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private or non private agency adoption? smdl 4 1784 15 years ago 
by michele31
Which country allow adoption by older parents (40+)? smdl 4 1734 15 years ago 
by LizD
Waiting time frame kristen92450 4 1582 15 years ago 
by michele31
Has anyone investigated Catholic Charities for adoption? BigB 7 11366 15 years ago 
by lookingmama
Where does someone begin looking into Adoption? Chrisnamy 14 3514 15 years ago 
by lookingmama
Adopting as a single woman Katie111806 8 2117 15 years ago 
by Alexandra17
support groups rose825 6 1826 16 years ago 
by michele31
Big advertising week (Pages: 1 2) rose825 40 4180 16 years ago 
by DayDay
NM BaseballWidow 0 949 16 years ago 
by BaseballWidow
Thought you'd like this... Little-J-Mommy 3 1315 16 years ago 
by lipglossjunky73
Saw this ad in local paper... 1stimemom 0 1550 16 years ago 
by 1stimemom
have a very close friend looking to adopt lovemy2boys 4 1562 16 years ago 
by rose825
who is adopting? rose825 9 2226 16 years ago 
by Susan
Adoption Books? cjik 2 1239 16 years ago 
by cjik
I wanted to share a wonderful story I heard today... Gertyrae 14 2373 16 years ago 
by Diana712
Anyone adopt an older child? IrishLasss334 7 1840 16 years ago 
by munchkinfacemama
It's official (Pages: 1 2) rose825 46 4786 16 years ago 
by partyof6
I'm blessed every day (Pages: 1 2) Suzan 28 3271 16 years ago 
by Diane
Happy National Adoption Day! leighla 2 891 16 years ago 
by Susan
HUGE NEWS! (Pages: 1 2) Susan 40 4237 16 years ago 
by ttsmom
any fundraising ideas?? ml110 2 1395 16 years ago 
by katalin
Adoption cost CaseyGirl 2 1582 16 years ago 
by katalin
XP: A sweet mommy story... 4monkeys 2 1078 16 years ago 
by karenk71
Can you recommend your adoption agencies or attorneys? UPDATE Sheena 8 2372 16 years ago 
by Susan
Our China Adoption Update Sandra 10 2976 16 years ago 
by Briannasmommy
Pages: << 4 5 6 [7] 8 9 10 >>
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