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A Penny For Your Thoughts: Our Two Cents About Saving MoneyJust recently I sat down to pay bills satisfied with how well I was doing, not only getting them paid ahead of time, but at keeping costs down and letting the checkbook “pile up”. That was until I opened one monthly bill only to find out that it was going to mean a heavy hit in the pocketbook, one ... Read On 
The Pleasure Principle: How To Avoid Mixing Business And PleasureI remember visiting Europe on several occasions as a child and thinking that even in the big cities, how much their lifestyle differed from ours. Even our immediate neighbour to the North, at least up until recently, enjoyed a bit more “luxury”, when it came to leisure than us, though they are ... Read On 
Bottomed Out: What May Be Holding You Back From Climbing To The TopWhile most of us can’t really know what we want to do with the rest of our lives upon entering college, most of us have a pretty good idea about how we plan for our life and career to go by the time we graduate. And, in many cases most of us experience “a rude awakening”. From “failure” to find a ... Read On 
Shop Smart: Decoding Tricks Of The Retail TradeWhether we consider it “therapy”, “a sport”, or a necessity, shopping is a part of life. And, while for many of us, it can also be cathartic and lots of fun, the fun stops where the buck stops, with most of us looking for the best bargain our money can buy.
And, savvy shoppers know that is they ... Read On 
We’ve Got Your Number: Handling A Phone InterviewNo matter how long we’ve been out of the job market and eager to get back in, or how much we need to move on from our current career to another one, and regardless of our extensive experience, applying for a job can be “overwhelming’. In fact, it can be downright intimidating. And, it’s generally ... Read On 
Workers Behaving “Badly”: Polishing Your Professional Etiquette (LIF: Money and CareerMy dh is always commenting on all the “rules” and “regulations” I “impose” on us when it comes to social etiquette and graces. And, when it comes to socializing most of have a grasp of what is expected and how to act, at least out in public.
But, when it comes to the workplace, professionals ... Read On 
Can You Hear Me Now: Getting Heard At The OfficeWe’ve all heard that it’s a “dog eat dog” world, but we’ve also been warned about stepping on too many toes on the way up. Then again, we’ve come to learn that “the squeaky wheel gets oiled”. Yet, all too often we need to be cautious about what we say and how and we want to be sure that our words ... Read On 
Tricks Of The Trade: How You’re Duped Into Spending More Than You Want toThere use to be a commercial (now turned company slogan for Syms) that lauded that the best customer was an educated consumer. And, when it comes to the best bargains or what we invest in for ourselves and our families, most of us would like to consider ourselves savvy shoppers. Still, most of us ... Read On 
Enrich Your Life: Simple Ways To Invest In Your FutureWe’d all like to earn more money or win the lottery, but most of us either don’t vie for higher paying jobs of don’t play Lotto. Plus, would we be able to hold on to all that money if we had it. Let’s face it most of us would “invest” in all those things we’ve depriving ourselves and our families ... Read On 
Beating The Odds: Increasing Your Chances Of Getting The Job You WantMost of us go to school, train, do internships and even try to work our way up from the bottom to land the job of our dreams. And, according to statistics, most of us will change not only jobs, but careers an average of seven times before we land the perfect position for us.
But, in the ... Read On 
Shop Girls: Women, The New Financial Head Of HouseholdMarriage is most definitely a 50/50 proposition and traditionally, the man has been held as head of household, and in some areas that position still holds true for some today. However, when it comes to money it seems, according to statistics that the ladies are in charge.
In fact, recent reports ... Read On 
Career-Minded Mates: Dealing When He Or She Spends More Time At The Office Than At HomeOne of the biggest issues couples face, besides getting use to each other (and in-laws) is money.
Even if there’s plenty of it, finances can be a point of contention. From who makes more, to how many hours are spent on the job (and away from home) money is often the root of many marital ... Read On 