feet are now killing me and i'm ready for bed but i'm still thinking about all the organization i have to do before the baby gets here.... how have you ladies tackled this if you've had your shower already? i am not even sure where to begin!

ahh we are all getting super close now!!

i feel your pain!!! so far i had made a pile of all the boxes and bags to get rid of. dh got rid of them the other day. i need to separate all her clothes by sizes and figure out what i want to keep and bring back for other sizes. which thinking about gives me a headache. all i want to do when i get home is rest. what im going to do is whenever i have energy tackle a little bit at a time.

Posted 7/17/12 12:59 PM

different, not less

Member since 7/09

13160 total posts


Re: .:: Official AUGUST 2012 Mommy to be Thread! ::.

Posted by MRsFaTThead

Posted by JDubs

so today was my baby shower, it was nice but now i feel really overwhelmed. I have all these boxes of stuff and tons of clothes just sitting in my basement and I have no desire to sort through everything and figure out what I can return, what clothes to wash... i ended up standing most of the time so my feet are now killing me and i'm ready for bed but i'm still thinking about all the organization i have to do before the baby gets here.... how have you ladies tackled this if you've had your shower already? i am not even sure where to begin!

ahh we are all getting super close now!!

i feel your pain!!! so far i had made a pile of all the boxes and bags to get rid of. dh got rid of them the other day. i need to separate all her clothes by sizes and figure out what i want to keep and bring back for other sizes. which thinking about gives me a headache. all i want to do when i get home is rest. what im going to do is whenever i have energy tackle a little bit at a time.

yeah i know i need to sort and make piles.... what stinks is that some people did not give gift receipts so some outfits i am stuck with if i never end up using them!

Posted 7/17/12 1:02 PM
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