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Dining In or Out   ::   Sponsored by The Silver Spoon Party Service

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Appetizer Ideas LoriH 6 840 13 years ago 
by caps612
Dulce de Leche MrsD529 6 956 13 years ago 
by PaddysGirl
any positive exp. w/ LI rest. week?? Arieschick29 10 1428 13 years ago 
by FreeButterfly
Latest snack obsession MsSissy 2 674 13 years ago 
by blue11
baby shower location caps612 1 604 13 years ago 
by CoutureMaMa
Chicken in Garlic Sauce Recipe mirla122 1 920 13 years ago 
by missfabulous
zim zari in massapequa pickles16 7 885 13 years ago 
by LightUpMyLife
Anyone ever eat in a Shabu Shabu Restaurant jlk51496 1 566 13 years ago 
by BaysideForever
Sausage and Peppers in a Red Sauce Recipe mirla122 0 762 13 years ago 
by mirla122
I am in charge of desserts for Easter Carolyn 8 1332 13 years ago 
by jilliibabii
Whole house stinking while cooking LightUpOurLife 5 652 13 years ago 
by bklynitaliana
Does anyone have a suggestion for an easy dessert that I can make for 50 people? summerBaby10 14 1367 13 years ago 
by MySunshine
XP can anyone recommend a good sports bar/pub type place with a casual setting and booths? bicosi 1 872 13 years ago 
by BethanyLynn
Has anyone ever made a Turkey London Broil ? pcorazza 3 1096 13 years ago 
by jilliebean
dippin the supermarket?? MamaNDaddyof3 7 4426 13 years ago 
by MamaNDaddyof3
vanilla chobani??? LL514 8 2283 13 years ago 
by Domino
saturday lunch ideas Sweetheart409 8 1142 13 years ago 
by Sweetheart409
Silly poll of the day (Pages: 1 2) LightUpMyLife 27 2228 13 years ago 
by Sweetheart409
Question about food for kids at a party TreAnt427 10 1608 13 years ago 
by Mommy2Boys
quick! good bakery in midtown? jasmine 5 741 13 years ago 
by GinaR
Suggest a place to eat... Pooka 4 675 13 years ago 
by GinaR
Hosting Easter Brunch this year - Need ideas! debbiedee77 7 997 13 years ago 
by TeddyBear922
brunch location? eastern nassau/western suffolk? maymama 11 2110 13 years ago 
by liadorbs
MINI-QUICHE RECIPE NEEDED BaysideForever 1 627 13 years ago 
by SecretTTCer
Advertising in Restaurants.... Really? FreeButterfly 2 669 13 years ago 
by Lisa
Pages: << 312 313 314 [315] 316 317 318 >>
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